I dont think the people leaving do it out of a childish stubborn impulse “cuz they don wanne”. Every single one of them should and probably does know how the market looks and either has better job offers or opportunities lined up. If anything Blizzard is the one losing out here cuz they lose people who know the code and the internal work whereas replacements needs to be trained from zero
Did Ythisens do that? Because I’m pretty sure you just slandered him if you don’t have proof. Also reading comprehension is your friend. I say that only because I said very clearly in the other thread (and will say again) that no tolerance should be shown to those who engaged in Sexual Harassment, nor should such individuals ever be rehired.
But that said, it really is kind of funny when you evoke it now. Just how long are you going to beat that drum like Covid-19 as your grand excuse to duck out of work? “Oh we’re really backed up because of Coronavirus… We’re really backed up, really backed up…”
Meanwhile I’ve gone 3 years without what most counties would class as ‘essential nessecities’ because my utility company is still (not really) backed up, because their planner is a lazy clod.
Get over it mate. Anyone tied to the scandal is either gone, fired, or quit; and they are never coming back. Focus on the problems of CURRENT Blizzard, not past Blizzard. You don’t to use the same tired excuses again and again. Also try not to spam so much.
/leans back and soaks in the hatred and rage like Palpatine
“Yes… Good. Gooooooood.”
oof this does not look good for the future of WoW.
They definitely aren’t going to be trying to cut D4 content. WoW will be first.
I didnt say anything about Ythisens.
You are the one wanting previous people rehired.
Yes. They are gone. And you stated…
I dont hate you, and I am not angry at all? Unless you are referring to yourself?
I’m talking about the QA Divisions and Junior Developers. Your trying to spin it into a call to rehire the delusional sickos and perverts that were doing rotten things in the Cosby Suite. That’s the difference.
Then I am clearly not talking about you am I?
So you feel that the QA and Junior Devs were fired because of DEI? Is there some sort of source on that?
I mean, I guess you can back track. Since you replied to me with your latest rant, its pretty obvious what your implication was.
of course, because i’m in a leadership position and will make sure it does.
my point wasn’t that i (or any other person) is 100% irreplaceable at whatever they do. i was just trying to point out that as your value increases, so does your negotiating power. the idea that “if you work for somebody else your only choices are to shut up and follow orders or quit” only seems reasonable if you’ve never worked beyond entry-level positions.
You sure about that? I was very clearly speaking to Aravani earlier.
If WoW goes, it lives on in Private Servers. Or everyone finds a new fix for their rage since the WoW Forums won’t exist anymore and people will need to do something more productive in life. Might not be a bad thing either!
Wait, no. The dude is trolling and most of what is being said is outright false.
Ythisens was a CM (often referred to as the Yak) here who was part of the big 2019 layoffs before the lawsuits. They laid off about 800 people at ATVI, with a bit over 200 of them at Blizzard. The Community Management teams, esports, publishing, marketing, etc were the big ones impacted. He has never been accused of anything inappropriate that I am aware of, does not drink, and is a very shy quiet person. Does not party and network like that.
NOBODY in that 2019 layoff was impacted by “DEI”. Nobody at Blizzard has been fired because of race, gender, or sexuality. The ones who got actually fired after the 2021 lawsuit were the ones in the engaged in harassment, creating hostile work environments, etc. The ones over at Activision who were involved in that girl’s suicide should have ended up in court.
That would be zero people. Nobody was fired for DEI. You seem to be confusing the 2019 layoffs with post 2021 lawsuit hiring initiatives.
You forgot the part where you injected yourself into the conversation.
This sounds like something someone would do on Spine of Deathwing. Are you friends with Truthspeaker / the player who owns and moderates that site? Just asking for a few friends. :clown:
Gonna toss you both on ignore. Dialogue with either of you is a waste of further time.
but… but… everything i don’t like is dei
No I didn’t.
You responded to me. Specifically to me.
Therefor, you were talking to me.
Are you new to how forums work?
I completely agree that you should run away. When you dont have a point, and you want to constantly back track or play a victim, I can see why you dont want to continue a conversation.
Well if the MS deal goes through, Blizzard presumably won’t have to worry about the turnover anymore, because MS has more money than god and can just assign a bunch of supplementary studios onto WoW.
This cuts more deeply than I have ever known.
Aye! If it was done that way when you did it, then it must be the right way!
The thing people don’t realize, is Microsoft is not going to let Blizzard die. They’ll hire people, perhaps even some of their own Devs and internalize it. But they will make it profitable again. They invested in it after all.
Just randomly leaving a job is a bad decision. Especially for such a silly reason. I know everyone jokes about how people can’t handle stress anymore but can you imagine these people having to fight on Iwo Jima in WWII?
I suspect they would slowly walk up to the Japanese out on Iwo Jima, kneel on the ground and say in very broken Japanese “We don’t want to fight you… We love Anime.” or something very assimilar.
Personal accountability and a solid work ethic beats all. Or as it’s said in MoTU Revelation. “It’s not… ABOUT us!” Meaning in this case, it’s about the collective team as a whole. If people are going to quit and refuse to consider that they are part of something greater, good riddance.
There were days I went to work (not for Blizzard) not so much for myself, but for my crew. Why? Because they needed my help. But that doesn’t enter the brain of someone who is a self-absorbed narcissist. Sometimes it’s about the collective goal and not your personal needs. Sometimes it’s alright to sacrifice if it means your fellows are uplifted.