Employees leaving Blizzard due to RTO

This is becoming more and more an outdated mindset almost globally. Even bastions of “loyalty to a company” like Japan are transitioning away from that mindset. But it’s certainly almost never been true in tech.


This is reason enough to demand everyone go back to the office.


This is how corporatism should work. Corporation does stupid thing → people quit.

The problem is that any developers that left will have 0 issue getting a better paid job given how in demand the skillset is and won’t want to come back

Yeah. We gotta get back to those cube crawls! This will surely improve productivity! :muscle:


I’m not going to pretend I know all the internals of their corporate structure but i know this: Activision wants above all else to make as much money as possible by whatever means necessary.

If their analytics say productivity is up and costs are down then why are they doing this? Do we believe this strongly that everyone working there as management is just a moron who landed as management completely by chance? Is that what this is?

Aren’t Blizzard employees notoriously underpaid by industry standards? Also job hopping is how most tech industry workers get higher salaries anyway


I may be crazy, but I wouldn’t want to live, let alone to drive, to a boring office in Irvine (or most other places in SoCal) unless absolutely necessary. I can’t exactly blame someone if they ran off to better paying or better job opportunities in general.

Yeah, I figured this to be the case. No sympathy for people not returning to the office after how I had to commute daily. Novel idea. Rehire all the people who were fired in the name of DEI. They would GLADLY come back and be in the office on time daily. Hell rehire Ythisens if he’d return. He was one such wrongly sacked employee.

The crisis map is probably a crisis only to them. I wager that they have been told no more over excess of over the top in your face romance stories, yet because they are zealots at heart they are quitting. Good riddance IMHO.

We have had an infection in Blizzard for a while. If it wants to self medicate itself back to a strong position that is apolitical, more power to them. I say this only since some of the “New Batch” were melting down on Twitter about the Musk acquisition and saying they needed to move to HIVE because of it. Keep the ideologues on both sides, and their and their lunacy away from WoW and it’ll do just fine I reckon.


I think this may be the funniest part, to me. One of the places with the most public, provably gross office cultures… wants people back in said office. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was reading an Onion article.

This mindset is the bane of human progress.


I find people who judge others because of their use of popular phrases to be clowns. I guess we’re all judgmental weenies here, huh?

I think that if they are doing a good job working from home, why not? As long as the work performance doesn’t go down, I’d be more inclined to believe if someone said that people working from home in a relaxed atmosphere performed better.


I am not sure I have seen any information regarding this. I saw a few things in the past taken out of context, though.

That’s the beauty of it though. If Blizzard can’t get talent, they’ll have to up their game and offer raises. The thing here is that Blizzard no longer elicits star struck visions of working on the Gold Standard.

When I was training in College in animation and graphic design for a career in the Gaming Industry, many of my class mates wanted to work for Blizzard, and they would of sacrificed much to achieve it.

But the pay? Horrible.

Yet if you made it into the company it got better. The problem? Nepotism did not allow for any easy way to break into the industry. You were hired by a friend, or by a friend who knew a friend, who knew a friend.

The same is happening now, but you have to be a card bearing member of DEI who worships it completely. Failure to do so gets you slandered, and gets people who work with you to privately plot ways to get you fired.

Why? Because in their unstable brains; you are now their enemy and all methods are acceptable in dealing with anyone who is less intelligent than them. So because of that logic, in their eyes you are subhuman scum, undeserving of empathy.

That’s how it was. But now those people are losing it as they have to actually get along with their co-workers and SEE them regularly at the Office. Because they cannot socialize or work on a team properly, even as they make threats or demands in the same breath. When they don’t get their way, they quit. For the same reason as a WoW Poster making a post titled that.

It’s a scream for attention, and Blizzard would be wise to ignore them.

Still Blizzard has to attract people to work for them. So it will have to court talent. Which means a competitive wage will be needed. If they can’t do that, or think they can treat people like peons; the company dies from poor management. But there’s the thing people like the Twitter guy fail to recall.

MICROSOFT won’t let their acquisition die.

So what your seeing is probably a case of rats jumping ship. Same rats that attacked a specific ethnicity on Twitter, removed NPCs of some people, did not remove others that were in the ‘protected class’, and who falsely accused certain voice actors like the Elvish Prince.

In short we’re probably seeing the guys who replaced guys like Ythisens having a temper tantrum because their ‘demands’ to their employers are being ignored (as they should be).

You don’t get to make ‘demands’ of your employer. You get to be glad you have a job, and got in as a non “at-will” Employee unlike the scenarios faced by… say the QA Crews Vivendi used to hire via Volt Workgroups. Zero sympathy for such privileged people crying foul.

So I’ll say it again. Hire back the people who you sacked in the name of DEI.


I actually hope you keep posting more of these… these are some of the best unhinged rants I’ve read on these forums in forever.

If you could include something about drag queens and “our children” in the next one I think we could really take this to the next level.


No No. Bad Aravani. This is the part when your supposed to call me a collaborator of a dead German Dictator to try and score shock value points. Did you forget the memo in your handbook? I’ll be sure to pass the word to the higher ups.

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5… 6 more edits and this will be really solid.

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The ones that sexually harassed others?

Really weird to pretend like someone else should be using more buzzword accusations when your entire rant was a huge buzzword accusation.

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I have been WFH since 2012. A company that has been WFH since its inception, some 20-odd years ago. We have employees living in the West Coast, East Coast and Europe.

Two things:

  1. Blizzard’s pearl-clutching over remote work is ridiculous and churlish. You can absolutely have a sustainable business model working from home, and it’s absurd that any company is squandering energy on this issue.

  2. Not everyone is mentally designed to work from home. You have to be able to compartmentalize, and be able to stay focused on your deliverables. It is extremely easy to get distracted, and I don’t mean by games: the spouse needs your attention, the kids. Your dog needs to go for a walk. You, and your family needs to be able to respect the boundaries you set to focus on work. It is incredibly easy to lose track of time and fall behind.

The answer is simple - to keep WFH for those who want it and let people prove they can’t handle it and use the threat of RTO on an individual basis. That way you incentive your staff, you foster a more productive environment and the threat of having WFH revoked should inspire many to not wool-gather. And for those who thrive on community, redesign the workspace to give them more room. Get rid of the “bullpens” and cubes.

I mean, let’s be real folks. While Henry Ford was a jerk, he was the one who understood that if his workers are given some quality of life improvements, he benefits. We are in a generational and millennial change, whether we want it or not. Blizzard could either be a thought leader in the game development space, or cling to tired, antiquated business practices.


oh you mean the same one who repeatedly harrassed women at the workforce and hit on other mens girlfriends at blizzcons?

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