Happens significantly more time than Andrew having a good idea.
Bloody Andrew.
Happens significantly more time than Andrew having a good idea.
Bloody Andrew.
I mean, the issue is the pay really. It isn’t crazy that bosses want their employees at work.
I like how your reasoning isn’t that office work improves productivity or any objective measurement.
Just that management need to see the peons working. lmao
Tracy talking about her kid’s hockey team is probably going to waste less time than repeat and extended breaks to pet the cat/dog, stream a show, play some WoW, and then post on the forums.
It also leads to the ever increasing degrading mental health of the average worker creating more issues with suicide, depression, social isolation. Then for every employee doing more efficient effective work there is one doing less and taking advantage of the autonomy and reduction of oversight. There is a reason why employers want an RTO environment even though it will effectively cost them in the end more than they gain financially from it.
Then this compiles onto children and schooling primarily remotely, again promoting deterioration of social development, increasing even more instances pediatric mental health intervention.
It’s all bad precedence and I’m scared at this evolving world.
Level 10 alt account say what?
Source: My personal and professional relationships with IT, design, HR, and finance workers who have 1) left jobs because of RTO policies and 2) gotten new jobs with remote/hybrid work companies.
Maybe go level up.
The cat deserves the pats, he is soft and small and oh so needy.
Tracy likes talking about her kids…A LOT. One of the things I’ve found interesting is the studies being done where they reduce work hours (either shorter days or less days in a week) and productivity goes up because just so much of your time in an office is spent on unnecessary crap.
Again, I like how the focus isn’t on net productivity, it’s on the feelings of middle management who apparently don’t feel useful if they can’t oversee the peons.
These two statements are kinda contradictory to each other, really just anti-thetical. Activision-Blizzard is who says what goes and what stays, if the current content in games is garbage, it’s cause the higher-ups are calling the shots and telling devs what they can and cannot do.
Now this is believable, as a new head of corporate and some upper-management changes=actual change to game design.
Not only this, but Microsoft has a better reputation than Activision currently, which means better workers, as well as: more resources from cheapskate Kotick being booted, possibly more R&D to get WoW OFF the RTS WC3 engine that doesn’t support a lot of the capabilities an RPG needs, etc.
They probably won’t ever admit to it, but there’s a hidden element of “distrust” towards the notion of WFH from old-timer/boomer types
If you read between the lines, there’s an implication of
This “suspicion” towards lowbie/non-management workers seems to be mostly a boomer thing/outdated concept
As long as the work/task gets done, who cares if someone is “goofing off on their phone” or “watching Netflix” in the background? I know I really don’t
This “I need to be hovering and looking over his shoulder so he doesn’t goof off on his phone even for a moment!” thing seems to be a unique relic of the boomers/60+ dinosaur crowd
Funny thing is, this same crowd will hire say, a mechanic or a lawyer to do something for them - but won’t demand to “hover over them in-person” while they do their work
When you own a company you can run it however you want. If a company wants to see people working that’s their policy.
Dumb policy. If it can be done at home they should be allowed to do so.
Mid-manager should be the excessive bureaucracy conservatives are railing against as wasteful
I’m sure it can work for some people. But I think for most it’s a slippery slope to just sitting around all day monitoring their email while they do something else.
Not like they’ve been banging out the content over the last 3 years.
If the only way they can gauge work productivity, quality, and deadlines is by “watching” then they are useless. Watching other people work by physically standing over them, or creating a job of just monitoring people, is a waste of money. If they are going to spend that time monitoring they might as well just do the work themselves.
Any good manager who is putting out a schedule, getting assignments back and reviewing them for approval, running meetings and paying attention to input, sees exactly who is working and who is not. Nobody likes lazy, and some lazy pen pusher checking someone is in their seat and did not look at their phone is a waste.
Either the work is done on time and correctly, or the person is removed from a job. Simple. It does not matter HOW they get the work done, or even when - so long as it is done right and on time!
Man, those corporate real estate investors and middle managers sure are upset that things may change that impact their finances. Even though it means workers have a better quality of life without the commute/high costs of living.
Like Google?
Again with this appeal to emotion ‘think of the children’ attitude.
Meanwhile in the adult world…
Its not just Blizzard asking people to come back to the office.
Nobody wants to work!
definitely a different world than i worked in, lol.
you did what your employer required…or you were out of a job and you got to go find a new one.
If someone is meeting the requirements the job sets forth, why exactly do they need to show up for shoddy pizza parties, cubicle drama, and watered down coffee? This isn’t 40 years ago. The world’s different.
This take in general is stupid. “Oh you’re not doing the same work because you’re comfortable doing it!”
It mostly boils down to “we want you to do more work for the same money because it makes our lives easier, but if you ask for convenience or proper compensation we’re kicking you out.”