Employees leaving Blizzard due to RTO

So sayeth people for forty years. Still not feasible.

I don’t think it will take THAT long though.
More like 2300 AD tops.

Technology is advancing way too fast.

Do you think people in the 1920s could have foreseen how fast we got where we are now?

Lol he thinks trades are menial jobs

Well, he’s a desk jockey, so that’s not particularly surprising.

Hey come on, they were traveling to the office and missed it.


Let’s hope Microsoft see dollar signs for player housing XD

Yes, because people are not unilateral. Some prefer to be in office with others or they will starve socially. Furthermore let those that want to WFM do so and the others can go in if they want. Meanwhile it saves on gas/time traveling. Being at home lessens stress.


Mmmno it’s not looking good. Employee morale is low, Dragonflight sales not meeting the mark of previous expansions on launch day, Crisis Map for content that’s not going to make it due to employee attrition, Blizzard union busting and terminating employees for wanting to fight for better work conditions like better pay, not being harrassed in their offices, being able to WFH ect. ect. The list goes on and on and on. But hey if you wanna huff copium then by all means :joy: :joy: :joy:

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My buddy works from home. He spends almost his entire day on WoW. His company pays him $120,000 a year. Work from home isn’t a real thing

Not true, actually. Forbes has an interesting article about people being unable to ‘turn-off’ their work from inside their house.

People selling WFH like its the invention of the combustion engine are like Solar Roadways or the Thorium-powered car:

It’s nice if you don’t apply logic to it. But it completely falls apart with the simplest scrutiny.

Is this a peer-reviewed study that you are gonna link me that scrutinizes work from home or is it some BS that a few wrote an opinion, for a magazine?

I can’t link the story because it’s behind a paywall, but it consists of the World Economic Forum, Goldman Sachs, and Forbes all taking prolonged studies into WFH and finding that Hybrid Schedules are the best way to go.

That’s exactly what Bender wants you to think…

Robots can drive 18 wheelers, I’m sure they can drive dump trucks.

Edit: actually, Volvo is already testing AI trucks without safety drivers for loading/unloading. Looks like you won’t have to wait until the year 8000

did you get the ability to post back yet?

No, I just choose to live in small town where it takes 10 minutes to drive from one side to the other. It’s quieter, more peaceful, cheaper and the competition for jobs is low. I avoid bigger cities like the plague.

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You need to look at the new techs.
There is a construction site that has ALL the machinery remote equipped, to where ANYONE, anywhere in the world, can register and run any piece of equipment remotely. Not just dump trucks. Graders, earth movers, skid loaders, cranes, steam rollers, pavers, etc etc.

Don’t delude yourself thinking it is 8000 years away. You may very well be right about the robots, because they will skip the robot stage and go straight to AI.

I see the news, but I don’t know the people leaving or the details as to why they are leaving. This reminds me of my workplace, people leave all the time. It’s not a bad workplace by any stretch, but different strokes for different folks, sometimes people don’t fit into the culture at work and want to leave.

The company doesn’t die because people leave. Sometimes in rare occasions certain people leaving regardless of their talent the company thrives. In the same sense one bad apple spoils the bunch as the saying goes.

I would rather think that a AAA game studio if they want to stop bleeding good people then someone needs to step up to the plate and set the industry standard in a new way rather than what has become the expected norm.

remote work is tricky only because I would assume in software developing you have a larger reliance on a network working to communicate and transfer ideas, but it would always make more sense.

In my view the pandemic with the thrust to remote work has paved way for the boomer ideology to go the way of the dinosaurs and I honestly hope that it gets more traction. You can work hard and happy from home and you can get out of the expensive and rising costs of living in the city.

There would have to be a limit to distance though because should you be required to come in to the office for whatever reason, you don’t want to have to board a plane once a week and fly in.

As for pay, pay a loyalty bonus based on profits to your people for once and not just upper management. The fact of the matter is this, we all work and the success of any company is not solely based on the ones at the top. The “boots on ground” employees that do the grunt work are the first thing that people see and that vision of quality is reflected by them.

Management can preach all day of what they want employees to do, but it has to be a more fair system that rewards them for their time and sacrifice. I cannot see why any multi million or multi billion dollar company cannot do this and not continue to make profits.

The wealth gap needs to start doing what it was supposed to since the 80’s trickle on down. It’s not doing the world any good sitting where it is and it is creating a suffering economy when people can’t buy what they want.

Anyway, I digress…enjoy the read or don’t.

I feel like the first point gets glossed over a lot. There is a looooot of money in real estate that is getting wasted because of the popularity of remote work.

The powers that be are not happy about it, which is why we’re being drowned in thinkpieces on “ummm commuting 40 minutes to the office each way and spending $17 on a latte and a sandwich is a good thing akshully”.

In real life you get large chunks of your day wasted because you have to nod along to Tracy talking about her kids Hockey Team.

Yeah, I wonder if something was happening two years ago that made WFH mandatory.


“Hey how are you!!!” x20 times a day