Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

That’s not how the chain of command works. You can’t undermine and insult upper management, get away with it, then expect everyone else to take them seriously.


Which on it’s own, would be fine.

But just take a step back and think about it.

Venture Company, this game’s caricature of corporate greed, has been in the game since Vanilla. The jokes are very much in line with how they are portrayed in game now, soulless, evil goblins who only look for profit and damn literally everything else and thus why we fight them almost any time we need to fight goblins.

And this is what offended the Blizzard higher ups?

I’m expecting in a few years time we’re going to have the Venture Company be the heroes by way of union busting or something equally hilarious.


Some of the dialogue were funny… I think someone here had upset Bobby.


Undermining? Insulting? By referring vaguely to a community meme? If you actually believe that you’re a :clown_face: too.


I have thought about it, it’s most people in this thread that I don’t think has thought about it. I’m actually starting to wonder if they have jobs, and I don’t mean that as an insult.

For every person that agrees with this Eric person needs to do an apparently harmless experiment.

Go to your breakroom at work and hang up a sign, poster, letter, etc. making fun of your boss then sign your name to the bottom of it.

Disclaimer: people that work for family don’t count.


Huh no the “yacht” joke is not vague.

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Most of the lines are perfectly fine. Hell, some of them were even used in promotional material for the patch.

But there was one line which was hotfixed out shortly after the patch went live. Care to guess which one? Yep, the ‘Another yacht for me’ line was the one that got removed.

Look, we know that it’s all fun and games to mock Bobby Kotick. Between the devil horns meme of the early 2000s and the ‘Bobby needs a new yacht’ meme that gets used whenever Blizzard adds something to the game that players think is too expensive, there’s no shortage of animosity directed towards him from the players.

But when you’re employed by the guy and he serves as the CEO of the company you work for (or rather its parent company) openly mocking the guy by creating dialogue for an NPC in game is going to fly about as well as a lead balloon.

What’s that line again? Screw around and find out?

Well he screwed around, and now he’s found out.


It is. At worst, it’s a double meaning joke, at best it’s a reference to Goblin yachts, which are a real thing.


Nah that’s not being truthful. The “Bobby’s second yacht” or “another yacht for Bobby” is pretty damn specific but whatevs.

Like I said above, all you brave souls should go make fun of your boss to his or her face in a forum where the public and coworkers can enjoy the fun and see what happens.


I’m convinced that this orc is Bobby’s alt character. log into your goblin bobby we know it’s you


Not when you consider the dude admitted he was taking shots at “corporate greed”. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to put it together.


And that’s what makes it so funny lol. Top top end of ABK’s corporate greed is so obvious that highlighting the in game caricatures of corporate greed can offend them.

I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t been revealed that by corporate mandate, that the Dragonscale Expedition is actually funded and ran by the Venture Company to try and convince us they that corporations are the good guys, honest.





Funny or not, taking shots at your boss in a game that they manage is never a good “career” move within that company.


I know there are yachts in WoW :roll_eyes: However another yacht for Bobby is pretty damn specific. Replacing “Bobby” with “me” is like saying “‘I took an arrow to the elbow’ is totally not a reference to Skyrim. See? I changed a word.” That doesn’t work for Vanilla Ice and it sure as hell didn’t work for that Eric guy.

You mean after he was fired? :clown_face:

Especially when the person you’re mocking is Bobby Kotick, who isn’t known for taking criticism well.

He lamented getting made fun of with the devil horns meme because it was impacting his ability to find a date.

And he deliberately wrote a controversial email using Fran Townsend’s email account (back when the lawsuits first broke) so that when criticism was rightfully thrown at the email and it’s writer, it didn’t impact him (and he even got to throw Frances under the bus later for what he wrote).

This bloke absolutely cannot handle any criticism levelled at him and this genius thought it would be a great idea to mock him publicly when he was his boss’s boss.


The fact that he admitted after doesn’t matter, it was just him confirming the intent behind why he did it. Common sense, some of you really need to start using it…

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So now you’re backtracking because I clearly proved that it was vague when you said it was specific.

It’s called a double entendre. It’s a reference to real wow lore with a possible real life meaning if you’re familiar with memes.

It is vague. You need to acknowledge when you have a L take.

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Fired for openly mocking your boss. Shocking. Let’s try not to sprain something as we feign shock and outrage.