Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

“trigger words”
I didn’t know yacht is offensive now, will have to remember that one.


The official @warcraft Twitter account blocked me for poking fun at their double standards. I don’t consider it a loss.


I’m fairly confident there is.

Look at it from another perspective. How many times has someone come in here and said something like, “All I said was hello in general chat and blizzard permanently banned my account!”

How many times have you heard a one sided break up story where the person leaves out their role in what went wrong?

Getting fired is no different. People are going to downplay anything they were doing that might have contributed to it.

All I’m saying is in cases like these, you should treat it with a healthy dose of skepticism until more is known.


Hmm… Yeah, I can see Bobby taking that personally and acting in retribution.


brb, listening to Somebody That I Used to Know again. :dracthyr_nod:


I’m going to agree with Zuma on this one because it doesn’t matter if the jokes are true or not, you don’t make fun of your boss then cry to the world when you get fired.

This is like picking up a hot pan without an oven mitt then throwing a fit over 2nd degree burns.

Btw, I think the dialogue he posted was pretty damn funny and wish it did make it to the game.

Dude, you should know that people don’t need proof if it’s something they agree or have an agenda with.


Where is the other side of the story here? I’m with others here, let’s hear from the amazing, trustworthy management team whose integrity and honesty is simply unimpeachable, then we can truly make an informed decision about this situation.


Truth hurts for Bobby.


Almost never at the time the information firsts breaks; I suppose we may have the full picture in the coming weeks.

Well, Bobby still has a job and the other guy doesn’t so who is really hurt here?

I think this Eric guy needs to learn to pick his battles.


Lesson to be learned here.

Don’t be makin fun of rich folks and their yachts. They are very sensitive.


He was probably looking to leave anyway.



Imagine how fragile of an ego you’d have to have to consider a light harmless jab a fireable offense.


I will say this though. The absolute hilarity of this situation is, assuming it’s true, that the in game depiction of corporate greed could hit too close to home to ruffle some feathers is fantastic.

Especially since the Venture Company has been in the game since Vanilla and have always popped up when we needed particularly villainous goblins to fight. So to see people acting as if this would be considered “biting the hand” is just…fantastic lol


There is an old saying “You don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. The guy knew exactly what he was doing and even pointed out that he is calling out “corporate greed” and then taking a shot at the person in charge of the branch he works at. Yeah, he stepped into this one.


Rule of thumb.

Don’t mock someone who can have your job faster than you can say ‘oops’ even if you’re trying to be funny.


Huh? That fat goblin boss Gallywix has a yacht it’s in the goblin starting experience.

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Gotta feel bad for the guy, writing wow quest dialogue for 9 years?

I think I’ve read like 4 of them!

Hopefully he finds a place that appreciates his talents. Whatever they happen to be…


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Honestly glad he did that and offended upper management. The only mistake he made was making this so public. It could be fine, but I think any company he applies for will take this into consideration and hold it against him. Gotto be smart when you wanna play these types of games.

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