Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

I want to say I remember hearing about or seeing one in relation to Gallywix in the Cataclysm stuff. Like…that’s how they all escaped the starting island after Deathwing blew up the mountain, or something.


Gallywix literally owns a yacht that’s visible in game.


the only yacht that existed was Gallywix’s yacht and it sank when you played goblin intro

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Or and stay with me now, it was a generic reference to corporate greed.


hardly generic though, is it.

in fact, it’s very specific.


You act like that changes anything.


I don’t really pay attention to Twitter in any capacity, if I’m being honest lol.

That platform has had folks arguing on it since its inception.


if there was goblin yachts everywhere including in BfA you could have had a point

but you don’t

it was a bad joke and the dude got GOT


Except “Yacht” is a generic term that can be applied to boats that are used for pleasure, sailing, or racing.


No my point still stands, but good on you for standing Blizzard.


i guess that’s an american definition…
to the rest of the world, a yacht is a … yacht.
with sails.
powered primarily by wind.

not that it matters.

get righteous about it all you want.
the intent was clear.

don’t smack-talk about the boss.

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Again, making assumption, but feel free to live in your echo chamber.


Nowadays they are just big boats. No need for sails or wind power.

Pro tip. My grandpa had a beautiful sail boat and we hung around the Marina lots.

You’re not arguing in good faith.


you mean continue to live our lives as trigger words don’t affect us? sure!

the dude made a bad joke and insulted someone. He got in trouble and terminated he got.

you’re the one whos infatuated by the drama

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They don’t affect you but you still refer to them as trigger words?

OK, bud.


“There is no nailed down definition of what makes a yacht a yacht, but most boaters consider a yacht to be any type of sea vessel that is used strictly for recreational or pleasure purposes like cruising, entertaining, water sports, fishing, or year-round accommodations.”


I mean I think the odds are low that he wasn’t talking about bobby kotick in relation to the one line of dialogue but I still think it’s a bit harsh. This harms nobody in the end and is actually a bit funny.


A couple lines of text seems to be a bit extreme to fire a 9 year employee with no reprimand. Perhaps he had multiple violations over the years and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You have to be careful when you trash talk to bosses and where you put it.


I didn’t read anything into it until it was pointed out to me today.

Otherwise I would have remained blissfully unaware of any remote potential connection.

Ppl gotta learn to take themselves less seriously. It’s even more worisome when powerful people lose control at mere words.

I can’t speak to the value of Eric the employee. However the dialog was funny. And I am in the dark about the politics of the CEO. I honestly didn’t think he was a bad dude. Just a figurehead desperately trying to salvage his company during scandal, rightly or wrongfully. Maybe even just following the advice of the lawyers to admit absolutely nothing.

Reading the quote from Erics termination letter, I just don’t see it in this particular segment of quest dialog. Maybe there’s something else we don’t know about. He seems like a professional to me going off his LinkedIn.

Stuff like this is very bad for us hobbyists because it can really destroy the moral of the remaining devs or cause infighting and make it extremely hard for blizzard to hire quality developers. No one wants to work in a job where they can get fired for a perceived and very questionable slight.

As a person who due to irl circumstances has suffered far worse than digs at my greed. I feel like firing Eric solely for this would be an egregious overreaction. If I helmed Blizzard I would want to know if this guy was doing good for the company and if customers liked his content before considering firing him.

That said. There’s already a lot of bad blood and drama between the executives and the lower echelon employees which is never a good thing. I’ve seen that destroy bigger and more critical organizations than Activision Blizzard.

The MMO market really does need another high fantasy competitor to WoW at this point. FF14 doesn’t really cut it for me. Even tho I have nothing against cat girls in bikinis personally, they just break the immersion of the whole dwarfs, orcs, elves, men … thing. And WoW for a time did really well with the scourge and Forsaken and whole lovecraftian bent while remaining humorous and inclusive of all the other fantasy races like Goblins.

I guess we can’t make fun of them goobers no more.

I feel like this is critical in the definition of a yacht, like can you comfortably live on it for several months at a time? If yes, yacht!


As much as people hate big corporations/companies and the way they behave so deplorably at times, the rule of biting the hand that feeds you still matters no matter what company or employer you work with.