Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

This is all ridiculous. All of it.

The quotes in question describe the Venture Co. They exemplify corporate greed, taken further and bloated to fantasy sized proportions for the sake of humor and entertainment. They were designed and created for exactly this purpose: to mock corporate greed.

These quotes made it through prerelease work reviews and made it all the way past string lock. This implies noone saw issue with it at first, and lends to either the idea all the review devs and managers liked the reference, or that superiors saw their reflection in a joke regardless of whether it was aimed at them and took the most severe of corporate action.

The yacht reference arguably could refer to Kotick. Yachts are commonly associated with the rich. Quotes referencing them exist in pop culture… it isn’t a reference that Kotick invented, just one he contributed popularization to.

Firing this employee all but cemented in these quotes, ensuring attention (public or otherwise) and guaranteeing that everyone saw this as a reference to Kotick. When in reality wow players don’t care about these in that manner or gravity, and everyone who plays the game knows this.

It’s like how few to nobody really noticed the paintings in the Scarlet Monastery until attention was drawn when they were converted to fruits so that the company could show “solidarity” towards women and feminism.

Then you have these defenders coming in treating this as if it were a case of direct slander or insult by name, or as if it were a case warranting maximum punishment. Normal people can tell the difference, you know

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He is in prime location to his Yacht’s. How have you not considered this.


At this point we’re running in circles.

You have your view, I have mine until, or if more of it is elaborated on.
Plus, it’s all pretty silly, we can agree on that can’t we?

I’d even go as far as saying that this whole goblin story is better than any lore we’ve recieved in retail for like 3 expansions. Particularly the final cinematic for the most recent boss (could they have at least tried?).

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I’m siding with the employee with this one. If upper management got so offended at this why did they greenlight this as a promotional material on their official twitter. The dudes job was to write jokes on a faction that embodies greed.

I ain’t buying it, sounds like a vendetta to me.


You realize that promotional material like that is scripted right?

So the higher ups who approved the material saw the goblin, saw the selected lines that were used by the goblin in that promotional material (all of which are still in the game, as is the goblin) and gave the nod to that.

There was one line the goblin says, and one line only that got yanked in a hotfix a week after the patch went live, and it wasn’t one shown in the promotional footage.

Anyone who doesn’t understand this still lives at home with mum and pop.

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And everything that was said had to go through approval, even before string locked. so where is the firing for the one who approved it?

Once again, it sounds like a communications issue, which is hardly surprising aat blizzard and an employee was used as a scapegoat.

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Bobby just pulled a “there is no war in Ba Sing Sa” and blamed unions for the sexual harassment claims
Dude is digging that hole like he thinks there’s gold at the bottom

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Normal people should also be able to see that we’re not defending Bobby Kotick. I don’t think this Eric guy should have been fired and it was a bad reaction. I think the lines he wrote were funny.

However, that’s irrelevant to the point being made. In the normal world, you don’t get to write a joke at your boss’s expensive, share it with coworkers and the world, then expect to keep your job.

None of you people calling us “defenders” and “bootlickers” are being honest with yourselves. We both know that you would not do something like, draw a picture of a likeness of your boss, have it show them in a negative light, sign your name at the bottom of the picture, then post that picture on the front of their business.

Anyone that said they would falls into three categories:

  • Liars
  • Works for family or best friend from grade school
  • Got permission from their boss, with parameters, like Matt Groening did with Futurama.

Plus, there’s the fact that if you are still giving money to Bobby Kotick, you are also a “defender” and “bootlicker” of his. So yes, in that regard I’m a defender and bootlicker but if you’re able to post in this thread, you are too. We should form a club.


I think they should be called Lightflurry now.

I hope a good company hires them up. Sucks what happened. D:

If I was the owner of a gaming company, I wouldn’t touch this guy with a 10-foot pole. I wouldn’t want him running to Twitter to talk smack about my company every time his fee-fees were hurt.

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Bro, you’re thinking too hard. Blizz is too big to NOT fire people smack talking them. Mfers are REPLACABLE and theyve shown that over the years.

They dont got a rep to keep wt this point cause people gobble up their games.

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Other creative writing jobs.

Because their job is to make funny jokes. And the joke was funny.

Ever watched an old fox show?

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Why does anyone care about ego blizzaed does or does not fire

Dude didnt fet fired for the diolog it was something else and he just aint sayin what it is

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There are other states for his toys. More business friendly ones for sure with much lower taxes.

So Blizzard saw themselves in a goblin and assumed it was aimed at them. Even if they are right, this is weak af. Something Bobby would approve of.

I can get behind this. He should use this opportunity to move out of the worst state.

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Goblins gotta goblin.