Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

And most of those lines are perfectly fine.

Want to take a guess at which one got him fired? I’ll give you a hint, it was the line that got hotfixed out a week after the patch went live.

If you’re not clear about which one that is, it’s the “Looks like another Yacht for me.” line. Even the employee acknowledges that it went live and was in the game for a week before it got patched out.

And if you’re still not clear as to why that’s not okay. That line is specifically referencing the meme of ‘Bobby needs a new yacht’, so yeah, poking fun at Bobby when he’s your boss’s boss? Not the smartest idea.

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gasp the consequences for my actions! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!

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Might have been a “joke” to him. But when you are making a fool out of the top man ( and he knew he was making a fool out of him ) you have to expect to be fired.

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He claims to have not targeted anyone in particular, and the dialogue doesn’t sound aimed at anyone. Just stuff you’d expect a Goblin to say.

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The dialogue wasn’t targeted at anyone. It’s lampooning generic corporate greed, as Goblins have been doing since release.

The only difference in this instance is a bigwig saw it, and his kneejerk reaction was the fire the writer of these particular lines.

I wish the man well in his slamdunk wrongful dismissal suit.

Bobby Yachtick does not need any protecting from anyone lol. Goblins gonna be goblins.

“slamdunk lawsuit” tell me you know nothing about litigation without telling me you know nothing about litigation"

Blizzard isn’t watching dude, calm down.

Yea, the yacht line was not aimed at Bobby at all.
I wish I could be that ignorant to even consider it was just a “random” greed comment.

If you become the tumor of the company, as in you spent your entire time mocking your own company on social media, staging a walkout everytime you get the chance, opposing every company’s policy.

Then perhaps you don’t actually want to work at said company, at that point, firing you would not only benefit yourself, it would also benefit the company as a whole.

Its a win for both side, i sincerely hope he get to find a company where he actually enjoy working in.

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The people who don’t think that was a targeted line make me shake my head and sigh.

Like, how can people be that ignorant?

Bobby Kotick isn’t stupid, he knows about the memes created about him. He complained quite openly about the devil horns meme that was impacting his social life. So yeah, he knows about the ‘Bobby needs a new yacht’ meme.

But while we, the random masses, can make memes about Bobby Kotick and his greed all day without fear of consequence, the same cannot be said for anyone working within Activision Blizzard or any of its subsidiaries. You poke the bear, you will get bit.

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My boy my sub is ending on the 14th, i’m just vibin on the forums till then.
Pretty dead argument to make here.

Again, someone looked in a mirror and didn’t like what they saw.
You can apply these to any CEO as someone already stated, and the in game lore is correct for these characters. It was good enough to stay in the game even after he was fired, and was good enough for advertisement. The only ignorance being feigned is on your end.

Please tell me if you have information the rest of us don’t, because from the sound of it, it was completely avoidable if the person didn’t get personally offended by some lines that only tied to making fun of corporate greed.

Blizzard has had plenty of time to make a statement but still hasnt.

Nobody’s protecting him. We’re just (apparently in vain) trying to tell some of you guys that this is how the world work. You want someone to sign you a paycheck, don’t insult him even through your work. Its that simple.

Literally everything else discussed around this topic is semantics.

Not writing these lines of dialogues or at least not referencing obvious jokes at the expense of his boss would had avoided this whole thing. But why take responsability for something when you can just blame others.

Also they probably haven’t released a statement because none of this is of public interest. Guy probably burnt a ton of opportunities by posting this on Twitter as well because of that. Employers don’t like drama queens publicly airing internal affairs, go figure.

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I don’t get it, are yachts some kind of racist dogwhistle or something? Genuinely dont know what the issue is.

My guess is there is more to the story… because there always is…

Bobby Yachtick is fun to say. The man has been photoshopped as all kinds of goblin from booty bay pirate to gringotts banker. Some nerves were struck.

Gobby Kotick :japanese_goblin:

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Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was completely oblivious about all the jokes being made about his corporate team specifically. He’s still an employee of a publicly-traded company. With a corporate team. Even if Blizzard wasn’t subject to all this criticism, it’s still a stupid idea to make fun of the higher ups generally if not specifically.

Again, he can have the moral high ground. But he was still a moron for jeopardizing his livelihood like this. You need to play a little politics in any workplace to maintain employment. He decided that he was above these politics. And he paid the price for that pride.