Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

Yup, it would increase profits while stopping all those money grabbing lawsuits.

So we’re absolutely never allowed to criticize blizzard because we bought a subscription?
That… doesn’t have any logic behind it, nor does the rest of this post.
All of you want to turn this into something it isn’t, just to say “wElL hE sIgNs ThE pAyChEcK rIgHt?”, bro we get that the boss has the right to fire an employee, we’re still allowed to criticize the company for doing it.
You’re making strawman arguments for a completely different situation to try and prove your point, it’s just getting sad.

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employees don’t exist to lick the company’s boots.

So he was more or less fired for antisemitism?

< Valdrakken Yacht Club > now recruiting for random battlegrounds and general trolling.

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Depends on the employment contract you sign at the time of hiring. There are some pretty insidious “morality” clauses that try to include criticism.

Or if you work for a US company. That seems to be the prevailing attitude of the US corporate world view.

I guess we can all see where this one was pointed at if that was his intention. But I doubt it. To fire someone inside a company after 9 years of employment, you are one harsh person. Nuff said. It shows you their business model.

its why ill never do contract work in the us.

No, that wasn’t my point.

I’m really sick of seeing people in this thread calling others “boot lickers” when they’re paying the same sub as the so called “boot lickers.”

It’s fine if we disagree but let’s not be hypocrites.

That the higher ups at Blizzard look at the greedy amoral capitalist caricatures in their game and see themselves reflected so closely that it offends them is amazing.

So much so that they’ll cause the Streisand Effect by firing someone over it.

Irony turning around and biting them. I hope they lost sleep over it too.

I live in the US and agree with this :sob: