Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

Kotick has got to be one of the most insufferable little worms in AAA gaming and I’m getting reaaaalll sick of him stepping on the toes of ANY of Blizzard’s people. Keep taking a dump all over your cash cow, dummy; real smart business decision, there?

And what else gets me: he could take his millions and GO. He doesn’t HAVE to be a thin-skinned, prickly little man-baby over a YACHT joke.

“Oh, NO! The biggest caricature of greed and industrialization in A VIDEO GAME made fun of me, waaaahh” lol what a joke.

PS: I stick around because it’s been pretty funny watching a billion-dollar Fortune 50 strangle itself. The people who work hard on this game deserve better.

So because the CEO is a whiny manbaby with a fragile ego, everyone has to tiptoe around him and grovel to appease him? And you’re okay with that, enough so that you’d be willing to call anyone who offends him in the slightest “petty”?

How was it any more specific then the rest of the generic goblin dialogue put into the game that references greedy penny pinching money grubbing behavior? Is any time a greedy overweight character put into the game (Like Gallywix) a slight against the bossman?

You’re being very disingenuous here. Can you please clarify these points?


Every time I’m feeling a little better about playing a Blizzard game something new comes out. Dude deserves a public apology.

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This is all the proof I need. Typical memory hole behavior.

Absolutely, if you want to remain employed by him. You’d be stupid not to. The moral high ground has its price.

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Yeah Cause Bobby is the only rich guy who buys Yachts like seriously guy did his job and was fired for it because a joke touched to close to home for Bobby.

These forums utterly vex me sometimes. Everyone is so quick to bemoan capitalism and lampoon the rich. Any time Blizzard makes a bad decision like cancelling OW PvE, Releasing Diablo Immortal, Banning Blitzchung, Releasing WoW tokens, or adding battle passes to their games, everyone is quick to jump on the bandwagon of “Blizzard greedy! Greed bad! Down with evil corporate suits! Fire Bobby Kotick!”

But when one of those corporate suits abuses his power and takes it out on his employee’s in petty, vindictive, and spiteful ways, suddenly everyone is like “He signs your paychecks, be grateful.” “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” “You should respect your boss and be thankful.” “Mess around and find out”.

It’s so jarring and offputting to see people espousing positive social values and promoting change, and then on a dime they’ll switch to accepting the status quo, criticizing anyone who goes against the grain for “not knowing better”. It’s victim blaming at it’s very core.

You see someone making a stand for positive social change, everyone rallies behind them with thunderous applause, but when said person gets fired, everyone pulls a 180º and starts making fun of the guy for not knowing better than to offend your boss.

Why do people act this way? Not sure. As I mentioned in a lengthy response in one of the other threads, I believe these forums have a rampant troll problem of people switching their views on a dime just to be contrarians simply because arguing with people on the internet is what makes them happy, regardless if they agree with who they’re arguing with or not.

Again, you see this all the time. Someone makes a post saying “We need to tone down the diversity in the game” and everyone starts hating on the OP, calling him a bigot/racist/homophobe/transphobe and that we need MORE representation in the game because diversity is good. Then someone different will make a new post saying “We need more diversity in the game” and those SAME EXACT PEOPLE will start hating on the OP, calling him a whiny sjw snowflake, and that we DON’T need more representation, and that things are fine the way they are.

It’s almost impossible to take anyone seriously anymore. One moment everyone is throwing shady at bobby, the next, they’re defending him for firing employees on a whim for petty reasons.

It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that you can’t trust anyone on these forums. Everyone is so negative and miserable that the only way they can make themselves feel better is to just drag down whatever thread they’re in, no matter what the subject is.

I don’t know why I bother anymore.


Bobby isn’t the one that fired him, it’s his upper management, or as you say “The Blizzard People” that you worshipped.

Bobby probably doesn’t even noticed him.

You overestimate how much money the WOW team made compared to other ATVI franchises.

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It’s almost like there are different groups of people with different opinions and we’re not a hive mind.

Amazing isn’t it?

Just to hash over my opinions on each of those by the way:

  • Cancelling OW2 PvE: Completely understandable, healthy for the game.
  • Releasing Diablo Immortal: The actual game is fine, the monetization is a mess.
  • Banning Blitzchung: Deserved, even Blitzchung knew what he was doing was wrong. Punishment was overly harsh, so that being reduced was fine.
  • Releasing WoW Tokens: No issue there, less illegal RMT is perfectly fine in my book.
  • Battle Passes: No issue there, service games need to remain profitable or they will end up dying like Heroes of the Storm.

Yeah, different opinions on the same topic. Agreed.

That seems pretty normal to me.

If im going to buy a hotdog, and i see the employee is fighting the manager 24/7, my reaction will always be “I just want my hotdog”, but if i receive a garbage hotdog because the employee is using their time to “fight” the employer, im going to be pretty upset about it.

Im paying 15$ a month for this product, and i expect a good product, that’s all i care.

I know I’m one of the people they’re talking about and what’s funny is I’ve never said “Fire Bobby”, “the rich is evil” or any of that nonsense they’re claiming.

I think this person just has conversations with themselves.

Imagine firing someone for doing their job, because you relate to the dialogue too much.

Also lol @ all the people coming to defend the multibillion dollar company. Yes, someone is going to publicly libel the company from their twitter account, which clearly identifies them and their case. /s

Perhaps Blizzard isn’t worth defending, especially after the whole sexism/sexual harassment lawsuit? We know you’ll play the skeptic no matter what to defend wealthy executives, but this is just stupid.


Imagine not understanding that actions have consequences.

And that taking shots at your boss’s boss will get you fired no matter what job you’re doing.

I mean seriously, at this point it’s blatantly clear that the people who are saying: “No, this is fine.” either have really chummy relationships with their superiors or haven’t worked in a seriously professional workplace in their lives.

Hell I was a bus cleaner and I can tell you flat out, if I made fun of my boss by say, writing in the dirt layer that happened to be on a bus, I’d have been tossed out on my rear faster than I could say “Get the bleach.”

Genius did you even read the thread?

He points out that they literally used footage of goblins saying these lines in promotional content.

Y’all lick boots as a reflex.

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How long did you unsub for the harassment thing, fellow boot licker?

Two years, you?

None. You can of course prove that you have no achievements for those two years right?

Feel free to creep my profile

Nah I’m not going to creep a profile of someone that turned off their alt’s account wide achievements.