Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins


But it’s still an incredibly stupid move to so transparently take a pot shot at your employer, “deserved” or otherwise, and expect said employer to ignore and accept it without repercussion when you know the very trait you are criticizing them for would lead them to pettily firing you.

Again we’re back to feelings and assumptions.

I used to manage in a restaurant and the kids from my team were asking me to come back even months after i left.

Your main defenses for the guy are his own obviously biased account and personal attacks towards me when all i’m saying can boil down to “respect your employer if you want to keep your job”.

Did the guy deserve to be fired? Based on that alone prolly not, certainly not in my personal book (since we seem to always go there).

Did he expose himself to being fired by doing this? Sadly yes.

That’s all there is to it in the end.

I feel i’m arguing with teenagers who are barely coming to grasp with the concept of autority at this point. Do what you want, be a social activist within your own companies if you want, screw around all you want.

Just stop crying when consequences show up at the door.

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It’s fitting that on my screen, there is a picture from Variety of the original loot goblin, Good OL BOBBY K right underneath, looking very much like their swamp king. I thought he was out of the company, what happened.

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No, it isn’t. An employee is the face of a company. If you’re going to bash your own company, the people who pay you, then good riddance. They deserved to be fired. I hope they enjoy explaining in their next interview they they had no regard for their prior place of employment.

But, as usual, most of the forum doesn’t understand how the actual world works.

Let’s be honest, nobody in this whole scenario is above suspicion, either side or even BOTH could be lying if we’re realistically considering company and ex-company…

He’s out when/IF the Microsoft deal goes through, Phil Spencer personally doesn’t like Kotick and when he takes over will also make his job as CEO redundant. He’d either be demoted or fired/let go either way… provided the deal goes through and Microsoft is the new corporate overlords.

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Can’t wait for people to realize Spencer will also be legally bound to maximize profits for the shareholders and most likely gonna have to make very similar decisions as Kotick.

He might just be smart enough to not go out of his way to sound like a James Bond villain in interviews, unlike good ol’ Bobby.

People will hate him just as much. Just have to see how fast everyone’s opinion of Ybarra shifted, he went from “gamer bro” to “soulless corpo” within a week simply because he had to abide to a decision made above him.

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the line “If only I was a Master Looter”
Remember this NPC that was removed?

You know… Just stupid.
I don’t get why it was the Yacht that was the offensive one other than a personal issue from someone who actually cares about Yachts.

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I’ll concede to that, the employer is incredibly petty, and they do have the right to fire anyone over anything.
But i’m not going to agree that this was fair for the employee writing joke dialogue for a faction that would 100% canonically say all of these lines. This is the most indirect way of taking a potshot, and in the end it speaks on the company itself if that’s all it takes to lay someone off.
I’d hope there’s more to this, because if it came down to him losing his job over this menial issue, why would anyone ever apply to blizzard other then to have it on there resume?

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How do you know he wasn’t talked to before he was fired?

If you’re complaining about this and keeping your sub active, you’re licking the same boot they are.

It’s a sweet, sweet American boot, isn’t it? Does it taste like a brand new yacht?


The yacht joke is very closely associated with his CEO. He knew what he was doing when he wrote that, plausible deniability be damned. He rolled the dice and lost.

Its closely associated with every CEO. The rich having Yachts as a joke is quite a common saying, especially in the US. The only reason why you might have more exposure to people saying Bobby’s Yacht club is because he’s the CEO of the company you’re playing games from.

He even clarified it’s a generic corporate greed line, and not directed at anyone in particular.


It was a dog whistle pot shot at his management team. You know it. He knew it. And management knew it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I don’t agree with certain corporate decisions made at my place of employment. But they are my employer regardless. After voicing my concern directly and diplomatically, I keep my mouth shut and promote the company line. I certainly do not insert thinly veiled passive aggressive jokes into the product and cry foul when I face the consequences for that.

You make it sound like him getting fired was completely unavoidable.

Passive aggressive for what? Making fun of the rich? Isn’t that the entire culture of the Goblins? Isn’t almost every line put into the game for them some kind of money-grubbing comedic insert?

Funny how they were using the goblins as a pastiche of the greed of corporations for nearly two decades without issue. It’s almost like making the same jokes that target the management team crossed a line. Declare your own ignorance as much as the fired employee is doing - it matters not. He knew he was crossing a line. And he was called out.

No one in this situation is the “good guy.” It’s just both parties being incredibly petty with no winning side.

Whose management team? His? You do realize Bobby has no involvement with the actual development of the game itself?

You still haven’t explained to me how it’s “petty”

Loot goblins are mischievous greedy creatures that steal and only care about money. All of the lines written for them are meant to taunt the players chasing them. The “joke” in this case was harmless, and if you’re going to sit here and try and tell me that any line written that vaguely insults the rich is worthy of firing, then are you advocating that everyone on the writing team that designed the Goblin starting zone should be canned?

I feel like the big thing people are missing here in regard to this particular employee…

Is that apparently Blizzard used those same quotes that he got fired for in their advertising…

and I am assuming they were not removed from the game, despite being so egregious and horribly mean and insulting that it was worth firing an employee over?


Where did I say that? I overtly said it was petty.

But you’re being just as disingenuous as he is by saying that these particular lines weren’t specifically targeting those higher than he on the ladder. No one else got canned for goblin dialogue. He was. There’s a reason, invalid or otherwise.

Dude took a jab and got one popped back. It’s like… I don’t go down to my local drug house and start flashing wads of cash around. Yeah, it’s technically illegal for a crackhead to mug me and they’d certainly be in the wrong, but that hardly matters. I’d be stupid to do that because I would get mugged, moral high ground or not.

I can only assume he thought he was tapping into the current zeitgeist of demonizing Blizzard leadership - with good reason, mind you - and pushed his luck by getting in some snide remarks within the product itself. That crossed a line.

He has the moral high ground. It came at the cost of his continued employment. And it was entirely his decision to make that gamble.

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It was specifically targeting a generic group of people that are at the highest of any company’s ladder. What makes you think that targeting the rich is Blizzard specific? Is Blizzard the only company that has a greedy CEO that unfairly makes 500x more than his employees?

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Doesn’t matter what I think. It matters what that CEO thinks. And play the fool all you want - we both know that we both raised an eyebrow at how specific that dialogue was when we first found that rare.