Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

Except you people don’t know which way us up when complaining. If he’s as bad an car removed from it as people say he’d never know about an obscure line. I’m calling bs

As of this moment 0 upvotes on your post. Very telling.

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it only has one sail. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep it’s all a bunch of chest thumping.

I see a lot of people that were down right ANGRY at the assault claims from years ago still posting today. But hey, all that matters is you’re ANGRY! That means something, not sure what, but it’s something.

Literally forced to work on a project that only exists because my VP refused to listen to me.

That’s just how some “leaders” are. No awareness.

There’s rumors that Kotick is very thin-skinned. So while Kotick likely never saw it. Someone high up did, and probably terminated the employee as a way to avoid a ‘boss blow-up’.


Lol. Seems like I really got under Blizzard’s skin with that one. Wellp, it was nice knowing you guys.

Btw, to the person replying to me right now: I’m not trying to mock you per se so much as the idea you presented. I know it was a devil’s advocate type of thing. I just think people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT are stupid. No hard feelings. I just get incensed seeing that kind of American brainwashing.

Matter of fact, let me delete that last post so I dont get banned again and rephrase it here with gentler words:

This is not a smart way of looking at this situation. This is a man who wrote logical dialogue for a greedy goblin and got fired because someone in charge was a thin-skinned little [redacted] boy who couldn’t handle seeing his own reflection in a Venture Co executive.

This isn’t a matter of sharing a company’s values or not. What a ridiculous way to frame this. Maybe if Blizzard’s bosses werent such snowflakes, and actually treated their employees decently, people wouldn’t be leaving in droves.

So sure I guess. Blizzard has the right to fire anyone for any reason. And thus, the brain-drain will continue. What a smart plan /s

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Yes if they sink the company doing that it will be their own fault and expose them to an endless barrage of lawsuits as they’re a publicly traded company.

Welcome to having responsabilities.

I’m going to guess that risk was calculated when they made the decision though.

Bro that sounds…exactly like what Blizzard would do.

I already posted the full story and it comes with extra context verifying at least the broad strokes of his story. If you just dont like watching Youtubers then I dont know how else to educate you on this. Not like national news is covering this story.


…see, I’d agree if it wasn’t for the fact that the dialogue this guy wrote was completely in-character for the NPCs in question.

Like, literally every line of dialogue made perfect sense for a Venture Co. goblin.


The person you’re responding to is willfully ignorant of obvious context, as is everyone shoving their heads in the sand and making excuses for Blizzard. No point engaging.

Gonna sound harsh but the guy was probably easily replaceable.

Or we just understand how the real world works. The fact you think this is a Blizzard-thing shows you have limited work experience.

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Acting as if some dialogue from greedy goblins is truly going to hurt your employers feelings to the point of being fired, and it being justified, is pretty cringe.
I get what you mean, but this isn’t the situation you’re making it out to be. It wasn’t even an act of retribution. Do you even know anything about this or did you read “employee fired” and assume the employer was in the right?

Its not even a matter of right or wrong. If he was really terminated for that reason, yes its completely pueril of whoever took that decision, assuming it was a lone incident and the person who got fired didn’t have a whole bunch of other stuff filed.

But still he poked the bear, a bear that had rights to stop providing him with employement if he wanted to.

Honestly lets reverse the situation and say you employ someone and they constantly take potshots at you, are you going to willingly keep them around?

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So you’re gonna move your goal posts because your point is becoming less and less valid in this scenario.
Fine, i’ll play.
If my employees were taking potshots at me, i’d talk to them about it as a reasonable employer would. Especially if it was as mild as this case is, where the in game lore paired with the dialogue that was given. I would hear out my employee, and hear out there frustrations if they had any.

I wouldn’t throw a child tantrum and throw them out the door because my feelings got hurt, especially if they’re doing there job well.

Again, you’re turning this into something it isn’t. Do your research on this instead of bootlicking blizzard because they sign the paychecks. The american in you is showing.

“Time to get back to the office” as a death line?

lol. Thats clearly a stab at forced RTO and out of character

This dude publically shamed his CEO and expects to keep his job. Thats been a no brainer for centuries. Entitled no doubt.

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I’m half french half Canadian lmao.

I’m not bootlicking anything, specially not Blizzard, company sounds like a hellscape.

But people applying to it prolly also know fully well how its managed. If you can’t deal with it don’t go there?

I just think a lot of you guys had it really easy if you think risking stable employement is worth it to “stick it to the man”. I’m mostly trying to make you realize that before you figure it out yourself but maybe that’s unavoidable.

When an employee is fired, there is usually something that the employee did, multiple somethings in most cases, that caused their own termination. Every once in a great while though there is some weird conspiracy or coverup. We only know one side of this story either way.

bro he worked there for 9 years he didn’t just start out

Why did you stick to the least important part of my message?

The fact you’re turning this into a case of “employee makes employer mad and gets fired” to water it down, is pretty wild. Again, all you have to do is the smallest bit of research and find out how in the wrong blizzard was in this.

You’re miscontruing the entire argument to fit your narrative of “biting the hand that feeds you” when it wasn’t even a case of that. It was, to quote the man that was fired “someone in upper management saw a reflection and didn’t like it” it wasn’t even directed at anyone specifically. You could make an argument for the “yacht” comment, but even then do you genuinely think someone should be fired over that? If so, please don’t ever move up into management, you’d be a terrible employer like these guys are turning into.

he owns 4million shares - they aren’t going to remove him. Plus 36k signatures in 2 years, you sure are going to show him.