Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

Its called being a society parasite. And we are fighting back with things like that. Hope activision blizzard enjoys the bad press from the internet. Literal financial terrorists such as Citadel, Blackrock etc own activision blizzard stock. I couldnt care less

You’re fighting back by… getting fired?

Either way, i don’t disagree there’s problems with late stage capitalism. CEOs like Kottick making over 500x the salary of their average employee is absurd etc. I don’t disagree with any of that.

But the cold, harsh, grounded reality is that if you recieve money from someone, you’re expected to do what he wants. Full stop.

Otherwise he’ll stop paying you, plain and simple.

If that bothers you there are ways around it, but they might involve more risks and require more time and efforts than showing up to a 9-5 to write quest dialogues.


Getting fired from generic text thats your job to do is another story.

  • 9 years employee mocked his boss
  • Gets fired
  • Surprised pikachu face

Maybe its time for the average Americans to be reminded of who’s the boss between boss and underlings.

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More proof that higher ups are ruining Blizzards Games disgusting but definitely not surprising.


Idk, DF and D4 are really fun.

Its not really a Blizzard thing anyway. I mean just go and insult your boss repeatidly and see how things turn out.

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Being okay or not has nothing to do with this.

If a man put himself inside a lion’s den and then got mauled by the lion for it, i would say the result is to be expected, it doesn’t matter if i feel okay or not about it.


I have a feeling there is more to the story than what is being told. Likely we will never know the actual truth. Choose to believe or not believe, that is up to you.

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ITT: Someone took a pot shot at their boss and surprise pikachu face’d when they got fired. More news at 11.

Then they tried to cover it as “Generic Corporate Greed” to try to win the sympathy vote. (Which, as someone else pointed out, there’s been exactly one yacht in WoW, and it sank in Cataclysm, so the line is out of place in WoW [Doubly so for the Venture Co, because it was a Bilgewater Cartel boat, not Venture Co]. And anyone saying “yacht” is a catchall term for a sailboat is just wrong [which disturbingly has been said like a dozen times in this thread], I’m sorry. Yachts are very specifically a rich person boat.)

And this is coming from someone who does not like Kotick. But don’t take a shot at your boss then try to pretend you weren’t, when it was clearly a reference to a very popular meme about your boss.

There’s 1000% more to this story than we’re being told. Especially since Eric claims there’s many ex and current employees on his side, yet not a peep from a single one of them in 48 hours.

EDIT: I’m sorry, I can’t drop this.

The fact some of y’all actually think THIS is a yacht:

Worries me immensely. The fact y’all said Yachts are sailboats in general worries me, because Yachts don’t have sails 99% of the time.

This is a Yacht. A small one, at that. A really small one.

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ACTI is making it harder and harder to support any game they make.

We keep expecting that but usually when enough time is given with Blizzard in particular it only gets worse. I genuinely would not be surprised if it was just this. Bobby in the past has complained about how his dating life back in like 2010 post divorce was hard because of all the photoshopped images of him being the devil being front and center to any partner who looked into who he was, or the fact people really hated him.

In the wake of that huge scandal two years back there was this really overbearing memo that was sent out and got leaked and to call it draconian is an understatement. Bobby Kotick very quickly came out against it and tore it apart… then it came out like not even a week later he was the one that authored it, had someone else send it out and take the fall so he could come off like he cared about his customers.

Just given the historical precedent and the context, I think it’s a very safe assumption a worker made a joke, someone ratted it out to Kotick, Kotick drops the hammer and fires this dude. If this story becomes a huge disaster for them PR-wise I guarantee in a few days they’ll have conjured up enough things to blame him for that hit the right cords with people that can never be confirmed, but more importantly can never be disproven.

Would not surprise me if their response ends up basically casting this dude off to be the Anti-Christ over years and now, just now they finally decided they had enough of his antics and did something but they had plenty of talks and reason beforehand. Somehow, I would prefer Blizzard lied through their teeth about this. I just can’t sit here and rationalize to myself how a grown man of how ever many years and 0s at the end of his net worth actually threw a tantrum over a joke, and not even like a really harmful joke at that. Bobby Kotick and Yachts have been a running gag for years at this point so it wasn’t like they exposed some dark secret.

Maybe if he took the joke in stride and even publicly acknowledged it then joked around with something like “Someone put a greedy NPC in a game and everyone assumed it was a joke at me. Are they trying to tell me something?” that is completely neutral the public perception of him would change. Instead “Ah well people already think I’m excessively greedy, self centered, evil… may as well tack “manchild” into that list.”

I’m surprised to see you on this side.

Know what I see when foreigners and fellow Americans say stuff like this? And there’s been a lot of it in this thread.

So we’re all at a clothing store, waiting in line to check out. We hear a commotion and see two people yelling at each other. One person seems to be the owner of the store and the other her employee.

The owner is yelling at the employee for drawing on the bathroom wall a likeness of the owner. The drawing is not flattering and is definitely making fun of the owner even though a name isn’t mentioned. All the employees and the owner get the joke.

So, the owner fires the employee right there on the spot. Me, I just shrug my shoulders and say “Yeah I seen the joke when I was in there, it was funny, but that’s what you get when you bite the hand that feeds you.” I pay for my shirt and leave. You, the person behind me, starts squawking about how I must be someone that “grovels” and “prostrates” to my “liege lord” then you also pay for a shirt and walks out the door. More people totally agree with you and whine about how awful this boss is as they also pay for a shirt and walks out the door.

Another employee points out to the owner “wow they sure weren’t happy with you.” The owner just shrugs and says “Meh, who cares? Look at all this money I just made from them. Plus, I recognize all those people mouthing off. They’ll be back. They always come back.”

So you enjoy that shirt you rebel you. It’s 100% made in America and it’s proceeds went to buying another yacht for the owner.

Edit: And for the people that will say “i pAy mY sUb wItH a tOkEn”

Other employee: “well someone didn’t give us money, they gave us this coupon.”
Owner rubs hands together like Burns from the Simpsons
Owner: “Excellent. They have to barter with someone that buys those coupons from me. They turn my $15 t-shirt into a $20 shirt. I prefer the coupons. Bwahahaha!”

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I blame schooling, full stop. Kids in America have almost no idea why this country even exists or what ideas led to its creation following a subsequent rebellion because rather than fixate on the egregious abuse of the crown from across the sea we choose to make our history classes oddly how awful of people we were when we came over.

Public schooling has done a good job of nullifying the entire purpose of a history course and made it so it focuses on three specific subjects for the 8 year span when they decide they can start teaching kids about the evils of the world such as war. Events that we once understood with crystal clarity now are foggier than hell as details are conveniently left out at the instructor’s discretion, we are never shown why things happen only that they did. Then you have cases where the Cuban population of Florida is getting rather pissed off with certain politicians preaching ideas that to them were so magnificent they swam aimlessly on a plastic raft and found their way to Florida and rather than acknowledge their experiences tells them “shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about. It wasn’t real.”

If you want probably the biggest case example I can give. A few months ago I was watching a video someone sent me of some late night talk host, I believe it was Trevor Noah. He was going on a tangent about how “most citizens don’t think slavery was the cause of the civil war in America!” Which is reasonable, because it wasn’t. It was a conflict that tied into slavery, but that entire war was prefaced on the 10th amendment. Again, yes slavery happens to be tied into this but they make it very clear in their declaration to secede and echo it quite often throughout the war they’re more assuming the government had decided it can retroactively seize powers and expand over the states.

That’s another huge difference. State supremacy seemed to be an understood concept until about 2014, most people wanted a constrained government… Now for some reason a lot of new voters just left high school screaming “government is my daddy!”

I think something in public education now literally forces submissiveness into people’s minds. They just roll over and take it constantly and rather than do something so it doesn’t happen again, just sob and cry that it did happen. Yes, it is VERY different from a country that was literally founded on revolution because we were done taking crap from people who saw themselves as our masters.

again, I’ve said I’m quite happy to concede that it’s a dialect issue.

where I’m from, the term “yacht” is specific to sloops and cutters.

these people are adorable. :blush:

their form of protest, is to provide extra yacht money.
…but that’s ok, because it’s not money which has come out of their pocket.
it’s come out of someone elses pocket, so they deem that they aren’t contributing to the corporate greed.

there are some very confused people.


The “dumb Americans and their dumb school” posts are really cute too.

I guess it’s some how better to give, whatever currency they’re giving, to Bobby for his yacht than to give American dollars for his yacht. I really don’t see the difference but hey, I’m just a dumb American.

See all you rebels in D4.

This is why I decline all friend requests on Facebook from anyone I work with. I’m way too eat-the-rich, power-of-the-proletariat for that :laughing:

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What, you think the nimbyists are going to actually stick to their word? Out of sight, out of mind is literally their motto. They’re the first ones to screech about how we need renewable energy, they’re also the first ones to screech if the windmills are within their vision. We should all take care of the sick and needy in the world, but if that requires more than me donating a can of soup sitting in my pantry for the last six months then you’re kinda on your own.

I think the Martha’s Vineyard stuff really opened my eyes to how people are quick to turn against an idea the second it isn’t just saying what sounds cool at the time and they actually need to do something.

What a ridiculous thing to believe. I’m going to guess their termination had something to do with them being the kind of person who would jump to a conclusion like this (i.e., a self-absorbed moron).

There’s virtually no chance anyone making this kind of decision would care at all about some trivial jab in game dialogue. You have to be a fool or living in a different reality to believe that.

Reminds me of the Google guy who thinks he was terminated for exposing a sentient AI, but in reality he’s just wrong and loud and not worth the salary or headache.

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Who cares? Apparently not most people who are still subbed.

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