Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

It is scary to me how many people simply accept unacceptable things and bad behaviour simply because someone or something is in a position of power above them.

Abuse of power isn’t ok, ever.



This is how the internet works. People get a whiff of something they can have righteous indignation about, ruin someone’s life, and by the the time the lie is halfway across the world, the truth hasn’t even put it’s shoes on, and when the truth finally does come out, the responses are typically “dude, you still care about that?”

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So amusing, these people who literally live on the forums, reply and reply for hours with their large post counts. Garnering 0 upvotes on literally every one of their posts.

It really is a true blessing to be so blissfully ignorant in your adult age. The ones defending a mere mention of a yacht as toxic and insulting. The one saying they ain’t dumb to take cracks at their boss - Sucks to be dispensable and have no symbiotic relationship with others outside their, I’m confident to say, small group of like minded drones.

I just enjoy coming in now and then and being amused by these folks. I feel with their many many many posts, and 0 likes, they could use the uplifting nature of my amusement. You’re welcome.

Now to silence the cow and orc lol. tired of seeing them try and be the staple of what this forum is and wants. :poop: doesn’t smell so bad next to their fellow :poop:


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This post is absolute clown behavior and I’m glad so many people called you out on your BS. Yachts canonically exist in WoW. You’re grasping at straws to defend people who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

If your boss is too much of a [redacted] to deal with that, and instead decides to clutch his pearls and fire you after 9 years on the job, then it’s probably for the best that he left so he can go work at a reasonable company that will pay him more.

People these days will come up with any reason to bootlick. My God.

You sound like a delusional conspiracy theorist. Seek help.

Kotick didnt abuse his power. The fired employee did though. He used the little power had over the dialogue of the game and he chose to disrespect and attack his boss.

He got what he deserved and now hes begging for another job. You dont bite the hand that feeds you ever.

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Not sure what country you are from but I know for a fact here in Aus, that case would be ruled 100% in favour of the employee for wrongful termination. So yes he did abuse his power.

If he said 'kotick needs a new yacht" then sure, but he didn’t. There was nothing illegal or wrong in what he said. It was open ended jokes.


Here’s the full story by the way, which comes with additional evidence.

Those of you doubting this story are delusional and likely have never had a job that was worth keeping. A professional typically doesn’t lie like this when they lose their job, if they want to get another. It’s idiotic to assume that’s common, and if it’s common where you work then you probably work in a badly managed company surrounded by man-children.

People are leaving Blizzard in droves and getting better-paying jobs within the sector. Why would he throw his reputation away for a quick dig at his former bosses? Not everyone is as immature as you.

Besides, Blizzard even deleted one of their Twitter posts that involves the man’s story. This is a video worth watching if you want the full context.

Inb4 “Youtubers suck and this video doesn’t count” comments. I do not care if you want to conveniently dismiss this. I will simply ignore you.

Probably from the US where people don’t have rights. Stockholm syndrome is real.


Wonder how many times this guy is gonna mention something something about the hand that feeds ya. Must be an alt of that cow, pretty obvious I guess.

Something about arguing with anyone on the internet over anything that doesn’t correlate or affect them in the slightest, is so humorous.

It’s like nobody wants to hear them speak in the real world, so they enjoy reading their own words here, or on their personal favorite social media hangout!

I get it I do, however I’m also very amused by how these people react, act and behave in our modern world. Getting offended and self-righteous at every turn cause they know deep down inside they don’t have control of anything in their own life so here we are folks. The internet!

Vote Vulpera race of the year and receive a gift bag from your favorite Warchief, me, as well as Elf tendies and yachts that fit in your bathtub.


Just to be clear, is every alt that ends their post with a fox you? I want to know so I can make sure I put all of them on my ignore list. Your pretentiousness makes me grind my teeth.

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Loser bobby strikes again.
Whats that too scared to post, we know clueless douche


So by your own logic, the women who worked at Blizzard who were sexually harassed and decided to speak out against it and protest are just a bunch of ungrateful envious spiteful peasants?

After all, their bosses were signing their paychecks. They should be grateful for receiving their check, and shut their yaps about all this petty ‘sexual harassment’ nonsense, right?



nobody cares about likes.

do you post for likes?

i don’t.

i post because i can.

i’ll hit the thumb if i’m in the mood, and someone knows how the real world works.

that’s cute coming from someone who thinks thumbs on a forum actually matter.

I’m willing to cop to the fact that this is a dialect issue.
If people want to call all water vessels “yachts”, I’m not going to try and stop them.
I’d love to see them try and enter anything which looks like a WoW “yacht” into a yacht race… it simply wouldn’t qualify. :wink:

This is the best post of this entire thread, thank you.

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For a people founded on tossing off the yoke of royalty and nobility, people in the US sure do love to act like we should grovel to our “betters” and prostrate ourselves to our liege lords, and that anyone who has a few dollar bills to rub together qualifies.


Can’t post links for some reason. Go to Wowpedia and find these pages.


Fearsome_Yacht (This one is from the non-canon RPG, but Blizz has always taken stuff from it for inspiration. If nothing else, it proves goblin yachts have been idea within the franchise for many many years, which is likely where they got the inspiration for Gallywix’s)

Hobart_Grapplehammer (directly mentions Gallywix’s yacht. No indication this is the only time this word has ever existed or been used in Azeroth’s history)

I can go on. There is not a single indication that yachts are some kind of unheard of thing for goblins. You are talking nonsense and looking like a fool while doing so. Cease your verbal vomit and take the L before you embarrass yourself further.

Yachts exist in WoW.


jalanili dropping truth bombs in here.

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Yet we support the company still

Gonna play devil’s advocate here and say that’s not as surprising as people seem to think it is.

You are expected to be loyal to and respect your employer as long as you’re on their payroll. Its something you learn as a teen working at Mcdonalds. Otherwise well… this happens.

If your values don’t align with your employers the grown up thing to do is to look for employement elsewhere, not sneak underhanded shades at them in your work, even if they’re funny or accurate (something i can safely say cause i’m not recieving any money from Blizzard).

Like it or not, nobody’s entitled to a job.

Can’t help but feel the video game industry is filled with entitled and immature people sometimes.

If you don’t like recieving money from someone else, just become a freelancer or start your own company.

No place in the world is better for that than the US if you have the necessary skillsets.


"the hand that feeds’ No, dude, we feed these parasites, not the inverse.
They harvest their money from our work.
How you think they get yachts to begin with.
They dont work that hard.

If you’re recieving a paycheck they’re feeding you, literally.

If you’re unhappy about that condition nothing prevents you from working for yourself.