Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

Bobby wasn’t named directly. It was an indirect reference towards the rich as a whole. How is that “not subtle at all”?

The whole rich people having yachts thing is not a Bobby exclusive thing.


Did you read the whole list? Return to the office? No profit sharing? Come on man. Everyone knows who he is talking about. It’s not subtle at all.

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  1. People need to stop glorifying vindictive employees. Wrong is wrong, even if it’s in response to another wrong.

  2. If he was a capable dev he should have left to find a company he appreciated and that appreciated him for his capabilities auto work for them.

  3. The fact that he stayed 9 years to stew enough to code BS like this into the game and then tweet about it should be career suicide. I would never hire this guy lol.

  4. Gamers of yesteryear are “growing up” to become the developers of now and we’re surprised this caddy behavior is going on.

  5. Name one other job where you can behave his way and not get instantly reprimanded or fired. It’s like they’re trying to twist the me too mentality to fit their trash work ethic.

Thread is full of clowns. Sure blizzard isn’t the pinnacle of morale standards but y’all have some bad takes.


There is another red flag to add to the list. He claims:

After someone “very high” at the company was playing the content and saw the lines

People here don’t even think the devs play the game but upper management does?

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The Left has lost their senses of humor these days


does not matter what you want to label it - it shows disrespect. A lot of people claim to be joking when they aren’t.

That is correct though. There is a push to treat everyone who is vindictive on twitter, to be put on a pedestal

And if you think about it, these things have to be approved before being added to the game so either he was told “no” already and did it anyway or he did it without authorization. Either way, it’s just not a smart play.

The entire lore of goblins shows disrespect towards the rich. This isn’t anything new or groundbreaking.

Publicly airing out your previous employer seems like a bad idea. Your next job probably gonna hesitate, knowing you will likely do the same to them if you ever part ways. Especially considering how much attention/support they are receiving which just reinforces/enables them into thinking it was the right thing to do.

Sad to see this kind of behavior being celebrated even if it is the truth.

Hard to believe all of it is from one line of dialogue though considering 9 years there. For all we know, they could’ve had a thick folder of misconduct for their reasoning. Would this person admit to all their other wrongdoings for future employers to see? Or did they cherry pick this one situation in an attempt to manipulate the situation to make themselves look good / make blizzard look bad.

In reality, all we have is speculation about the situation.


So are we saying Mikey was taking a break from selling runs and was slumming it up in FR, ran into the rare spawn, saw the lines about profit sharing and returning to the office, and was like oh hell no?

It’s plausible.


I’m just going to leave this one right here

That makes no sense, so they can write other jokes and disrespect anything/anyone else but as soon as it’s their own company that’s suddenly not ok?

Blizzard disrespected their own employees but they can’t do the same in return?

This is the kind of stuff i really hate. It reminds me of the ‘kids should be seen and not heard’ type saying. Basically just because something/someone is in a position of power above you then you have zero rights and just need to shut up and accept anything no matter how unfair.

Not ok. And I feel really icky about this whole situation now… knowing that paying for and playing WoW means I essentially accept that kind of behaviour- which I don’t :confused:

This is so funny to me. The same crowd that defends this guy are the same ones who cheer when blizz bans someone for hurting their feelings and then says “you got free speech but you aint free from the consequences of what you say”
Too funny and the guy got what he deserved. You dont bite the hand that feeds you.

So the hand that feeds you can treat you wrong and your stance is people should just sit there and take it? Simply because someone is in a position of power then that gives them authority to do and say anything with no retaliation in any form allowed?

The dude didn’t steal or do something illegal. He made a joke in the game which WAS funny given the RTO and bobbies yacht comments.

He dishonored and disrespected his boss. The hand that feeds him. The one that signs his paycheck. He got what he deserved.
Remember you can say what ya want but you gotta face the consequences right?

If he didnt like who he worked for he coulda left and worked elsewhere but he didnt. He saw fit to attack a man who has worked hard to get to the top of his field and its obvious the man is jealous of anyone with more money than he has.

Which blizzard in turn do to their employees (and playerbase at that)

Perhaps you have never worked in a field you love but sadly that field is full of greed and corruption and unless you leave the country aren’t going to find the grass greener anywhere else cos all companies are full of greed and corruption.

err i didn’t get that impression once. The dude said he actually supported the RTO thing… so no I think he was just playing on the lols of the stuff that was already floating around. Had nothing to do with deep down anger/jealousy and all to do with just piggybacking onto the already floating around joke…

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Everything is full of greed and corruption. Its life. Everyone says their company is bad and treats them bad even when they dont. Most just dont want to work these days and feel entitled to CEO executive level salaries just because they showed up.
And no one forces any player to stay and play the game. If you feel disrespect then move along and put your money where your mouth is.
Feeling entitled to a CEO level salary as less than a mid level employee is greed defined.

Greed is good - Gordon Gecko.

The guy attacked his boss. He paid the price. He deserved it.

If I were to ever get Bobby KOticks ear for even a minute. Id advise him to get his corporation out of California and into a more business friendly state.

Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Dont attack the man that signs your paychecks .