Employee Fired For Writing Dialogue For Venture Company Loot Goblins

I’m guessing they had more than one reason to terminate him. All he did was put a meme from the internet into the game in an indirect way. The bosses would’ve looked a lot better had they just done nothing and let a meme be a meme.

I mean I don’t really care either way (and I’m not here to argue) but I find it somewhat silly that people are defending the company on this. It makes Kotick look absolutely meme-worthy that they would fire someone for saying what the entire internet has heard two thousand times. Methinks the CEO doth protest too much.


It’s been said about Bezos, Musk, Gates, and just about every unnamed CEO/Shareholder. It’s not a meme exclusive to Bobby. It’s a meme about greedy capitalists.


Nobody is defending Blizzard. I don’t think, I might have missed someone trolling.

Anyways, saying “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” isn’t defending Blizzard. The company is irrelevant.

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So the marketing team that released the video with dialogue in it, everyone else that saw the joke as well should be fired then? Clearly they should know the meme right? Oh and then we put on top of that everyone that played the content with the lines up, nobody noticed a thing. Yea the meme sure must be popular :roll_eyes:

What happened is someone was hit for what is a very possible misunderstanding because someone got offended. At this point should the quests with goblins trying to unionize be removed from the game and the people who designed it be fired as well under this logic? We know blizzard has had some attempted union movements and bobby claims they were aggressive. Who knows? Perhaps they should be fired for this offense.

People aren’t omniscient, acting like they are is completely ridiculous and coincidences and misunderstandings do happen.

Sure, whatever. I’m not the one you have to convince.

How about your cancel your sub in protest to the way he’s treating his employees instead of helping to pay for said yacht.

Again, I’m not the one you have to convince.

Since you are so outraged by this, stop contributing to said yacht.

Looks like you shut down, guess that’s your concession.

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Nah I’m not shutting down but you continue to help pay for that yacht.

You are. You don’t have any retorts left so your resorting to person who is subbed to game can’t complain rhetoric. I’ll be here when you are ready for a discussion :wink:


“You’re subbed so you can’t really be upset”
“You’re not subbed so you don’t get to have an opinion.”


Looks like they’ll need to fire everyone who ever worked on the goblin race and their dialogue at this point then :rofl:


Nah it’s more along the line of “I’m going to pay money that supports this while calling other people a boot licker.”

Darling, we’re licking the same boot.

Common carcinogenic corpo conduct.
So goes one of the writers aboard that could make a decent joke, outcast for overblown ego’s sake and naught more.
I wonder if Booby Yachtick would kick his prospective partner to the curb if they dared such a jape, lmao.

Im sure this is all truthful. Fired employees would never lie


No, I didn’t say you couldn’t complain, I’m just curious what the point of it is.

Nothing is going to happen and I’m not the the person you need to convince.

My only point has been in this discussion is “play with fire and you’re going to get burned” and/or “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” It’s really that simple.

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They did the same thing to me. They have all the makings of an insecure narcissist who spends way too much time on the forums.

They accused me of being an alt account of someone who has antagonized them in the past to shut down the conversation when they couldn’t argue any further.

There’s no helping them.

Don’t think you understand what bootlicking is.


Paying a fee and receiving a service for that fee isn’t boot licking.

Defending a CEO who doesn’t know who you even are for a terrible decision for free on the internet is.


You should use it because pointing out what he did isn’t licking anyone’s boot.

And Bobby appreciates your $15 a month that goes towards his yacht and efforts to fire employees that make fun of him.

I never defended him, btw. Maybe you should use that cute little Google link and find out what “defending” actually means.

There’s a 99% chance that there’s more to this story than the guy is letting on.

First red flag: he has 9 years at the company and is still just an “Associate” game designer? Writing quest text, which is probably the lowest end of the totem pole of the design department? Why hasn’t he advanced in 9 years?

Second red flag: he was rash enough to air his grievances on Twitter, while looking for a new job, nonetheless. Seems he’s rather impulsive.

Third red flag: in the list of quotes he says he got banned for, there was also the joke referring to “having to return to the office”.

He probably had a history of causing trouble for the company (probably one of those walk-out people) while simultaneously just not being very good at his job. Guaranteed these goblin lines were just the last straw.


It wasn’t subtle at all. If you’re going to make fun of your boss, first make sure your boss isn’t the type to take offense and second be subtle about it. Too many quotes that are on the nose from that goblin. Not surprised at all he got canned and really only has himself to blame.