In the U.S., unless the employee has some kind of contract specifying those terms, an employer doesn’t have to give two week’s notice of a termination. They want you gone, you’re gone.
I got a good laugh out of those goblin lines, but it didn’t even cross my mind that they would be considered disrespectful. They felt very on-brand for WoW’s style of meme parody.
That’s your perspective. From my perspective he broke policy and the excuses of he didn’t directly insult someone or it fits with the lore is nonsense.
A good rule of thumb for longevity in your job is to treat company policy as a rule and not a suggestion.
Whole lot of this in here.
I find it deeply ironic and very telling that greedy corporate execs will take such huge offense to a character/group that has been established as a charicature of corporate greed for over a decade poking fun at corporate greed. Like at what point do you come to the realization that if these jokes offend you that much that maybe it’s a you issue lmao
So, it’s a new yacht for Bobby!
How is it nonsense? We’ve been through this before, used real goblin lore to make a reference to a meme. I say it was indirect because again, it’s a double entendre. It’s something wow related with a double meaning of poking fun at Bobby. If you want to argue that any time goblins are portrayed as greedy corporatists is a slight towards Bobby, then whoever designed the goblin starting zone should be fired too.
Also since when does breaking corporate policy automatically equal firing? I’ve broken corporate policy many times over the years at the place I work at, but it was always for minor/petty things like turning our phones off at 4:58 instead of 5:00 on the dot because I don’t want to deal with customers at the last second before I leave. I wasn’t fired, my boss just politely reminded me to wait those extra two minutes and don’t turn them off pre 5 anymore.
Violating policy isn’t grounds for firing. The severity of the infringement is what warrants that consideration.
You’ve yet to make a compelling case that Covington’s joke was so egregiously violating of the policies that it warranted immediate termination.
Pointing out that making fun of your boss’s boss then putting your name on it is really stupid isn’t “boot licking.”
I would say that about anyone working for any company.
More proof morons run and miss-manage this company on too many levels.
Because anyone who’s played the game more than a day knows exactly what he was referring to no matter how many excuses or justifications or qualifiers you try to put on it.
That isn’t true where I work. It’s the number of write ups you’ve incurred over a period of time. If you are sitting on three write ups within a year, the next one will get you terminated even if it’s something minor. We know nothing about this guys work history and whether or not he’s had prior run ins with management before.
And you’ve yet to convince me that was the sole reasoning for his firing.
With respect, because I feel we’ve been good faith with each other, I don’t think we are going to change each others minds on this one.
Blessing in disguise, Blizzard is a joke to work for. Hopefully he ends up somewhere that isn’t a clownfiesta.
Pretty big leap to assume this was ‘making fun of their boss’ when it’s general lingo thrown around to make fun of any greedy capitalist. But you do you, I personally don’t enjoy the taste of shoeleather.
You’re right, we don’t know. But there are plenty of people here that are willing to say with confidence and certainly that even if it was his only infraction in 10 years, he still deserves to be fired for “biting the hand that feeds him”.
This is my main point of contention. We’re dealing with what if’s here. That’s why I’m trying to ask you a simple hypothetical question here.
IF and I say IF this was his one and only infringement in 10 years, do you believe it was egregious enough to warrant firing?
I love how you and others are pretending “another yacht for…” does not mean anything!
Btw, you should make a poster insulting your boss, sign your name to the bottom of it, and hang it in your breakroom and put it on social media.
Report your findings here.
If it was his only wrongdoing, it should have been a write up and a stern warning about what makes it in the game. That’s why I have a hard time believing they just flat out fired him over it if there were no other contributing factors. No company that I’ve worked for has been that extreme.
What does it mean exactly? I’d like you to definitively prove that the writer was slamming his boss with the lines.
According to the dev it was the only reason listed for his firing.
Considering the line was hotfixed out… yeah.
After all these controversies with blizzard you still don’t get how absolutely shameless it can get?
We both know the meme. Everyone that plays WoW and other Blizzard games knows the meme.
But fine, act like you have never heard it, it makes no difference. I don’t have to prove anything. I would never be so stupid as to publicly make fun of my boss. This guy decided it was hilarious, and truthfully it is hilarious, but I don’t work for Blizzard.
He should have known this wasn’t going to fly. Now he has to reap what he sowed.
So we’re on the same page then. I’m in a similar mindset myself. I just can’t believe there are actually people here who think his yacht joke in and of itself is grounds for firing, no questions asked. This is a very extreme opinion and one I’m glad you don’t share it.
At least we we’re able to find some common ground after all.