Thoughts on Racial abilities

Hey everyone,

Today I’ve wanted to bring up a particular subject, racial abilities. I would like to start off by saying that, PvE-wise, racials tend to be generally balanced. Only a handful of people actually pick a race purely for competitive use, while the vast majority of players pick theirs simply based on their appearances. And I think that’s great!

I do however think racials could considerably be improved, without even affecting the meta. To me, it just feels like the vast majority of these abilities are passives that tend to go unnoticed, while some races definitely have racials that stand out.

Here’s some examples of current racials that I believe are great:

  • (Goblin) Pack Hobgoblin: Calls in your friend, Gobber, allowing you bank access for 1 min.
  • (Zandalari Troll) Pterrordax Swoop: Reduces your falling speed for 2 min.
  • (Vulpera) Make Camp/Return to Camp: Make a camp at this location. Can only be used outdoors./Return to your camp.
  • (Void Elf) Ethereal Connection: Reduces the cost of Void Storage and Transmogrification by 50%.
  • (Mechagnome) Mastercraft: You function as a personal Blacksmithing Anvil, Cooking Fire, and Mining Forge. In addition, your limbs include every profession tool.

Those are instances of racials that are fun. They’re really nice QoL abilities that fit their races, without being spells that people feel like they’re ‘‘overpowered’’ or ‘‘meta-defining’’. They can also be visually appealing, like the Vulpera tent and the ZTroll’s flying dinosaur.

The original races tend to have less interesting racials, as well as fewer ones. For instance, our good ol’ green orcs only have three racials:

  • Blood Fury: Increases your attack power and Intellect by X for 15 sec.
  • Hardiness: Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 20%.
  • Command: Damage dealt by pets increased by 1%.

And while I agree that Hardiness is an obviously good passive for PvP, and Blood Fury for when you pop cooldowns, none of these are specifically ‘‘fun’’ spells.

Some others races also have, should I say ‘‘outdated’’ racials, that used to be somewhat good, but not so much anymore:

  • (Undead) Cannibalize: When activated, regenerates 7% of total health and mana every 2 sec for 10 sec. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect.

The days of eating between packs of mobs for health are pretty much gone, rarely have I ever hit that spell apart from ganking gnomes. Cannibalize could instead provide a unique food buff, especially considering it’s only limited to Humanoids and Undeads.

  • (Troll) Beast Slaying: Experience gains from killing Beasts increased by 20%.

Just not something that’s good considering how fast leveling is, and grinding mobs for experience isn’t as common as it used to.

Some ideas for racials could include:

  1. Purely cosmetic spells such as emotes, as mentioned in this post.
  2. QoL abilities: Undeads could dig a grave in the ground, creating a rested area for themselves, gnomes could learn tradeskills faster, etc.
  3. Visually redesign some of the older racials.
  4. Rework outdated racials.
  5. ???

Would be curious to hear everyone’s ideas, as well as their take on racials and their place in game.


I’ve mimicked the following thought in General Discussion for Years:

I don’t believe active combat racials have a place in WoW anymore. They were fun when WoW was starting, but back then, there was a bigger emphasis on racial identity, to the point even Priests had unique racial spells. I do believe passive racials are fine though, things like 1% crit, or Entropic Embrace (which equates to the same as a 1% increase over the course of a fight), and such.

Like, if your human pulls ahead cause your best stat is Versatility for that patch, that’s fine, as Vers may not always be your best stat, as it can even change mid-expansion. But then there’s races like troll, that have dominated multiple specs for decades due to their racial.

I just feel like racials would make more sense for aesthetic and utility. Though, even then, you have to be careful, as we saw with Mythic Kil’Jaeden - the Goblin Jump was extremely overpowered.

In short, it’d be nice if each race had 3 racials:

1 Passive Damage/Heal/Etc. Buff (1% crit, forsaken’s shadow damage proc, etc.)
1 Combat UTILITY Racial (Gnome Escape Artist, Will of the Forsaken, etc.)
1 Profession Based Racial

Any other racials (like Two Forms for Worgen, Vulpera’s second Hearth, Dark Iron Mole Machine, etc.) would be for completely superficial reasons and have no benefit to combat whatsoever.

This used to be a 5% damage increase to beasts, but it was changed because it gave Trolls a massive advantage in one of the raids. I want to say it was Throne of Thunder?

Likewise, Lightforged Draenei have an Experience from Demons Racial.

Don’t even get me started on the fact one of LFD’s racials literally requires they die to take effect. >_> Though, don’t get me wrong, it was HILARIOUS watching Horde get blown up in BGs in the Shadowlands pre-patch due to scaling on the racial being horribly wrong, so it’d one shot anyone it hit.

These are just my thoughts, it’s not like I expect it to happen, just how I feel.


As an Undead, I actually do still use cannibalize. I know I’m a rarity in that regards, but I guess I just always kept it in my rotation since Vanilla. I just wish we were able to cast it while protected from shields or that we could use it on a target still alive (ie stun into cannibalize for a quick heal if we’re not taking damage [they’d have to change the tooltip to “attempt to cannibalize” if they did that though lol]). I just wish I could use the ability more often since I do enjoy it.


I also really think racials need some sprucing up, especially for old races. I’ve felt sad about playing gnomes ever since goblins were added; they’re both themed around cool mechanical inventions, and one of them clearly has more fun abilities than the other one. It got even worse when allied races was added, they all have cool abilities, visuals and flair that the older races could even dream of having.

I agree! Racials seem to be pretty well-balanced right now, and that should continue to be so. I’m not against the idea of having racial abilities that have uses in combat, as long as it’s balanced enough not to turn into a culture of people forcing others to race change if they want to play - not even just competetively. Active racial abilities with combat uses are best suited to cover some niche aspect of combat, and I agree with Maizou’s assessment here:

I’d also add to the list:

  • More active racial abilities, at least for the older races that might only have one.
  • Glyphs for racial abilities, or glyphs that work on class spells with a racial theme would also be neat to have!

Now, please give my gnomies a cool racial ability :>


Considering they offered several races race-specific questions for transmogs (still waiting on my undead one :confused: ), it would be neat if they introduced another wherein we could learn a new racial. Perhaps with the aforemention suggestions they could give us a new “flair” racial ability.

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It very well could be, although, to be fair, 5% is pretty big. Went on Wowhead to check, was apparently changed to 20% experience in WoD. So it was after both ToT and SoO. While I don’t think this racial should be entirely scrapped or fully reverted back to the situationally OP version, they could build on to it to make it more relevant, especially at max level. For example:

  • Have a chance to skin more leather from beasts
  • Increased damage to beasts while outdoors
  • Take reduced damage from beasts

Similar things could be done to the LFD racial too!

I believe any of those changes could be very welcomed by the undead players, I believe Cannibalize is one hell of an iconic racial, but I’m really sad it doesn’t see much use today, considering it’s not really strong nor it is practical to use the majority of times.

Glyphs are always on the table for cool cosmetic ideas, although I would imagine it could be difficult to design specific class to spells to have a racial theme, but I like the way you’re thinking.

I’d love to see even something as simple as a glyph to call a different colored pterrordax for the ZTroll racial.