That is the problem.
I have no problem for catchup of gear leading up with a soon to release patch 8.2 But patch 8.2 isn’t releasing this month and most likely not even in May. June is the most likely release.
That is the problem.
I have no problem for catchup of gear leading up with a soon to release patch 8.2 But patch 8.2 isn’t releasing this month and most likely not even in May. June is the most likely release.
No one is arguing the time investment or skill of mythic raiding. I would not compare the skill required to that of pets, quests, or mount acquisition. The time commitment might be a better comparison.
But WQs are not rewarding mythic lvl gear. They are rewarding heroic gear. Sure, there might be the off chance of wf/ tf, but that is not very common. At this point, heroic is not a challenge. In comparison to the difficulties in previous expansions it is actually “normal.”
And that is what you have here, heroic “raiders” complaining that their effort will not be worth it, because once or twice a week, a daily quest will spawn that rewards a 395. That is the lol of it.
No, because I don’t do that content. So it is better that it is going to 395.
Blizzard seems to agree with players, that you do that other content because you WANT to do it or for the “community” feel. Some of us like to do stuff alone, even in an MMORPG, while still being rewarded well.
I pay my 15 buck sub, so they seem to want to keep me subscribed. This is a good way to do that.
The only time getting easy high level gear was a problem was when alliance were getting 400 gear from the weekly pvp quest. The reason it was a problem was because only one faction had access to the easy gear.
Now that everyone can get easy gear it’s not a problem and instead of complaining because some player doesn’t raid or do high level pvp to get gear, you can embrace it because it brings a bigger pool of players that you can invite to help complete whatever content you are doing.
I understand that gear =/ skill, however if they are doing poorly with that higher gear, they would be doing worse in less gear. If they aren’t good, then you can replace them.
Yes, gear used to be a way to show off the content you are doing and in the same vein, show off your ability to play; however now you can just show your achievement. I know it’s not as “in your face” as gear was, but you still have a way to show off your superior skills.
It really doesnt matter that they are now giving 395 an 400 items in world quest. If you have been doing a plus 10 an heroic bod since its release you are probably over 410 or at least very close.
Players that only do world quest having a 400 item level isnt a issue. Higher item level means nothing. No matter what item level they have they still wont be able to do higher end content either because they arent good or do not want to.
But in my opinion this whole xpac higher end gear has been far to available for every player. It honestly takes less than 4 hours/ played for a fresh 120 to hit 385.
If gearing isnt going to be blizzards plan for character progression anymore then they need to add awesome cosmetic rewards for the people doing the higher end content (transmog , mounts, toys, titles, special spell effects, etc…
Having special cosmetic rewards for getting aotc completeing each mythic plus at 10 or higher an getting cutting edge would be better if we got cosmetic rewards that lasted forever anyways.
Obvs i can understand why someone who has spent hours wiping to heroic jania feels upset that little timmy no rotation can get a 400 item weapon or azerite from doing world quest. An if this is blizzard plan they need to add special cosmetic for the player that does the challenging content.
Doing the harder content definitely deserves to be rewarded but gear doesnt make a bad player good or a good player bad. My 380 warlock could do more dps then a bad player with a higher item level.
Tldr: if blizzard is going to hand out end game gear for nothing then give the players who do the challenging content other cosmetic rewards.
The next expansion will invalidate everything you have done this expansion. So will the next one after that and so on.
So why bother if something like this bothers you so much?
This is a bad agrument, the future can/will invalidate anything we do in the present in every part of life whether its a video game or anything else. We dont live in the future we live in the present.
Schadenfreude much?
Welfare/catch up gear is generally fine… Usually.
Crucible is a .5 tier, a few extra bosses to add something new or expand/begin a new story arc, it doesnt require a catch up.
A catch up happened when BoD came out, we dont need another one halfway through the tier, there’ll be a new catch up with 8.2.
This is what, our 3rd catch up and we’re only 2 tiers in.
Imo WQ should cap at LFR levels and emissaries should cap at Normal raid.
Crucible doesnt warrant an increase in WQs and emissaries as its mostly a sidegrade tier.
I remember doing MC and BWL to see the raids and conquer them.
I guess now its… “Where my Lootz Yoh!! LULZ”
Can’t handle a legitimate “agrument” so you handwave it away, eh? So let’s use your crappy logic and reverse the situation…
As of reset today, we don’t live in the past we live in the present! The past is always invalidated by the present! Things change, you’ll find a way to cope!
Not everybody finishes a raid tier geared for the next one. And sometimes people need to gear an alt healer or tank or both in case the regular one can’t make it. Asking well geared raiders to run now outdated content that they need nothing from is a waste of people’s time. That’s why we have the gear catchup mechanic.
At some point gear is always invalidated. Always.
Why are you so angry? Im not mad about wq rewards increasing read my perivous post for my opinion. But the argument that because what we do now will be invalidated by the future is a bad argument. If so whats the point to anything in video games or life. Please use your brain you have it for a reason.
I’m not angry, I was making a point. Your logic is crap. I agree with you that the changes aren’t a bad thing but both the past and the future matter, regardless of whether we live in the present. We make decisions based on future expectations, i.e. AK weekly cost reduction. We do things because of time limited factors, even if in the long run those things are invalidated, i.e. weekly 410 chest in season 2 when season 3 gear will invalidate it. In the exact same way the past matters. The argument about the future or the past are relevant, whether you want to pretend they matter or not. It’s not a black and white thing. There’s nuance and context that come into play that you’re blithely handwaving away in your “but we live in the present!” argument. To quote, well, you…“Please use your brain you have it for a reason.”
My point exactly, at this point blizz might as well just remove gear progression and make us stick with heirlooms.
So because in 3 years when a xpac comes out all the stuff we do will be invalidated we shouldn’t bother doing any form of high content at this time? If thats the case whats the point to even playing the game or for that matter any game or anything in life at all. Should we not be rewarded for the time an effort we put in the present regradless of what the future holds?
An if its blizzard will that gear is going to be handed out like candy then there should be a different cosmetic reward for players doing the normal raids an above or for timing all dungeons on plus 10 or above
The percent of paying customers that obsess over comparing with others, mutual exclusivity, and the Ghengis Khan paradigm of only being able to enjoy what they have if others don’t is a minority.
Catering to a vocal minority is not a way to run a successful business. Also, catering to that Ghengis Khan mutual exclusivity curse of humanity is bad for society in general, as evidenced by the current state of global affairs and politics.
GG Blizz.
Ironically, casual players making noise over not having ilvl’s equal to those doing higher level content are the same ones that will turn around say things like “DoN’t WoRrY aBoUt OtHeR pEoPlE’s ILvLs.”
That’s called a slippery slope argument.
You made the point that we live in the present and the future invalidating things doesn’t matter.
I made the point that it does, nuance matters.
You went 3 years into the future to use a cherry picked stupid example to argue when I cited things like AK that we have now or time limited weekly opportunities that we have now.
And all of this is while apparently agreeing that the changes today are fine. Which is even more entertaining.