Emissary rewards are a bit much

Sounds like a flaw in your recruitment tbh. Alot of guilds currently are too desperate to fill their slots that they arent getting the right people for their guild. Most guilds dont even have their own guild goals set. If this is such a huge problem for you maybe you should face reality that you are an AOTC guild and nothing more.

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I’m sure they will, but when we have WQs items that are significantly more interesting and/or out perform those from raids and dungeons then even with the eventual ilvl increase from thkse source will feel kinda meaningless. To some anyways. I’ll keep raiding because i enjoy raiding but I can certainly see how some would feel discouraged.

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Thank you

This is what I was not able to put to words about why this feels bad. We do not have a sustainable power progression that is equal to the content people do. it used to be gear.

Right now I feel that current effort does not equal the reward for current content.


No, this isn’t a catch up mechanic. This is welfare. Grats on your welfare gear.


Because, even though no one wants to admit it for some reason, being able to acquire something that not everyone has is a type of reward. It give a player a way to stand out. And, people generally prefer to stand out when possible.


I’ll say it. The game was healthier and more popular when strict progression was a thing. The decline of WoW started in ToC when badge gear was expanded to full tier sets of the previous raid. Pretty steady downhill slide since effort stopped being rewarded, regardless of the reasoning behind it.

Even as a noob scrub in Vanilla and early BC, I was always able to progress at my own pace, and had no issues with my subpar gear moving up the chain. The more they have artificially boosted casual gameplay, the less interested I’ve been in raiding.

At this point they invalidate their own content so fast, they can’t create new content fast enough. Thus, we have waaaay too many levels of the same dungeons or raids. Was a better product when they were just hard, normals for leveling, heroic for expansion capped players…and adding new dungeons later.


That’s rough man…

My guild and raid leader days are well behind me, so I feel for you!


Yes but when gear is the only means of progression Blizzard has to have means of acquiring it outside of raids or M+ otherwise you run into the majority of players not having any form of progression. It was why I liked the concept behind the Heart of Azeroth (just not the execution).

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Perhaps you are right. My guild typically cares more about community rather than progression. And I would like to think im skilled enough as a 14 year veteran but I am I know my limitations and they are not catered towards mythic raids. I make to many mistakes to often to where I would be benched.

That’s not it. It’s that all of the work put in doing keystones or raiding was invalidated in a very short period of time. I can’t remember the last time they did gear resets this often. It’s not about what other people have, at least for me.

side note… catchup mechanics like these are great for guilds like yours. Those people who stop playing once they get AOTC are able to come back and gear up whatever toon they wanna play for the next raid tier with minimal effort.

This isnt catchup.

This is gear past normal and equal with heroic for playing matching games.


My problem is that its too soon to fast. as we are technically not out of this tier yet.

The jump was really unnecessary for crucible.

When Azshara comes out then yes the bump would be good.

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Not sure how gear validates or invalidates what you havr accomplished. It may seem out of balance to what some are used to. So was pathfinder when it came out. So were many of the many major changes in the games history.

I personally like it for this expansion. This will help balance out world pvp regardless of what content you gear in.

The new raid doesn’t really have an ilvl update for anything but mythic level. The heroic awards the same base ilvl as heroic BOD. I would be amazed if anyone even bothers with LFR or normal versions as they are on par with daily rewards.


Progression through BoD was really slow. Guilds struggled in this raid tier for some reason (mekk+conclave were barriers). There was also no empowering ability like the reorigination aura that helped you outgear the raid. We’re potentially 2 months away from 8.2 dropping… This raid tier is over for alot of guilds currently. I think the timeline in people’s heads is a little bit off because of the slow progression in this raid tier.

Most people already have 8.2 on their radar and are done with this raid tier and prepping for the next one.

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Thats more loot than what I got from my Mythic and Heroic Reclear, used 3 rolls aswell! :smiley:

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I would also add that unless they do some serious retuning of the upcoming essences, things are going to get seriously out-of-hand. Especially if they tune the Azshara raid around players having them.

He never mentioned other people and their gear. He said specifically that his alt getting gear that high was an issue.

Yeah I agree. Players don’t need 400 ilevel gear to get to 350 ilevel. That makes no sense at all honestly as you can simply do world quests and heroic dungeons and get up to 355 fairly quick and easy.