Emissary auto-completed today on just one character

Same here. Didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Just logged in to find the emissary completed on my druid.

I thought I just forgot to turn one in this morning then the new emissary daily was completed when I logged in without doing anything. I am hesitant to turn it in because obviously it is not intended to happen and I do not want to take advantage of it. Any update from a blue would be nice!

SMH snitches


Just turn them in. In the thread linked above, a customer service support rep said no one would be suspended for this, although it sounds like they are having trouble figuring out the cause.

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Same happening here. I decided to leave them for later this morning, then now that I came back from work they’re all done and I’m able to turn in.

I’ve noticed the same issue for the past couple days on my main character. Log in and emissary quest completed without doing any of the actual world quests. Haven’t noticed the same thing on any of my alts however. So far three emissaries completed in this way.

Same thing here. Thought it was a feature that they snuck in. Wasn’t unhappy to turn in an emissary quest after just having completed it on my main.

Sorry, I read many of the responses but didn’t see any that highlighted that it’s not just Emissaries. The emissary completed bug has occurred to me at least twice. But today, it also auto-completed the Against All Odds quest that I’d picked up after reset. I logged back in just now and it was complete and I was able to hand it in.

Same here, - today’s emissary is showing completed without doing the full 4 quests, and this week’s “Against Overwhelming Odds” was able to be turned in without doing any PvP at all.

Having the same experience on my main, didn’t do any WQs on any of my characters, but the emissary for today (Ankoan) is filled and ready to be turned in.

Same thing here, all my emissaries across three alts are auto completing. Best bug ever.

Same, Logged out to get rid of the big wigs boss encounter ui because it was still going after i left, and logged back in to find that my talanji’s expedition world quest emissary has autocompleted. I have not yet been to Nazmir today, and have not done any of the world quests.

This is not consistent with past actions on Blizzard’s part. When people stacked the ten land’s potions for increased XP gains they got banned for it. Players had nothing to do with the bug, but they chose to gulp down the potions. People have the option to turn in emissary quests they dont deserve. Not so sure I’m going to do it…

Well, if you doubt the word of a blue, knock yourself out. Those aren’t my words, no matter how you managed to mangle the quoting.

But if this goes on long enough, you’ll be left with nothing but emissary quests you can’t turn in until they time out.

The “blue” could be an intern. And, as said, they’ve punished such things in the past.

How is the quote mangled?

I’m sure Vrakthris is not an intern. :roll_eyes:

The Blizzard representative’s words directly attributed to me.

Thats probably because those people had an edge on other people by leveling so quickly. This is pretty different as you can’t avoid the bug if you want to do the daily emissary, which is something pretty much every active player does. If someone gets banned for completing one of these emissaries, that’s disgusting on blizzard’s part.

that is a very simplistic account of the xp pot thing…

It wasnt just a “player drinks a potion” and gets multiple stacks, you had to manipulate the potion in a specific way, and it was pretty obvious what you were doing if you did it.

I haven’t checked on any of my other characters, but I just logged into my hunter and discovered both Storm’s Wake and Ankoan emissaries were checked as complete. I haven’t done any world quests today, just logged in on two toons to pick up my weekly mythic+ chest.

Edit: After doing Storm’s Wake and the Ankoan on my hunter and turning them in, I logged in on this toon and showed no emissaries available at all. I had done Storm’s Wake on him yesterday, but the only thing I did on him prior to logging in tonight was pick up my weekly chest and check my mission table.

I was thinking the same thing - “damn I can’t believe I forgot to hand in after doing the WQs”. When it happened again today, I realized something must be going wrong because I couldn’t forget them multiple times in a row.

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