Emissary auto-completed today on just one character

Yesterday I logged in to see that my Vol’dun emissary was complete. I hadn’t been online since they came up as the daily so I thought it was weird. Today I logged in to see my Zandalari Empire emissary is complete, about 90 minutes after it came up and the first time I had logged in for the day. This has only happened on this mage, so I’m not sure what’s going on but I am happy I’m not the only one experiencing this issue.

Edit: As I’m logging more alts in I’m seeing some of them are now having completed emissaries, too, even retroactively.

Same here, but only on one toon. Figured I had forgotten to turn it in the night before.

Same Here, all of my emissarys were completed without me doing anything.
I thought that I was being hacked or something lol

Same thing with me early this morning. I hadn’t even done the world quests on any character and they showed up this morning as completed, I was tired so I just went ahead and went ‘alright’ - and only later in the day did I start to realize I literally hadn’t done any world quests.

Happened again today (Alliance; Stormsong Valley emissary). Today I happened to be logged in at reset, and I saw the emissary quest pop up on my map. 0/4 completed right after reset. About 30 mins later I logged off, without having done any Stormsong WQs (or any WQs at all), and when I logged back in about an hour later, the emissary was completed 4/4. Hadn’t touched that character or any alt in the interim. This is 3 days in a row for me :slight_smile:

Happened to me today, on 3 toons. I reported to blizzard. It feels so dirty turning them in.

Happened to me again just now. I feel weird about turning it in, but its not like its gonna un-complete, so /shrug

Glad it’s not just me. All of my emissary quests completed across 6 lvl 120s. I turned in the first couple til I caught onto it.

Yesterday my main and alt had the Proudmoore WQs completed for free. Today my main has the Stormsong WQs completed, but my alt doesn’t.

I expect the reboot tonight will clear this up.

Just logged in again to another completed emissary.

Same thing here. I opened a ticket last night as well.

I thought I was going senile yesterday when I noticed I had emissaries I hadn’t turned in. Today, it was just impossible to rationalize as an oversight of my brain going on autopilot.

I had this exact same thing. I logged in and both my waveblade ankoan emissary was complete as well as the quest Against Overwhelming odds. I know for a fact my main nor my alts had completed either of them.

I’m seeing completed emissaries on my Horde characters for the first two out of three days, but NOT today’s emissary (the Unshackled). I was logging over to my alts to get their Zandalari emissaries done before they go away and… they’re already done.

Gonna have to turn them in, as the alternative is letting them time out and missing out on 1500 rep and 415 gear (both are gear rewards on Horde). I don’t think the banhammer gods are THAT cruel :wink:

Wow i actually thought i was trippin. i got completion on 4 emissaries (2 chars)

Having this problem as well, I haven’t done anything productive at all on WoW for a few days but logged in to see the Storm’s Wake emissary completed on my death knight. Logged out to play some overwatch and when I logged back in my Waveblade Ankoan one was completed as well. Like what do I do here?

There are Blue responses on a Customer Support thread about this.


I have the same problem. Login and have the world quest autocompleted.
I don’t want to take the reward. I’ll wait for your answer.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards

Confirmed happened to me today for Waveblade.

Indeed, I don’t remember doing the quests, but I must have because I’ve been very busy doing this quest and that quest and I forget which ones I’ve done, however 3 of my toons completed this LOL