On one of my characters, I noticed that I could turn in today’s emissary (Zandalari Empire for Horde) without completing any world quests first. I’m certain I’m not mistaken, because this is only half an hour after we received the emissary quest and I spent most of that time on another toon. I’ve never seen this happen before. I haven’t turned it in yet, but in all elements of the game’s UI it says it’s done, including talking to the hand-in NPC.
I’m, like, wigging out man.
This also happened to me after I did the 4 quests on my main. Swapped to alt and it was also complete.
I haven’t done them on my main either, though.
Same thing happened to me. Completed on main, swapped to an alt and it was completed. Swapped to another alt and it wasn’t completed. Perhaps just the first alt.
Yesterday (Sat 9/28 Order of Embers) and today (Sun 9/29 - Proudmoore Admiralty) the emissaries were fully completed when I logged in on my first/main/only character the first time after reset (yesterday, around 8pm; today at 1:30pm EST). I have a couple other 120 alts but I haven’t touched them in months - haven’t tried logging in to see if theirs are also auto-completed.
The same happened to me yesterday, 4 of my alts had the Voldunai emissary complete and, today, my main character and an alt already have the Zandalari emissary complete. Definitely it’s a random bug that is affecting just a few of us
Same here, happened on alliance and horde toons
This just happened to me too. I didn’t even think about it until I randomly saw this post. I just thought “why didn’t I turn this in yesterday” and turned it in… ?? But I looked just now and it was the emissary for today.
Same thing happened to me today.
Can confirm, Zandalari emisarry auto-completed on 2 toons, and one other toon had no emisarries at all, although he should have had all3 up. I thought on the first one that I had just run the quests and forgotten(i do a lot of questing on my account), but then the second one made me realize something was fishy.
This just happened to me too. I was about to do a Warfront but I got an error and my WoW crashed. When I logged back in, it showed all 4 quests completed for the emissary.
Happened to me as well, not complaining but it is odd.
logged in at 2pm est ran two toons came back at 7pm and the other 5 toons could just hand in the Q
Same here. Completed Zandalari emissary on my druid (horde) and was able to turn in on my priest as well.
I think it happened on two of mine. Wasn’t sure the first time, but definitely didn’t complete those quest on the second character
Happened to me also. Out of interest any of those getting completion have the Gift of N’zoth?
Nope, none of my characters do yet they have the completion so far.
Not only did this happen to me with 3 emissaries total over 3 characters, but I think I also lost credit for a Champions of Azeroth quest I did yesterday. I had 3 quests completed towards it on all 3 of my characters, but today one only had 2.
I love this bug, I have to say this is one of the best!
I have completed emissaries on 5 chars while only doing a couple of quests, I have been doing the jelly treasure hunting in Stormsong Valley, and I was switching chars just to make some stirrups when I noticed this.
Not sure how to report except here.
So for me it went like this…
On my main, I did three Proudmoore quests. Went over and worked on leveling an allied race character. Came back and the emissary was complete. Then I logged onto my second 120 - the emissary was complete. This was the first time logging onto her since the dailies reset so there’s no way I forgot. On my other two Alliance 120 I again did 3 WQs. This morning I just logged into one of them and it was complete. I’ve got no way of knowing if the same thing happened on my two Horde 120s because it wasn’t autocompleted on either, and I did the 4 WQs on each yesterday.
I mean, I’m not going to complain about a bank error in my favor, but this is weird.