Emerald Nightmare: Can't get to Cenarius

8/23/2020. I killed all five bosses, Malfurion will not open the gate to Cenarius. I tried the ‘small workaround’ (zone out, reset all instances) with no luck. I even logged out and back in before attempting to zone back in to the raid, but Malfurion is still standing around doing nothing. ¯_(ツ)
Put in a bug ticket but I’m guessing this won’t get fixed anytime soon (ever) considering the age of this thread.

Just tried doing a Normal clear of this today and stumbled upon this bug. I cleared Il’gynoth, Elerethe, Ursoc, and then Dragons. Malfurion gives me the quest to get the 4 essences of clarity, but will not open the iris. Tried zoning out and resetting all instances, but still no luck.

Still bugged as of 9/26/2020


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Yup, I just had the same problem and came here to look it up. I’ve killed all the bosses, but it won’t open the iris so I can fight Cenarius.


Still Bugged in 2020. Good job Tribe Nimrods.

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Still bugged 12/10/2020 I didn’t know this bug was this old til I looked it up here. Yikes.


hey guys i did a lot of digging and turns out that you can enter an instance with the help of archmage timear he is located in the entrance of violet hold and xavious is in the Rift of Aln

it was not a bug apparently but i didn’t see any notice of blizz so this is clearly a lack of communication and i hope that instead of moving stuff quietly they should tell people

but atleast i laugh a lot with chunky xavious XD

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After trying to solo this raid on normal I was unable to get to Cenarius as well. I tried again on heroic, and this time I avoided all of the purple smoke areas that spawn Lurking Horrors on the path after Nythendra. Nothing bugged out and I was able to complete the raid.
It doesn’t seem like boss order matters and resetting the instance doesn’t help. Avoiding these mobs or killing them if they spawn seems to be the thing that worked for me.

Bugged for me 10/25/20

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Blizz what are you guys doing over there. 3 years of people complaining about this bug…

I mean if you aren’t going to make the " Balance of power " a quest line that is completable with in one week due to low drop chance of the essences needed.

then fix the bugs that are making it take even longer.

the collective time wasted responding to peoples bug reports about this singe bug. could have been spent fixing the bug.

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DO NOT ACCEPT THE QUEST from Malfurion once you defeat the Nythendra, if you already have the quest, abandon it. I had the problem on a normal playthrough, I abandoned it, went through heroic and I was able to get to Cenarius.

It seems the problem stems from that quest, hope this help.

Known Bug! (That STILL isn’t fixed!) You have to wait 6 hours for the instance soft reset, then go back in and it will be available for you to interact with.

Still bugged as of 11/16/2020. Welp, gonna wait for reset.

still bugged 11/22 2020

Still bugged as of 12/2/2020. As stated before, don’t kill Elerethe too fast. Between her and accepting Malfurion’s quest “The Emerald Nightmare: Piercing the Veil”, your instance will practically always bug. Every time I’ve had this bug it’s been because of me nuking Elerethe too fast though.

Still bugged 22/12/2020, HOW BLIZZARD? ITS BEEN MONTHS

Three Years stuck before next to last boss solo’d it twice and messed up both times what the actual crap blizzard why is it being ignored or put off?? I pay money for this game each month and expect simple things like this that are QUEST REQUIRED for my druid to not happen and let alone be IGNORED for three years!?!?

Doing the dungeon on my 54 druid ^^^

Still bugged.

Still bugged