After clearing Nythendra and the four wing bosses solo EN N10, the portal to Cenarius is still closed and Malfurion doesn't have any dialog option to open it.
This is my first EN outside of LFR, if that matters.
There is a support article for this issue, but the suggested fix action (leave instance, reset all instances) hasn't helped.
I have a ticket open, but I figured I'd add an official bug report on old content to the QA backlog, in case they start to run out of current bugs to fix.
Same problem here. Wake up Blizzard
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Well, the response from the ever-helpful GM was essentially "we would do something, but your raid lock is about to roll over, so just try again next week lol."
A) I already extended the raid lock. Unless you broke that too, Blizzard?
B) And when it bugs out again next week, what will you do, Blizz? I can only play "how do you keep an idiot in suspense?" so long.
So I'll try it again. Earlier in the week, to hopefully take away that lame excuse. I mean really, Blizz, if you're going to blow off my ticket I expect an interesting excuse, at least.
A) I already extended the raid lock. Unless you broke that too, Blizzard?
B) And when it bugs out again next week, what will you do, Blizz? I can only play "how do you keep an idiot in suspense?" so long.
So I'll try it again. Earlier in the week, to hopefully take away that lame excuse. I mean really, Blizz, if you're going to blow off my ticket I expect an interesting excuse, at least.
Same problem on 9-16. Cleared all mobs/boss's in dungeon. Only dialog is to turn in raid quest. I realize the xmog runs are low on your priority list. Seeing some MOP dungeons didnt get fixed till legion. but come on..
Same issue on 9-22. I just want to complete the Teamwork Lesson for my Sharptalon Hatchling...
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same problem for 2 weeks now. i contacted support and they were like, "we're aware of this issue.. please reset your instance..." of course that didn't work.
Same issue, 9/27/18, 10:30 PM Pacific. I've followed the advice, left the raid zone, reset all instances, and returned. Malfurion offers me the collect 4 essence quest, but has no other dialogue, and the portal to Moonglade doesn't work. Tried abandoning the quest, picking it up again, that didn't affect the results.
Same problem. Reset all instances, made no difference. Cannot get to Moonglade.
Probably not going to help, but in order to do a soft reset for a raid instance, you need to not be in it for at least 30 minutes, then try zoning in again. Maybe even try an hour just to be safe.
09/29/2018 03:28 PMPosted by RankinProbably not going to help, but in order to do a soft reset for a raid instance, you need to not be in it for at least 30 minutes, then try zoning in again. Maybe even try an hour just to be safe.
Can confirm... this does nothing but respawn trash after nythendra
I wish they'd fix this soon, it's impossible to do Balance of Power with this bug in place. Was looking forward to snagging that artifact appearance.
FWIW, I have done a couple of clears now.
Two things different from the attempt that caused the problem:
I didn't pick up whatever quest Malfurion is offering. It's to earn a shortcut to Cenarius, but it takes 4 Cenarius kills to accomplish. I'm not running EN for transmogs or nostalgia, so 4 Cenarius runs is about two too many. I suspected having the quest interferes with Malfurion's scripting to offer a speech bubble to open the iris.
I did a particular kill order, the start and end of which was suggested by a post in EU forums. My order: Nythendra (of course), Elerethe Renferal, Dragons of Nightmare, Ursoc, and Il'gynoth.
Whichever one was responsible, I cleared the raid twice and got all the Essences of Power I needed to carry on with my artifact appearance quest.
Two things different from the attempt that caused the problem:
I didn't pick up whatever quest Malfurion is offering. It's to earn a shortcut to Cenarius, but it takes 4 Cenarius kills to accomplish. I'm not running EN for transmogs or nostalgia, so 4 Cenarius runs is about two too many. I suspected having the quest interferes with Malfurion's scripting to offer a speech bubble to open the iris.
I did a particular kill order, the start and end of which was suggested by a post in EU forums. My order: Nythendra (of course), Elerethe Renferal, Dragons of Nightmare, Ursoc, and Il'gynoth.
Whichever one was responsible, I cleared the raid twice and got all the Essences of Power I needed to carry on with my artifact appearance quest.
Still bugged as of 10/6
Still bugged 10/10/18
Still bug 10/11/2018
10/01/2018 09:53 PMPosted by SniperorcFWIW, I have done a couple of clears now.
Two things different from the attempt that caused the problem:
I didn't pick up whatever quest Malfurion is offering. It's to earn a shortcut to Cenarius, but it takes 4 Cenarius kills to accomplish. I'm not running EN for transmogs or nostalgia, so 4 Cenarius runs is about two too many. I suspected having the quest interferes with Malfurion's scripting to offer a speech bubble to open the iris.
I did a particular kill order, the start and end of which was suggested by a post in EU forums. My order: Nythendra (of course), Elerethe Renferal, Dragons of Nightmare, Ursoc, and Il'gynoth.
Whichever one was responsible, I cleared the raid twice and got all the Essences of Power I needed to carry on with my artifact appearance quest.
I can confirm this worked and I have completed this section of the Balance of Power questline!
Still bugged 10/23 -_-
and mentioned solution did not work for me
and mentioned solution did not work for me
still bugged.
I've tried Reset all instances. I've tried reset all instances and being out for 30+ minutes. I've tried disabling all addons + reset all instances plus staying out for 30+ minutes. I've tried disabling all addons + reset all instances plus staying out for 30+ minutes + abandoning the quest for the Essences. Still no dice. They need to fix this !@#$!
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Still bugged 3/11
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