Emerald Nightmare: Can't get to Cenarius

Still bugged =(

How has this been bugged for almost a year? I am having the same issue.


I tried LFR EN once and realised the reason why its impossible to do is the quest giver they put in in new dal is missing the quest starter for certain bosses. Thus it is impossible to kill the required bosses to unlock cenarius. The same issue affects NH LFR I think.

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Works fine for me, don’t have this issue.

Still bugged June 29, 2019

Still bugged, July 5th 2019

Still seems to be bugged 7/8/2019…

We were fine, until we left. Boyfriend and I had one boss remaining before Cenarius but headed off to do new dailies. Came back today and we can’t get Malfurion to open the iris, after clearing the last boss we needed (Ysondre & crew) and even attempting an instance reset. Sad this has been bugged so long. :frowning: This was our first encounter with the bug.

July 8th 2019. Still bugged.

Still bugged, 7/13/19. I encountered another bug along the way… if you kill Elerethe Renferal too fast (or some other unknown reason) the entrance to her room stayed gated and you can’t leave unless you hearth.

Edit: so I was able to advance in heroic to cenarius/xavius, I think the order in which you kill the prior bosses actually DOES matter. On normal (which wouldn’t let me go to Cenarius) I killed Nythendra (of course) first, then Ursoc, dragons, then Ilgynoth. On heroic, as suggested by another post, the order was Nythendra -> Elerethe -> Ursoc -> Dragons -> Il’gynoth and it FINALLY let me go to Cenarius. For everyone having trouble, give this a try.


This worked thank you!

Still bugged, 9/2019, killed Elerethe last, soloing to finish the quest. Next week, I guess I’ll try to get the ‘right’ order so it doesn’t bug out.

Still bugged, 20 Dec 2019. At first I thought maybe it had something to do with AFKing out of the game after having done Nyth -> Il’gynoth -> Elerethe -> Dragons, but not yet Ursoc. On relog about an hour later I killed Ursoc and then got back to useless Malfurion. I couldn’t even enter any of the other areas anymore, though I could go back to Ursoc’s area. Clearing out the remaining trash did nothing.

Personally I’m suspicious that boss kill order has anything to do with this. Sure would be nice to know for sure though, and to have at least a better work-around than the unhelpful Reset All Instances recommendation.

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Still bugged 1-11-2020… Blizz is asleep at the wheel. Gonna try the specific kill order thing next go around. Even though Malf even says where ever you go i got your back. I just went right to left. I skipped Legion and was on 2 year break. Trying to do content i never did and its still bugged…


Same, still bugged 1/19/20

Only anecdotal I know, but I always started with Ursoc (because it was the only one that wasn’t trivial) and never ran into this issue.

Still bugged in 8.3. 1/20/20

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I also start w/ ursoc still bugged.

Still bugged 2/1/20. (Still mad about it 2/1/20)

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Still bugged. 15/2/2020…Blizzard? Please fix this?

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I just killed Cenarius. Did the bosses in the following order: Il’gynoth, Elereth, Dragons, Ursoc.

Hopefully this can help someone!