Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

So far only have the yellow runebear and the one from Cian. No luck yet with Moragh, Mosa, Ristar or Keevah (have killed them all dozens of times) and Talthonei seems even worse, the spawn rates are completely busted. Officially giving up.

I have noticed druid groups form in the mid afternoon to farm Tal. I’ve also created my own groups to farm it.

On Day 39. Still 3 of 7.

Countless groups in game, Wowhead forums, friends, etc. It’s why I said the drop rate “appears” to be really low, not that it’s a fact. Thanks for the bump. <3

Today is my 61st Mosa kill day with nothing, 1 to 2 hours sitting in a cave for 61 days. Thank you to the person who put the water in the cave so I can fish and not lose my mind.

I’m finally down to the last 2… Mosa and Talthonei. It’s a good feeling only spending 2-3hrs a day camping rares instead of 6+.

Talthonei is the only one I really, really wanted so it’s only fitting it will (almost certainly) be the last one I get. :sob:

I calculated it up from start to finish by some estimates it was 133 ish hours of daily waiting for rares. The wait got short as some would drop and free me from that particular one. Last to get Keen, first to get Ristar < all of them should have the spawn times looked at.

Its bad game play to sit and wait for a chance, the other forms of visiting moon wells, or studying the mobs in the area were engaging/fun. The wait and pray . . outdated and lazy.


Farming world boss every week since patch launch—still no mark. Partner’s druid gets the mark on week 2. Farming all 6 rares, every day, spending 2 to 5 hours each day—flightstones and dragon isles supplies. This is infuriating (not so much on the WB). I will second what others have suggested on here: higher drop rate OR reduced respawn times. I personally prefer the latter as low drop rates have always plagued this game. But waiting between 2 to 5 hours or farming trash mobs in that time coupled with a 0.7% drop chance is lazy game design. As always, this company invests too many of its resources into raids and mythic+ while leaving other content (including PvP) to languish; its easier and cheaper to slap cosmetics onto rares rather than make engaging, alternative means of obtaining them.

I don’t think this was their intended design. It’s more a player created issue due to their own FOMO.

I think you’re supposed to happen across them while doing other things in the dream.

I have been playing since 2005. This is their go-to design and as Oxy stated, its outdated.

And what “other things” are there to do in the Emerald Dream outside the raid, world boss, weekly rep and bi-weekly world quests? Nothing. Having us waste hours of our time was the intended design.

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Are you just being a contrarian? Each of us 30 or so druids have been in numerous raids full with approximately 15 other people. And we will remember only seeing 4 drops from mosa all week, for instance, after being in 7 groups of 15. Something like that would indicate about a 3-4% drop rate. On a rare spawn, with a timer, and a lockout….


Then explain the daily lockout.

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You happen across rares while doing this. If you want to spend 5-6 hours of your play time sitting afk for cosmetics, don’t blame Blizzard.

That’s your choice - rares are meant to be rare - rare drops are meant to be rare. Yall complaining about not winning the lottery after 3 weeks of playing.

Everything in the deam has a daily lockout. You ahow up once a day to knock things out. To stop the “i spent 5-6 hours farming this rare”

Show up, knock it out, leave. You have roughly 365 days before the next xpac. And even then, you can come back and still do it daily.

Just because you didnt get it in the first month doesnt mean its time to cry wolf.

3% of 30 days still doesnt even equate to 1. Like its okay if you dont see it before March

You are missing the point. We druids (mains and Alta) do not want to be “afk rare camping”. It’s awful game design, boring, and sucks up time. As mentioned above, druids only get a handful of “transmog”, with some locked behind content that is no longer an option (looking at you, Mage Tower). It’s obvious with the 20+ druids in a rare camp raid that players clearly want more options for Druids. And we are not stupid, we recognize this farm will only become MORE challenging not less the further into the current patch (and next one) will make farming these marks. It is not fun to not be exploring the world of world of Warcraft.

So dont. Be on the lookout when youre in the ED. If theyre not up, theyre not up. Stop losing sleep over it?

What does this mean?

You could treat the rares as you described above if they didnt have a long spawn time coupled with their daily lockout. You don’t just see Cian and mosa as you are out and about very often. They are on like a 2-3 hr spawn timer and get nuked as soon as they show up.

People complaining about farming every day and not seeing something after a week or two and complaining.

Just simply showing that a 3% drop rate still isnt a guaranteed drop after an entire month of daily killing.

Right. And as time goes on, theyll be up longer and longer until you get to the point you do see them while youre out and about.

I came across Mosa randomly after flying back from doing the Mysterious Seeds quest the first time through ED and it was just me and some Warrior that took it on.

If people have 5-6 hours to camp a specific rare as they claim, then the rarity isnt an actual issue.

I think its more the “as long as i dont expect anything” mentality that actually gets them things. Have the “whatever” attitude. If its there while you’re there, great! If not, in ti more important matters

The problem is after a couple of weeks people move on from the zone unless they’re collectors and want the transmog/mounts/pets/etc. Once you’ve completed the storyline and rep there’s no other real reason to be out there. Edit - and I will say, out of all the rares, Talthonei is the most engaging because you’re killing mobs to get her to spawn. It’s far less boring, and I’ve made a good amount of gold from vendor greys and transmog armor!

Also, I’ve mentioned it a couple of times already, but I’ll throw it out there again for those who prefer to not read every post… for years non-Druids have been able to go to the barber shop and customize their appearance lots of different ways, and somewhat recently the paid customizations were included in the barber shop. Druids have only had a handful of customizations, and those were all tied to the hair colour they chose. As a troll Druid, I was beyond thrilled in Legion when I could have just a simple black cat form, but keep my white humanoid hair colour! So these new marks were such a cool addition for further customization, especially for balance Druids who don’t use the glyph of stars.

For those 2 reasons I wish the drop rates on these marks were higher. Not 100%, but I would say 25% would be reasonable.

Now this comes down to playstyles. How bad do you want it? Is it worth going back to the zone and doing a fly by once over?

Ia it worth camping and watching netflix for instead of doing other…things?

Like for me, i LIKE running dungeons. So i push past the reward cut off because its things i enjoy.

I assume mount collectors are still running ICC for Invincible if they dont have it right? and getting it is a nice reward.

I fear a lot of people are feeling entitled towards. Like ugh, i killed it 4 times, i should have it by now. But thats not how RNG works. Hell i remember running that stupid SL dungeon about 30 times on my Prot Paladin looking for that scale trinket (BiS for tanks) and never seeing it and seeing it drop like 4 times while on my DPS toons.

Its not going anywhere. You can still go back and do the owl cat skin thing for legion. Youll be able to get the runebear and owlbear in TWW. Its okay if you dont get it the first week its available

Speaking for just myself, I WILL sit for hours and camp these rares until I have them all because I greatly dislike visiting past expansions hunting for rares. I suspect many others feel this way as well, and there are likely many other reasons why people feel the need to collect all 7 marks.

My personal thoughts are I don’t mind mounts being ultra rare drops, but cosmetic items should be higher. Why? I don’t know, because really, mounts are just cosmetic as well… but that’s just what my brain is thinking.

Absolutely, you are right! But again, I know I’ll be busy in TWW collecting whatever new and exciting things they bring us and I know myself well enough to know if I don’t do it now I may never. And while I can’t imagine using the umbraclaw bear form or the dreamtalon mount form, I also know myself well enough to know that in the future I will probably change my mind and then I’ll kick myself for not farming it when it was current… I learned that from the original mage tower. =/

So, while I loathe sitting around waiting for rare spawns, I do it because I want to. And I would love to see the drop rates increased, not because I feel entitled, but because after 2+ months I’m bored as hell doing it and I just want to be done with it, haha.

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By the time these mobs are just up all the time, that means this is no longer current content and you won’t just be roaming around this area any more than I’m just hanging out in the Cata or WOD zones.

I generally agree with this; however, druid forms are a bit different since for 3 of the 4 specs this is essentially our only transmog (via forms) since legion, with rare exception.