Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

Farming to get Ashwhisper to pop is very meh. I got her to pop yesterday and a warrior almost KO’d the mob before I could even hit it. So fun…

Are these forms only once a day or can you repeat kill the mob and hope it drops

only once a day.

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Why do you want Ashwhisper?

She drops Mark of the Smoldering Dreamstag.

I farm Keevah, Ristar, and Mosa literally every day. I position my camera so the boss will be visible on the left half of my ultrawide monitor and keep a VS Code window open on the right half so I can code while I wait…and wait I do. I have killed all three of them every day for at least two weeks now (with a couple additional kills from before I started camping them religiously) and I still haven’t seen their druid forms drop. Not even for someone else. It’s insane.

Daily lockout, long respawns, no bad luck protection mechanism, AND a garbage drop rate? There’s just no reason for it. If I wanted to deal with EverQuest’s loot paradigm, I’d go play frickin’ EverQuest.

Blizz, guys… it doesn’t need to be like this. They drop cosmetics, not the nuclear codes.

Update for the day (reminder I started this farm early Nov / Dec 2023) - 2 druids, no drops. I am at 3 of 7. Been farming every day since Christmas. Still need Moragh, Mosa, Keen and the World Boss. Only have managed to get Tal, Matriach Keev, and Ristar.

Talthonei Ashwhisper is who drops Mark of the Smoldering Dreamstag.

I think you meant to reply to Oxyotll, allgood though. :slight_smile:

I am Oxyotll



But that form you are after drops off the Mob I mentioned above.

I think I said it earlier in this thread, but I’ll re-comment that I don’t think anyone is against these being a lower drop chance. but we’re 2 months into this patch and the drop rates appear to be really, really low.

I know these are just cosmetics, but non druids have had the ability to customize their characters lots of ways at the barber shop, and even recently the paid customizations were added to the barber shop, while druids have been stuck with the same handful of fur colours and travel forms for years. And their fur colour was dictated by the hair colour they chose, so they couldn’t have purple hair for their humanoid form and white cat fur and brown bear fur all at the same time.

These marks were such a great addition! But people want to actually play the content in the patch, not sit at 6 different spawn points for hours on end every single day with little to no reward.


Still at 3 of 7. Still farming on 2 druids daily. Takes about 6-7 hours total to wait for all the spawns. Its miserable.

One druid as the thought of doing more just saddens me further. I do this daily and still missing some. Close to 40 kills on them as I started 3 weeks into patch give or take and its just terrible.

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I started my druid around week of Darkmoon Faire (because I wanted to level an Alliance for the night elf t-mog). That would have been 12/3/2023. I’ve killed all 6 (and once a week World Quest) every day since, that would be 5x7=35 days of farming, wasting 6 hours a day on two druids… that would come to 210 hours of staring at a rare spawn spot in the game. So far I’m at 3 of 7. Which means if math stays the same and does NOT diminish with decreasing number of rares, a player gets one druid transmog a week (but ONLY if they farm every day 6 hours a day = a job). is this REALLY how the future of Blizzard is going to be? They have this fancy “roadmap” with no thought to the time commitment of their players? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR PLAYERS INCREASE THE DROP CHANCE!

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I forgot to add one other rare I’m camping! There’s a rare way up in nowhereland (Balboan) that drops a cloak that completes one of the leather transmog sets for Emerald Dream. It’s the ONLY source to obtain that model of cloak, and it appears to be a low drop chance as well. =S

Well it’s the end of the week, and no luck. So it appears the fewer rares a Druid player needs to kill the lesser the chance of seeing a Mark. I got all exciting after killing Mosa……but it was just the umbermane trinket for the 8th time. Still working on obtaining Moragh, Mosa, Keen eye and the world boss. this is going into week 6-7.

In all seriousness, agree with the posters.

Only based off of the 30 people in the forums, and not the tens/hundreds of thousands of druids actually doing it :slight_smile: