Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

By that time you won’t HAVE to hang out in the zones. You simply walk in, go to the location and get your guaranteed kill.

Understandable. But put on the same level as Heroic and Mythic raid transmogs (for those who aren’t able to get them in current content). Just something that you may have to come back for at a later time if you don’t get lucky.

I got owl bear and runebear on my first kills in the first week in ED just by happenstance. I understand i’m the anomaly in all of this, but I wasn’t even trying for them. I was just there. And as a Druid main, I 100% get the whole “only having a few select options”.

But this whole camping for hours and weeks on end can’t really make it feel like a reward when you get it more than a relief of not having to do it any more. That can’t be a fun playstyle.

So like when a project is kicking your rear end, step away for 30 minutes and come back and watch how easy it is and watch the frustration melt away.

As the loading screen says: all things in moderation!

I won’t have much to complain about here if what i’ve read is true: that druids are getting a teleport directly to the emerald dream where the rares are.

Fair comparison.


Bump for higher drop rates or quicker respawns on the rares.

Still at 0/6 Woohoo

Only Ashwhisper who can spawn 1min to 2hr plus or NEVER, this is just ridiculous. Also once a week low drop rate on runebear is crazy.

I’m here to give my latest update. It’s been …. 8? 7. Weeks now. I have been farming marks on two Druids every day. I now have all rare marks, but still missing the Runebear from the weekly world quest. This has been a long unfun experience. I am RELIEVED I am no longer tied down to sitting in one spot in the game.

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I’m still missing Mosa and Talthonei, with almost daily kills for them.

Yesterday I managed to get a “double” Talthonei spawn! Two mobs emoted the “I will be… avenged” line at the same time! She only spawned once, though, but I was hoping it doubled my luck. It did not. :sweat_smile:

And… just as I predicted back in post 123/124 (?)… I’m down to only needing Talthonei, the one I wanted the most. :sob:

At least it’s only one rare a day now which is such a great feeling!

Edit 2: (Because I can’t add replies unless other uses participate first, what’s up with that??)
Also, can we not have so much shard bouncing? It’s insanely annoying to be out there and get dumped into shard after shard after shard. Talthonei is the last rare I need the mark from, and tonight I’ve been out there for almost THREE HOURS with no spawn because I keep getting bumped into new shards. (Sub-edit: I’ve been out here now for 3.5 hours, I’m on shard #6)

Edit #3
Well I think I’ve used up all my luck for…ever. Today I got the blue proto drake and the solar spirehawk, and I mean… yeah, I think that was all of my good luck lol.

Got 'em all. Whew… goodbye Emerald Dream and good luck to the rest of you!


Thank you God. After 77 kills Mosa dropped the mark. I can finally leave that cave forever and go on with life. Good luck druids :green_heart:


Thinking you need all these marks now is a prison that is locked from the inside.

I freed myself long ago by not caring.

Congrats Izzuri, I know you worked hard for those!

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Thank you, that’s sweet of you to say!

I think it’s unfortunate that people have abandoned their attempts to get these because it’s such a time sink. I really wish the drop rate was a bit higher… nobody really wants to spend hours a day waiting for rare spawns.

I received the Runebear form on an alliance character that was not a druid and I was able to learn it but I am not able to see it on my horde druid. Is it only available for my alliance character? And will I still have the chance to receive it on my horde character farming it?

I wish Blizzard would stop confusing low drop rates with engaging content.


I’ve killed Mossa every day since it was intrduced and nothing. It’s March 27th.

It’s ridiculous.

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yea. cant speak for everyone else but for me stuff like this leads me to just give up on it as a whole rather than waste time. i got the ones that arent from rares which is good enough for me and if i get the 1 from the world boss cool if not it doesnt matter to much. time sinks for the sake of a time sink doesnt make me want to farm for stuff

I’ve killed Keen-eyed Cian EVERY DAMN DAY since the patch and nothing.

It’s June 23rd.

I don’t know why Blizzard hates its playerbase like this.

I’ve been farming Keen-eyed Cian for the purple tiger feral form every day on my druid since last November and still no drop. At this point I just log into my druid to get the kill and then don’t log in until the next day out of spite.

July 13th - 249 kills w/o a drop.

I have Keen and Ristar left. I’ve farmed them almost everyday for months and nothing. I’ve given up. They don’t exist.

Prepatch is here, so leveling should be quick. Just make a couple extra druids and park them at the spawn points. Those two are easy, at least you aren’t missing Tal and have to Farm Kills for 20 Mins.