Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

How is everyones luck with acquiring these so far? I figured the world boss drop would be low and expected to take many weeks to get it, but I’m 0/6 on the daily rares. I’m really after Keen-Eye and Talthonei’s drops, but I’d still like to get them all.

Am I unlucky or are the drop rates really this low??

(I ask this as I sip my coffee and patiently wait for Keen-Eye to spawn)


The drop rates are abysmal. I’m on 12-15+ kills. Luckily got runebear off world boss which is the best.


Wow, congrats! That’s a super lucky drop.

And I’m still here waiting for Keen-Eye to spawn, 2+ hours so far (Whew, finally spawned, plus 3 others one after each other… 2 more to go today, and still no drops)

I gave up on camping. I do a round for them maybe twice or thrice a day when I’m sitting while waiting to fill up a M+ key or whatever and if they spawn they spawn, if not no big deal because 96% probability of just geting 60 useless dragon supplies and 23 flightstones.

Emerald Dream is a half baked filler zone. Really undercooked and badly designed content.


I may be insanely lucky, but I have 4/6 after maybe 30 total rare kills.

No runebear form, but meh, I prefer the dark Umbraclaw look. I only care about Cian at this point.

I have yet to see another druid use the smoldering dreamstag travel form, but most of us have regular flying by now, so it’s hard to tell.

Next day edit: 5/6, Cian dropped their mark for me.

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Pretty sure it’s low drop rate and luck, took me 3 times to kill the same boss to get it to drop and that was the first one out of any of them I got from the rares after killing the others a few times as well. Then right after that, did WB and got that bear form.
Was really happy about that one.

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Sheesh, y’all are lucky, I’m envious! I’m still at 0/6 for the rares and no runebear. I was off work this week so I had lots of time to spend coughwastecough camping, so we’ll see how it goes when I have much less time to devote to all the little things :upside_down_face:

One more reset passed, still 0/6. This drop rate is awful.

I’ve never even seen this creature.

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It’s a spawned rare, you have to kill mobs in a certain area until one of them emotes “I will be… avenged” and then the rare spawns. The mobs are up in the northern area, along the east coast and down in the Fields of Reverie (there was a WQ there this week).


I am at 2/6 and 4/6 after farming on 2 accounts. I don’t think the low drop rates would bug me so much if they all spawned on a 15-30 minute timer.

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Early on I picked up an umberclaw bear form, that raptor-cat looking travel form thing (it does have a cute dance) and the white Qon’zuu owl form. All those were by total chance. I haven’t really put any effort yet into rares for other forms. I’m getting increasingly frustrated at hoping that runebear form will drop from the WB, but I’m hoping it’ll drop sooner than later.

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It would be 100% drip rate on them. And is account bound so you can trade it to your druid

This patch is all about druid but nothing speak of it.

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Wow I’m a moron. I’ve just been flying around looking for it.

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No luck so far.
What I really hate is when I’m in the Dream on an alt, see a rare I need to kill like Keen-Eyed Cian, swap to my druid as fast as elfenly possible, zoom over and… nothing.
When you see non-druids killing these rares, and you’re just like “but these are our rares…”


Omg, you’re not a moron! I only knew this because I wanted all of the new druid forms and researched the rares, otherwise I wouldn’t have given it a second thought! Sometimes the rare spawns quickly, other times… not so much, so I often wonder if someone has spawned it somewhere else in the zone.

Or when you get to a rare and a druid is just finishing it off, and I’m like come on, lets work together! But nobody announces rares anymore, at least not on my server

Edit - ok, weirdly after typing that, after reset today there were loads of Druids in ED, and whenever one of the rares spawned someone would announce it and we’d wait until everyone was there to kill it, and there was probably 15-20 Druids at each spawn! It was great =D


sorry for killing an elite. when I do WQ and I saw and elite I just want to kill it for the material.

In the future, your sacred duty when seeing rares is to first message all druids in the zone, just to be on the safe side. :slight_smile:

Kidding, really!


I play a druid and given up on the new mogs since the elites died very quickly and there are also druids and others camping for it. Not to mention is RNG.

Wish they should just have different quest druid can do to get the mog. Maybe like a quest line that takes 2 to 3 hours each and you get the new forms. Much better than killing elites and having RNG play a part and having many druids camping it.


I have three level 70 druids to farm out the forms. I haven’t had one drop yet. I’m pretty much over it and going to let my sub run out. The zone is dead and nobody is around for rares anyways.


Because its only there to progress the story and hold a location for the new raid.