Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

I’m still trying daily for the two I really want; Talthonei and Keen-Eye, but I have gotten the ones from Ristar and Moragh, and even better… the rune bear, so it’s a slow process but I’m getting there.

I don’t particularly enjoy spending hours a day doing nothing but camping rares, so now I just aim for Talthonei and Keen-Eye. Otherwise I wouldn’t have time for anything else!

In another year I just don’t want to add these to a long list of stuff I’m farming from past expansions.

I feel like most of the rare drops are fine, some take more effort than others and it’s something a little extra to do. But rune bear is just upsetting design, we’ve already been at it for nearly 2 months and TWW releases likely in 8-9 months. Who’s to say I’ll get it by then? Then what?

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My luck has been all over the place. I got the fire boomkin on my first LFR kill. I got the flame travel form on my third kill. I got runebear after 4 kills. Yet, I’ve only seen Mosa 3 times and Cian once after tons of searching.

Who knows.

I wasnt even looking for them or trying to get them… And I’ve gotten a few of them such as Keen-eye and the Tindral one… I dont remember if it was Keeva or Ristar that I got a form from a second kill… but it was one of the raptors. Wasnt really looking for them, but saw them up a few times when herbing and figured I’d join in on killing.

I know lots of people have been farming for a while now though. Just Blizzard’s dumb RNG.

just chiming in my 0.02 copper.

the rares should be on 15 mins repops, waiting there for hours is seriously annoying and silly.

why would you do this to us Blizz? seriously. so unfun i dont even have words to describe accurately. :confused:


Can these rares please drop the Mark 100% of the time? this would save so much needless waiting around. Or have a less time consuming spawn time?

I really enjoyed the forms that have players actively doing something (cast hibernate, go collect water from moonwell, that was interesting). Wait for a rare spawn = boring.


3 weeks in, still 0/6. Done wasting time until increase the drop rate or put the spawns 10-15 min timer. The amount of time waiting could be playing an alt/dungeons/lfr/etc.


Only thing I don’t like is the spawn timer on some if not most of the rares. If Blizz is going to insist on low drop rates, then at least shorten the spawn timer.


killed every rare today. ZERO Marks.

so your missing the “sit and no nothing” stuff. yeah really awesome game. I hate waiting around when I want to play the game.

That’s why you get 2 screens. You play another game while camping.

Is it me, or does it feel like the spawn rates of the normal mobs in Fields of Reverie (to spawn Talthonei) have slowed down? I used to be able to do a full circle, and come back to the starting point and pretty much everything was respawned… now, I often have to wait several minutes at the end of one route. So, the drop rates suck, and now it takes even longer to get it done. =S

And, the drops in general are not as good. The first couple of weeks I had so many blue items drop and now I barely see any at all.

This is getting old fast no doubt. An increase to drop or spawn time would be welcome. I’m still sitting 1/7 and that 1 being Ristar who pops every 30 min. Day in and day out now 3 weeks of nothing is not fun at all.

I’ll have to start adding in more druids to complete this as groups seem to be forming less and less as the days march on. Many reporting they only need 1 or 2 left and I’m stuck here with 6 still. RNG is a fickle one.

I have only mosa left to get. Mosa I’ve killed 44 times with a wait of 2 hours each time. I’m basically living in that cave now, doing work while waiting. If I leave the cave and grab a somnut outside I get put in a different shard (idk why?) and who knows what the wait time is then.

By wowhead the droprate percentage is close to Invincible’s Reins (1%) ? I guess I’m thankful that it resets daily and not once a week :upside_down_face:

so what you’re saying is it is a lost cause for those who actually work outside of our computers.

Maybe not a lost cause, but if you’re unlucky with spawn times (sometimes they line up really well, others… not so much) you might be in for a boring hunt.

I’ve basically dwindled down to Talthonei and Keen-Eye daily, as those are the 2 I really want. If I have time to camp others I will, otherwise I pass by their spawn points and if they’re not up I move on.

I can’t say I want a 100% drop rate, but 25% seems reasonable.

I don’t think a 100%, but it for sure needs to have its drop rate buffed up. I’ve heard reports of 5% drop rate, but I’m 0/5 on all the daily rares, with only Ristar dropping aka the easy one as it spawns every 30 min vs 3 hours.

I don’t think the drop rate is that low for Mosa. I’ve been a part of two raids now that killed Mosa. About 20 people present and 2 forms dropped from Mosa on one kill and 3 dropped today.

I’d be okay with 25% drop rate. I’ve not received any Rare drops yet. Just the “explore the world” ones. I have a life, I just want cool art from a video game. is that too much to ask?


I’ve had almost no luck. Got the form from Ristar in the first few days of the patch and have got absolutely nothing since. :frowning: