Embrace Your Orc or Human Legacy with New Heritage Armor Sets

I’m confused. The post makes it sounds like the plate only comes in blue, the robes only come in red, and the leather only comes in green. But at the top banner picture is shows a human wearing red plate armor. Are we getting color variations of all three armor sets?


We’ve datamined the three color variants for Human and Orc Heritage Armor coming in Patch 10.0.7. While we don’t have the complete models yet to share with you, we have some of the textures as well as the names of the heritage ensembles.

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its cool that these are getting color variants. but it is kinda frustrating when some races get extra tints to heritage armor and other races that have other colors in the game file but not usable for no good reason. please consider unlocking the color variants for some other heritage sets, like mechagnomes, nightborne and lifghtforged


It would be nice if all the human variants representing stormwind (blue), stromgarde(red) and kul tiras (green) also had some slight variations in their armor to be more reflective of their respective kingdoms.

Not really sure how to explain/describe it, but maybe the kul tiran set would have a bit of a naval/sailor/seafaring flair to it as a nod to their fleet.

Maybe the stromgarde set would have more of like an “old school” feel/look to their armor (as they are the last remaining remnant of the Arathorian Empire (the first great nation of humans founded by the unification of the various tribes of the northern reaches of Eastern Kingdoms) under the Arathi tribe

Maybe the helms and/or shoulders would be different.

Same could be said of the orcs and the various clans their armor colors are (likely) meant to represent to represent.

:person_shrugging: food for thought


To be fair I think the base pieces, like the chest and pants, do this. You can use the chest and pants to represent the color of the kingdom your character is from, and then use other set pieces for shoulders or whatever to help make them more unique.

Like you can use the green heritage set with the BfA gear sets and that would look very Kul Tiran in appearance.

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Seeing a lot of negativity so you know ol’ Stormwind fangirl Charitygrace had to come and give her 2 cents:

LOVE the Human armor!!! :heart_eyes::crossed_swords::muscle:t2:


Do they? was looking at the bits and pieces that had been datamined and it seems/looks like they are effectively the same minus coloring.

Kul’Tirans also follow an archetype, marine-pirate theme to be precise. That’s why they’re an allied race :slight_smile:

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They should just have it were the heritage armor is unlocked for all races in a faction. I should be able to use both the Orcish and the Mag’har heritage armor, as well as other horde race armor such as the blood of heritage armor

Think of it like fine tuning the first races to got only one set with one option the next got a few options like skirts, this round is getting more in terms of options and colors (though I suppose maghar did get alternate colors).

I wouldn’t be surprised if once they finish making sure each race has at least one set if they went back and added more options for the other races.

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Remember that we saw them in stormwind armor style with a green color even in Legion, so having this color on the human set make sense.
Unfortunatly, the Kul tiran race will not have these sets.

They can begin with the worgen heritage armor: It’s in Kul tiran color, not gilnean which is ridiculous for a gilnean armor set.


I may have over looked it, but where does it say it’s armor restricted? I assumed it was just two different options for the chest, like the blood elf set.

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Horrible, do better.

Not to mention they gave long coats to Kul Tirans when Gilneans were the first race to be shown wearing long coats in their starting zone, in the comics, and then when Genn got his model update in Legion.

The only good thing about the worgen heritage set is the coat has the part that wraps around the back and shoulders like Genn has. That’s really cool and I love it, but why couldn’t they give us actual long coats??

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might have due to the clipping/hugging the legs might happen
the ranger armor from new Vegas comes to mind
edit you are thinking about duster styles

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I really like these… and impressed that we get three different sets so we can do class based… Very cool…

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Yes! I want a duster style for Worgen very bad. And it doesn’t even need to be in worgen form either. If you look at Genn’s model when he is in human form he has the duster, but when he turns into worgen form his outfit looks just like the Gilnean heritage set. So why not give us a duster in human form at least?


i think dusters would be cool
on hunters give the bounty hunter look

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I’m at least hoping for a duster look to show up in the Trading Post since the transmog stuff they have added so far has been really good. Like the Harlequin set is unique! It’s the first set I think we have seen where the tail pieces that hang down are attached to the shirt and not the pants. That alone gives me hope we might get a duster some day.

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same but we all can hope one day