Embrace Your Orc or Human Legacy with New Heritage Armor Sets

I guess you missed the part where forsaken already have a ton of that. Its literally human heritage but with lordaeron symbol.

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So where is the Undead Heritage Armor then?

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Warfronts. If they got any other armor, it’d be human armor thought with lordaeron symbol, they are just humans who got raised. The best armor to represent them is the undead armor in warfronts.

Do these orcs and humans have to be leveled from 1-50 or can they be like a faction change or race change, just be 50 and exalted?

If it’s anything like the past, core races didn’t require you to level 1-50 or whatever.
Only the allied races.


Lmfaaooo :joy::joy:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: y’all are bogus af

Fun fact, the eagle is actually Stormwind’s/house Wrynn’s coat of arms. The lion was Lothar’s personal crest and a throwback to the original kingdom of Arathor, which if anything would be closer to Stromgarde. Varian just chose to keep his adoptive father’s banner instead of creating a new one more in line with his own dynasty’s heritage. One could see this as a power move since Arathor would have primacy over all the human kingdoms.

In WCII the banner in the manual was a lion for Stormwind and Stormgarde was a fist just as it is now. The blue and red were their RTS colors. Orange Alterac was the one with a bird. So I suspect this is just a book retcon.

At the time the kingdom was also still “Azeroth” and it was just the castle that was called Stormwind. Fun fact, the castle was originally “Stonewind Keep” but by the release of WCI Blizzard had changed it, except they forgot to edit the map.

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Hopefully with new heritage armor sets coming out with color options that the prior ones will get color options as well.

Because the minds behind the artistry they we fell in love with are gone and blizz has went in an entirely different art direction now. Dragonflight is pretty… but it’s just not the same style as everything before it.

Everything looks like plastic. In blizz’s mind, the old art design being a staple of Warcraft is likely just an inconvenience or annoyance to their new vision of what they want WoW to be.

Thank you for finally releasing this. I’m so tired of having debates with my guildies in Discord if Orcs and Humans are supposed to get heritage armor. I cannot wait for you to release the remaining races. Obtaining them has been a big motivator in playing different races.

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Totally - good luck finding a group in under an hour though QQ

hey i saw the option of human armor having a long skirt, please tell me the Orc armor will also have that option my Orc Warlock would be very grateful if that is true…

(also in addition to that can we have a option to turn pants into skirt and have cloth armor with skirt get cut have way so we can have the option of making armor with long skirt or short skirt or no skirt?? i think it would be cool if Chest armor would have a option to do that for all armors)

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I mean, there is a ton of Troll Dungeons and Raids to plunder for loot, but still, yeah, Darkspear Heritage when?

Also give the male trolls the stand upright option already. The Zandalari have had five years to share access to their chiropractors with their cousins.


As Sorelai stated that the game is still Orcs vs Humans. Warcraft: Orcs and Humans was made in 1994. It’s the game that started all of this to begin with. I’m glad both of these races have more options and love than the other ‘supporting’ role models.

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i wish they’d put those sets on a vendor.

And why do the Darkspear not have this option yet?

Its been five years in-game, and the Orcs learned how to stand up straight long before that! Surely the chiropractors have gotten around to helping our Darkspear brothers by now!


Couldn’t Blizzard give the Darkspear the same rig as the Zandalari trolls? Like it’s right there…

Also don’t forget worgen! Why can’t they stand up straight??? Blizzard give us upright trolls and worgen!

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