Embrace Your Orc or Human Legacy with New Heritage Armor Sets

That human heritage armorset is Mediocre AF :melting_face:

You guys could’ve made ADVENTURE COATS based on the Kul Tiras npc outfits, which weren’t put in the game already because of how hard it’d be to rig on other race models, but instead you chose to make more of the same :poop: we’ve been wearing for years, without any unique assets ???


Personal Thoughts on both sets.

Orcs: I love the red one. That’s pretty much all I need to say I want the red one pretty bad even. I have to check to see if my orc character is level 50 because I really want that red one.

Human: I like the color variant, particularly the red one but I don’t know what’s going on with the helmet on that female model. I hope it’s just distorted because of the casting animation because…/pointsToFemaleAvatar

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The game still is Orcs vs. Humans. The other races are just supporting characters.

True, would’ve been cooler if the belt had a fist or hawk symbol instead like Stromgarde.

Little steps!


Damn came out swinging. Maybe you need to calm down.

Your Alliance vs Horde team colors:

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I like them


Can you please allow Evoker human visage form to transmog these?

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Can we please get an option to toggle off asymmetrical armour it really bothers me more than it should.

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God that Human armor looks hideous.

Artists go on strike or something?



Certainly went on strike around BfA. Them Vulpera… shudders


We have better versions of both helmets already.

Should have gone with a Frostwolf Helmet for Orcs and a Lothar Lion Helmet for Humans.

The Human set having a built in Tabard is bad and the Skirt for the cloths set looks like level 10 greens. And the under armor should have been either mail, coth, or leather, not a weird mish mash. But worst of all is the Trim on the shoulders/Belts don’t even match the Helmets/Gloves/Boots!

The glowing on the Orc spikes feels unnecessary and the Wolf Skull shoulder is a bit big. It should have been a wolf belt like Groms.

5.5/10 for Humans and 7/10 for Orcs.


I wasn’t sold on the orc set at first, but getting a better look at it now I actually really like it. The human set is…well, about what I would expect from a human themed set in WoW. It could have, and should have, been better though.


Why restrict these based on armor type?

I would make a human mage if they could wear the armored version.


I wonder who this mysterious ally involved in the human heritage armor is supposed to be.

Vanessa VanCleef helping us against an organization that has fallen into darker hands, Anduin since he’s currently MIA, or some other character?


Orc quest name is so lame. Why are they always trying to make the Orcs pathetic.

Where’s the warmongering and bloodlust that makes them cool.

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I agree. This quest feels like it would be for Mag’har not the green skinned orcs that invaded Azeroth driven by demonic fel blood and sacked Stormwind.

Their heritage quest should be all about conquest and destruction.

because nobody with good taste likes void elves.


I dont like this heritage armor set the orc set looks like a hunter mog nore then a heritage set
The alliance set i dont vibe with it doesnt feel like alliance

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So why do Orcs and Humans get these variants of their heritage armour, but Mechagnomes can’t have the other two colour variations for their heritage armour that have been in the game since their heritage armour was implemented? C’mon, Blizzard, this would take you like two minutes to fix!