Week 4 i was in shock i saw someone get it gave me hope and here we are…but ya i know its a possibilty just seems 2 weeks back to back is odd considering the stage of embers i truly feel the odds are better in normal than they think curious to see what happens tuesday with hotfix in
Aside from the fact i havent downed HFyr, I have wonder if my drop rate would have been better if I’d run other levels of the boss as Arms, rather than Titan’s Grip Fury. Arms only needs one 2H, while Fury Titan’s Grip needs two.
None of the other STR classes can wiekd two 2Hs, so I’m wondering if the game has been (inadvertently) taking that into account when awarding the drop.
All you guys need to do is not balance around the legendary… Put them in mythic and make the ‘Legendary’… make them insanely OP and broken and fun… but don’t make them required in order for < insert class here > to be able to compete at any level… Even mythic.
Please stop making me raid to be competitive in m+. No other game makes you spend so much time doing things you dislike to be viable in the content you enjoy.
the legendary drops regardless of your spec.
a holy paladin has the same percentage drop chance as a ret paladin.
if you were set for protection loot spec, you would still have the same chance as arms or fury.
Exactly this, Devs should be open to talk about rewards, I’m mostly a mount collector and I got excited about the love rocket changes announced back in 2022, then Reward Dev proceeded to implement a pure RNG solution without talking with players like the Council.
The Council also mentioned several times the topic of rewards, BLP and the issue that could be for seasonal content.
We need more discussion about rewards and their acquisition, it should be goals intead of a “JACK POT” feeling as some devs mentioned in their last Council Live Chat. We don’t want to gamble in this game without doing meaningful progress.
personally i think that RNG drops for cosmetics is perfectly fine.
i, however, don’t like drops that are below 1%.
i think anything under 1% should be changed to 1%.
I don’t agree because there’s players with few characters that 1% drops + frequency of attempt could lead to a massive frustrating grind over years. that’s why a BLP could work better that leaving the players to handle it via armies of alts. That for cosmetics.
Player power items should be acquired even faster due to the seasonal content, Actually I tought Devs had something in mind after the Shadowlands Fated season with the Dinnar system, I expected something similar for DF, because its not only about Legendaries, there’s massive upgrades via some trinkets that you can grind the whole season without results.
yes i agree.
i am a mount farmer with over 700 mounts; i have many mounts that are 1% or less and i dont mind that drop rate.
its just cosmetics and it feels good when i finally get the drop.
i dont “need” these mounts and it’s perfectly fine for them to have a 1% drop rate.
i like that some things are rare.
Right lol. I made a joke comment of of let’s just give the legendary to everyone, as sarcasm of course, not actually thinking it would happen.
I’m absolutely convinced that a “legendary” could have a 100% drop rate at the start of the season and people would still find a way to complain.
Yeah, I’ve over 900, however; that requires to do a massive alt army, otherwise its impossible to get, the game should provide a better approach for new players and players with few characters too, so maybe things like keep the 1% but remove the lockout in old raids, so you don’t need alts…etc, RNG is a matter of various elements, Drop %, ratio of attempts. Increase one value and you’ll get it eventually.
From what I’ve read, basically if you’re not doing heroic on every toon, just throw the towel in. That’s me unfortunately.
It is ok for some things in the game to be very difficult to get - as long as those things are merely cosmetic and not tied to player power, it is perfectly acceptable in my opinion.
You dont need 900 mounts, nor do I, we farm mounts as an enjoyable activity.
Frankly, I enjoy the rare drop chance of some mounts, gives me something to do.
If every mount were easy to get, I’d be done and have no more mounts to farm
I want to be done tho, so I don’t keep on wasting my time in this game and do something else while waiting for the next exp.
Done with what?
farming mounts etc
If you think farming mounts is a waste of your time, just don’t do it.
It’s purely cosmetic and not necessary to enjoy the game.
I enjoy farming rare mounts even if I’ve been at them for years.
The ONLY mount that I became frustrated with was the oondasta mount. But I wasn’t frustrated because of the low drop rate - I was frustrated because there were CONSTANTLY hunters trying to tame it and grief everyone from tagging it.
Whenever I went to oondasta, I always had to sit on the edge of my seat, ready to burn oondasta down as fast as possible so the hunter couldn’t finish their taming cast.
When I finally got oondasta’s mount, I was so relieved that I would never EVER AGAIN have to endure this interaction with hunters.
And honestly, farming oondasta alongside hunters became so annoying that I actually stopped doing it for a few months and then came back to it when it didn’t bother me so much.
Basically - if you aren’t enjoying the journey of farming a mount, it’s probably best you just don’t do it.
that is just your own ideology, mounts dont have to take years to farm and certainly dont tell me what to do
At this point so is the Legendary since according to the data posted it’ll take 40 weeks of LFR (3/4th’s of a year) to be guaranteed a drop (and with the scaling, it’s terrible until that point). And we’re only on week 11, so 29 weeks to go.