Guardians of the Dream leaves a gameplay deadline for Evokers without a legendary

I want to be positive and excited for the release date of 10.2 but the date does not leave much room for Evokers who are still unlucky in acquiring the legendary overall.

The date not only sets a deadline for groups raiding Aberrus but for those who haven’t been able to craft the weapon let alone acquire the gem for the quest in the first place. It’ll be at that point where the viability of Evokers in a raid will be only gatekept based on two factors:

Are you playing Augmentation?
Do you have the legendary?

It’s at a point where no one will bother with playing the class and race because other class options are still not available yet and the “Replacement” for the weapon is only available on Mythic difficulty.

Bad luck protection isn’t enough anymore for a significantly abysmal drop rate.


Congrats, Evoker, you get to be a part of the spec representation equation. The ebb and flow of “meta” specs.

I’m not really sure what is to fix here specifically for Evoker. Do you nerf the legendary and buff the specs?