Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

with all the pain the elves put us trolls through over the years, they deserved their tree-houses getting burnt down.

Ok but there is the other part of it, The deliberate killing of people. Was that the intention of the action? From my understanding she wanted to kill hope. The people was just gravy on top.

As seen here, clearly just burning the tree to kill hope. It wasn’t the original plan.

Um didn’t y’all: kill and sacrifice each other in cannibalistic rituals, hunt early humans to near extinction when they couldn’t fight back, try to auto kill the High Elves when they accidentally built a mage city over your ancestral burial grounds without realizing it (I mean dude Trolls, you gave them time to BUILD the entire city, let it be mon), try to subjugate the Pandaren, etc?

I wish they would of actually wiped out the humans. The alliance don’t deserve to exist.

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ah, you just said a darwin lol.

murdering and causing genocide is never justified.
with or without a reason.

Bold of you to say this while playing a human now


Playign the Devil’s ADvocate (sorry, I have to) …

Nothing in game is properly scaled. Goldshire, from various lore bits, is described as a small town with a population of around 500.

So, Camp Taraujo was probably much the same, less than a thousand people living there. And before people scream about how that’s a lot of people … I went to visit my sister recently.

She lives in a town that is half a square mile with a population of 800. They were heavily spread out. So, if you were a trading or hunting camp, you’d probably want things far more compact. Which means Camp Taraujo was probably about 1/4 of a mile or so with a population of under 200.

Also the fact it was called a Camp and not a Town or a Village or anything like that says its also on the smaller side.

Some some food for thought in terms of scaling vs lore based population density.

The reason for the lower population was taking into account the fact that its based around the middle ages. Ergo, population numbers were not exactly HUGE.

EDIT: Adjusted based on the time period the game was patterned after.


No it was a hunters camp, no way a thousand live there.
And i said that because tauren lore wise, are technically bigger than they are ingame

I am not a worgen I just wear this worgen hide for the name sake.

Never? Are you sure about that? I bet I can probably come up with an extreme example to make you change your mind. Such a general statement is usually easy to prove wrong.

Revised my numbers, forgot to think about size as well as the time period. IE middle ages, far lower population.

It is in blizzards interest to dramatacize and sensationalize their own story, so they are not exactly impartial. They dont tell you or show you how many forsaken were killed in brill and surrounding areas. The numbers killed on screen are representative of the dead, but you dont see how many actually died. For all we know, most of the elves took the tree slide to safety and very few died. They leave it to our imagination.

Implying that means you need help

I mean, it could be bigger than most hunting camps, considering tauren come and go through it, and since it was a recruiting spot.

are you calling him out? probably a bad idea

Obviously the numbers I came up with is just theoretical. But having visited my sister’s town … it was stunning realizing how small the entire town is. I made a joke to her about having A cop. Turns out I was right. The ENTIRE town has ONE cop. OH, but they do have a highway patrolman living in town.

So … a hunting camp would be a lot smaller. Probably 1/4 square mile, if that large. Assuming they’re twice as big as humans, and structures are twice as large, I think a population of around 200 is about as accurate as we’ll be able to get.

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So are cities.
Wow, that was not hard lol


Nature can be naughty…earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, plagues, dinosaur killer asteroids…the back street boys. the list goes on and on.


Oh, I don’t put any faith in Dexterworgen. It’s why he’s been put on my forever squelched list.

I mean, early on I was “dude, if you love the horde so much, do a race change and shut up.”

Back then I had to suffer him, then they added being able to ignore for up to 6 months. Now you can ignore them FOREVER.

You squelched me, but I bet you can’t resist reading this.


The devs should hang their heads in shame for writing bfa at all. Destroying the last of the strong horde leaders, destroying capital city hubs, designing
bfa hubs the way they did, removing gaining strength with the world while leveling . The list goes on and on.


All this talk about introducing wood’s natural predator on steroids makes me wonder… What are they going to do about the Worgen joke talking about how much they love Darnassus and all of the trees there?

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