Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Uhm,I just wanted 100ft not 15miles to oblivion. :scream:

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The worst thing is when you think about Azerite.

Ok, supposedly its this all purpose magical material made from the blood of the world.

If it can be used to create such destructive force … wouldn’t liquid azerite be something that is equally dangerous? Yet we step into it and it only reinvigorates us.

There is no consistency (I think we see a pattern) on what Azerite can be used for. You draw out the power from the rocks with the Heart which causes the physical azerite to crumble instantly. Liquid azerite cannot be easily extracted from, but it has restorative properties. IT can also transform normal elementals into an azerite elemental. And they have found ways to use it as a fuel source, which is apparently extremely explosive. And then it just sits there, a huge rainbow colored rock, and does nothing.

Yeah … the ‘science’ of Azerite is so all over the place that it only does what the story tells it to do.

Aka Phlebotinum. Plot Driven Fuel Source.


no they cry

Just as a meme, because the elves are just using the definition of genocide without the actual proper context. Following the literal definition Camp Taurajo also is a genocide.

Also “IQ” does not necessarily measure one’s intelligence as it applies in the real world, this has been proven. IQ does not=a measure of full intelligence. There are MANY things wrong with the person’s argument, not the least of them that they used IQ which is not an accurate metric of assessment…

technically taurajo was a camp.

Meanwhile Darnassus had many civilians and people still trying to escape, being burnt and choked out of the giant tree that was continuously being bombarded with demonlisher’s with flame ammunition

“the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.”

Both of these things apply to this definition.

There two parts of Azerite ,the liquid is has healing principles while solid is destructive from what I seen of it nether is mixable nor can change it’s structure .I don’t think we will ever know to much about it other than that.

No because a Genocide is: Genocide- a DELIBERATE killing of a large group of (typically the same race) people. Taurajo wasn’t deliberate it was PLANNED yes, but they didn’t intend to kill them all as shown by the head of operations allowing civilians through once they realized it WASN’T the military target they thought it was.

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I’ve known a number of “geniuses” who could never pass a mensa test. There are multiple types of “genius” and most are not properly recognized.

Genius cannot be predicted. If we could predict them, we could get them into “education” at an early age to maximize their potential.

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Ye, so its right because a large group of night elves was killed…
meanwhile camp Taurajo was basically a small hunting camp that was used for recruiting people


Define large? How many people does it take to be a large group of people.

darnassus is a large city, there were potential thousands of elves living in it

When people finally realize the burning of Teldrassil was an inside job …

Sure, but how many people does it take to be a Large group of people? 10? 100? 1000? a million?

That was referenced by the quest.

I think you were asked to save 1000 elves. Of course you don’t have enough time and at best you saved maybe 100 or so.

And these were likely just the stragglers.

While I know that’s just a bad meme … if you applied that kind of nasty conspiracy stuff … that could explain how they got flames so far into the city so fast.

The tree did have tunnels around it’s base I remember see them ,so it would seem possible these were caught on fire and burned upwards into the tree and with wind current it could move fast like a torch .

“Large” seems to be equivalent with above average size or amount, considering Taurajo was an average Tauren village and that not everyone there likely died and that some survived, I’d say it does not qualify for the “above average in amount or size” requisite…

a group of people is most likely hundreds, small but numerous like a tribe.

but numerous is around thousands, and knowing how nelfs kept to themselves for awhile, probably over 5-thousand at least that was living there, now a good chunk of em are dead, followed by worgen who are also dead for they did not escape with everyone.

it was a warcrime ordered by sylvanas and enacted by the horde, a Genocide

meanwhile camp taurajo barely even had a hundred tauren, They are too big to fit in that small hunters camp