Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Oh I agree.

When ever I think of the story of BFA… I just think of this song

The writers really screwed the pooch this time around. But we still have to take what they say as reality. That is the nature of the game.

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Well, that started with Legion. While I can understand their reasons for doing it, having the world level up with you is considered an RPG sin by many.

Now, a softer version of that is acceptable. IE “Elwynn Forest: Level 5 to 12.” where mobs scale upward … but cap at 12. THAT is acceptable. But having level 60 Kobolds … no, it just doesn’t feel right.

Mages have this spell called “portal”. I was a volunteer firefighter, brush fires dont usually move all that fast unless you have high winds…then look out.

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You’re in a tree miles up in the air ,of course there will be wind.Yet also smoke which would deplete the oxygen so porting would not help all of them not even the mages.

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it strains the mages who have to hold open the portals, and knowing the night elves, they have so few mages in there city

Plus dogs, we all know how windy they can be. And most of those elves are super old. Complete wind bags.

Dexter out. lol.

So what you are saying is, if Night Elves wasn’t so intolerant they might have lived?

Darwin Award ?

As a volunteer firefighter I can imagine you have a perspective on how LOTS of moisture in the area can have an impact on fire spreading. I mean, we all know that dry wood lights up easily.

But soaked wood … yeah, that takes effort to light. And due to its location, pretty much all but the HEART of teldrassil is probably just soaked with moisture.

Also … thanks for doing a job like that. I know I couldn’t do it. Especially right now with how many people are attacking first responders, fire fighters, police officers, the works.


Maybe there’d be more highborne if a particular warden didn’t decide to go all serial killer on teldrassil even trying to kill malfurion. But what do I know.

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you know how to spell Malfurion.

It’s okay to be a murderous genocidal race against Mages. Just don’t be genocidal against elves in general.

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A valid take however, the inhuman elves, mostly the inhuman thalassian’s need to be eradicated. Nighborne are cool though :sunglasses: so not all elves need to die I guess. Just most of them

Now, i’m worried :cold_sweat:

How many Tauren hunters camps have you visited? How many temporary hunter or warrior camps have you visited? Read any research on period Viking or Roman camps?

Haha it’s okay the elves abolished that sort of behavior a few expansions ago… But who knows if they will go back to their old ways or not. They do have habits…

I’ve always found it utterly hilarious that the night elves outlawed arcane a creation of order, which is the polar opposite of fel energies

Pretty sure a entire race bigger than ogres is not gonna live in the thousands in a small area…

hundreds even, but not thousands, also considering they were on the near end of extinction from marauding centaurs who were both killing them and hunting any animals in the area they lived in. (During wc3)


So wouldn’t killing any number of them be genocidal? If they are already small in numbers due to being hunted. Wouldn’t a “Small” group actually be a proportionally large group? That small group of people could possibly been 10% of the population or more.

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No that’d be blood elves yer thinkin about.

I agree with you fully.