Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Was what happened in BFA’s opening with the Elves a example of Genocide, or Darwinism? Let us examine the evidence

Elves all chose to live on a giant tree
Said tree is flammable
Said tree is on Azeroth, where every two years a new threat emerges.

There is a significant argument here to be had that the elves was just super stupid. An intelligent species would have known on Azeroth Deathwing, or some other being would eventually burn the tree down. It’s just obvious. Knowing this they would have made more escape routes even if they did live on the tree (but they wouldn’t have in the first place)

However on the genocide side of things.
The attacking force did kill a ton of people all at once.

To me I think there is more arguments to be had that this was just a case of the Darwin Awards coming into place. The Forsaken did the alliance a favor by ridding them of their most stupid people.


Well since Blizzard called it genocide and it’s their story… I would agree with them. They made a conscious decision to call it that.



There is duality at play.


Is the tree really that flammable though? We see several fire elementals there as well as some flaming demons, I think the only reason the tree “burned” the way it did was cause of the Azerite munitions used…


But the catapults shouldn’t have reached that location and a tree that size shouldn’t have been able to combust.

edit: I forgot to include that it’s because of magic.


Just gonna point out that this is a regular on GD, who does believe that teldrassil was justified. Take that how you will.


The tree ultimately burned down because of the Horde flinging fire at it, not some NE rednecks starting a backdoor bonfire with 5 gallons of gas.


So it’s ok to call a peoples life style stupid ,If a tribe lived in a area developed a culture that doesn’t fit you mentality of a race of being s that maybe more advanced than yours you start assuming they are lest in the pool to live. Great ,and i bet you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Your point being? I’m not hiding anything, it’s just people always whine when I talk about this and not posting on a forsaken character. Now you going to whine when I do?

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What the hell do people have against nature??!!!


Nothing at all, in fact it’s the law of nature that the stupid and weak get killed by the smart and strong. What happened is only Nature. Maybe in the future you will adapt and not live in a tree.


So what’s the point in this thread?

So you have something against tree houses?


He’s a worgen of course he does.

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It cuts into profits. Hence why at one point you had the governor of a state in the US whining about “polluters rights” for a time (this was years ago).


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I am really disappointed in you.

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Sounds like a Goblin.

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(hangs little gnomish head in shame and goes and hides under the bed)

It’s were not was.

Also the devs were stupid for writing a story where a living tree surrounded by water and maintained by druids burned even remotely.

Even more stupid that the devs forgot the Shen’dralar (again) are a part of night elven society, or that they could have gotten help from Stormwind mages… Or any number of other things to get people out before the tree was even burned.

They’re also stupid to think that anyone in the horde leadership wouldn’t have just cut Sylvanas’ head off for suggesting such a war when we ALL just finished off the Legion and had significantly depleted resources and troops…

The night elves are not the least bit the problem. The devs are.


Oh yes. Humanity is really good at destroying more than building with natural designs.