Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

The Darwin Awards by their nature are generally given to people who actively cause their own death. The NE’s didn’t actively do that; Sylvanas did by burning the tree. It’s genocide, for some reason without repercussion.


You think the orcs’ crappy huts are not flammable?

No, but do all the orcs live in a single hut? Then cry “Genocide” when someone throw a torch at it?

I guess that’s why if I fall 49.9 feet I’ll survive every time, but 50, forget it. Talking about the laws of physics in this game is very speculative at best. It is certainly not a simulation, or even pretending to be simulation of real life.

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Even in a world where magic is an answer, a good fantasy story will create a consistent set of rules for magic.

While the common man will simply say “a wizard did it!” any scholar or wizard will be able to know “Ok, this was not done via Pyromancy. The intensity of the blaze along with the emotional residue says that it was caused by applied demonic flames.”

When you have consistent rules, people are less likely to question immense tragedies involving magic of any sort.


Hope we’re not on the car thing again :rofl:

Dude, you can never convince me todays cars are in any way or form a type of art. They are just boxes on wheels. My child can draw better art then that.

Doesn’t have to be a single hut. If there’s a village full of huts, you think the fire won’t spread?

Well spoken, and those things are important. “A wizard did it” is sort of just forum snark for when nothing else seems to make sense I guess.

Blizzard is about as consistent as the weather in Seattle. We don’t have the joke about … “Don’t like the weather, wait five minutes” without there being some validity to it!

No, but I was trying to make a fair comparison to the tree. All those elves was on a single tree. So it’d have to be a bunch of orcs living in a giant Poo hut.

Yeah,but I need a car to fly 100ft and enough explosive for my experiment.

There was a movie about that… I think it was actually called the Darwin Awards.

To be fair, there were separate houses on that tree. The dry grass in the barrens is just as flammable as the tree. Throw a bunch of huts on there and they won’t last long. Same thing.

:eyes: omg .

Maybe the forsaken should take this into account in their recruiting, to prevent their average IQ from continuing downward.

It’ll definitely spread. There have been forest fires that started small … and all it took was a good wind, grab some sparks and suddenly what started as 2-3 buildings burning can easily spread. What makes the dangers of fires in orgrimar even worse is they have torches everywhere. Not just that, but they’re in a desert, aka limited moisture. Which can make that wood even more flammable unless properly treated.

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Except that doesn’t always work. Because a “stupid” person may simply be less capable in scholastic fields, but they could create the most beautiful musics and art out there.

So saying ‘purge the weak’ runs afoul of the fact that you could be doing nothing more than purging the very people who will make your culture stronger and able to endure more.


You do when the tree has survived literal Fel fire everywhere, as well as normal fire, in fact it’s enough for me to scream “PLOT HOLE!!!” at the top of my lungs in irate irritation at the plot of 8.1…

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