Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

And yet ,a chimpanzee isn’t stupid because it thinks differently than you do.

And yet a monkey will shape a stick or a rock to be the way they need it to get their job done. Is that unnatural?

Shaping metals is just a more advanced form of the same process.

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No but sticks and rocks ARE, monkeys barely at all modify them, they may sharpen an edge down on a rock here or there or flint it but otherwise said natural elements are not notably modified, they still exist in their natural state…

So your point is, the Forsaken and Orcs was smarter then monkeys and made more advanced tools to get their job done.

So my original statement still stands.

Nature happened because the law of nature is the smart and strong will always come ahead of the weak and stupid. What happened that day was the law of Nature.

I’m sorry that the elves was stupid like Monkeys and decided to live in a tree.

First off, you’d need temperatures in excess of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. You know what else runs at those temperatures? LAVA.

So you’d need machines that can accurate throw LAVA across a distance of probably at least a half mile if not further. Which means you’d need ways to keep that lava from falling apart and scattering everywhere.

You’d also need containers that can withstand temperatures ABOVE 1500 degrees, and yet capable of breaking on impact.

When you stop to look at it scientifically, it falls apart. FAST.

Ok, so the wood is soaked in sodium. For all intents and purposes, due to its mass and age, it would be considered pressure treated wood. One of the major aspects of pressure treated wood is its durability. It isn’t meant to burn, and in fact burning it can be fatal. It is far more tolerate to heat than normal wood is, so you’d need much hotter temperatures.

Yes, 1500 degrees would do it. But … that is also lava. Which means you’d need something that lava could NOT burn but which would be able to break on impact.

Oh, and the chief way to get rid of forest fires near bodies of water is to dump sea water on it. The salt may be corrosive, but it does succeed at putting the fires out.

You CAN burn sea water, but this requires specific frequencies of sound which has to be maintained. In short, “more advanced” than what Azeroth would logically have.


Tools don’t make a law of nature ,nature doesn’t care for how smart or weak you maybe it is it’s own. A person can be smart and be so dumb in handling explosives but nature will take him and save the weaker person next to him.

That would be survival of the fittest, also referred to as Social Darwinism, which WOULD apply in a natural environment, however there is a reason most psychologist agree it doesn’t and SHOULDN’T exist among beings of higher societal sentience. For instance if a man was left more money as an heir whereas someone else got nothing and ended up homeless would one call THAT survival of the fittest? Neither one of these people CHOSE where they ended up or what resources were available to them.

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There’s a huge hole in your theory. A tree that size would survive any fire. It’s bark is literal meters thick. Even if you burn the foliage it will regenerate from the well of eternity of something.

Try to burn down a living redwood or sequoia and watch it laugh at you. Some monster trees actually require forest fires to spread their seeds. I won’t belabor it, just a magical living spelled up tree would not burn under any circumstance. Isolated fires perhaps, but not a total loss.

TL;DR: Bad writing for that game of throne gotcha moment.


Not necessarily. You’d need something that could reach that temperature after breaking. You could have two (or more) otherwise stable substances that react violently when mixed in separate subcompartments in the ammunition. When the projectile hits, it shatters and the substances mix.

There’s a limit to what they can survive though. A lot of them have issues where we’ve prevented natural fires from occurring for much longer than normal. When those fires do get started, they kill even the adapted trees because there’s significantly more brush built up so it burns hotter and longer.

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The reason why you have to talk about Sodium, Sea Water, and wood that has been soaked in sea water is that the properties change.

Sodium by itself requires 1500 degrees to burn. When you’re talking sea water, burning it takes different tactics. Sonic vibrations, maintained at a specific frequency, can keep seawater burning for as long as the sound waves are emitted.

Living wood soaked in seawater, which in and of itself is kind of questionable due to the corrosive nature of saltwater, would be extremely hard to burn. But not impossible.

So, one can’t just cite sodium without looking at how sodium interacts with what its attached to.

Funny thing, the laws of physics isn’t necessarily the same across all planes of reality. In fact there is much discussion going on currently that if we was to visit an anti-matter universe the laws of physics as we know them would be completely reversed. Without knowing the full make-up of what the universe of Azeroth is in, we can’t possibly understand what physical laws there is in place. The burn temperature of the wood can be vastly different.

Ok, you have a point. Certain chemicals are fine until combined. But, this is just sodium that burns at that level.

Sodium, Sea Water and Sea water soaked wood have different chemical properties. So you have to think about that.

It’s still, from a scientific standpoint, so far fetched that it really only works because of the classic handwave, “It’s Magic!”

But you have to remember we are making references to our laws on our world not Azeroths the laws of physics is different there because of magic which you just mention is based on frequencies,this is would subject the atmosphere to a different type of principle.


Well the more you know. I’ve always heard that controlled burns are better because of buildup but I never put it together that could be why. Makes all the sense in the world though, I think if the human race could figure out how to sustain forests while utilizing the “waste” buildup we’d be in a much better place in the world. Watched a video about loggers where they explained culling the smaller trees made the rest grow bigger. I’m such an ecology nerd.

I like how we said the same thing to different people lol.

While there is truth to that, so long as the heart of the tree isn’t damaged, it can recover. It may take centuries, but a large enough tree can survive intense forest fires. They’ve found trees they thought were dead, but upon closer inspection, they found small sprouts pushing out from the dead exterior.

Trees are durable and killing one permanently takes effort.

Guess it called like mindness.

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Well I won’t argue with you there, it’s pretty hard to establish good precedent in a world where “a wizard did it” is an acceptable excuse. Maybe the fire cannons were super spelled up too? It can keep going like that.

Or the laws of physics again are different. How far an object can be propelled with X amount of force could be vastly different. Unless someone was to test Azeroths laws to figure this out. We can’t really know.

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This is true I’ve seen it myself the tree was completely burn by lightning though the thing was dead but load and behold it sprouted leaves and branches. Nature is wonderful.