Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Maybe be smart enough not to live in a giant tree in the future?

Maybe we should just kill all the Forsaken to be on the safe side. After all, if there hadn’t been any Forsaken, none of this would ever have happened.

Orcs too.


Of course,they would but to prevent it from happening again what would you think they can do? And what would the society be like use your imagination.

Make the tree and World Tree Ancient of War! Mobile treehouse.


That would be amazing.

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Well If they was to live on a giant tree again. I imagine they would probably build some sort of protective barrier around it or some protective wards against fire. The Tree itself would probably have defensive buildings on the edges of the tree to attack any invaders. They would adapt to make it so they could use the tree as a defense, and a offensive tool. Possibly even find a way to make it mobile using druidic magic.

Yea a few barrels of Deux Ex Machina.

Votes for Night Elves as super stupid

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Third answer. They were the victims of a War Crime. From a logical standpoint, considering how THICK that wood is, and the fact its surrounded by that much water … the ability to make it burn to the core is nothing short of a plot induced weapon.


Any of the threats from the past and future could have done the same thing. Azeroth is always under threat. This event was inevitable. The elves was dumb for not preparing for it.

What about the Azerite Munitions farmed from the earth by Goblins and machine crafted into catapult ammunition was “natural”? I DID point out in my earlier post that we see SEVERAL things in Teldrassil that should at least set small swathes of the tree on fire but don’t, thus why would normal catapults firing normal flaming projectiles burn it down, especially when sea water containing salt would practically make the tree imflammable by raising the temperature the wet salted wood of the trunk would need to even burn? How did normal catapults even fire that far? None of THAT was natural…

Plus I’d like to point out that Alexstrasza blessed the tree, meaning they burned down a magical tree that had withstood YEARS of Demons and Fel fire wandering around it with catapults that could not and should not have reached the tree and burned it, unless Azerite is like Greek fire to magical trees…

Actually Deus Ex Machina applies more toward the good guys being bailed out. The only bit of that was how much of the city they were able to evacuate.

This is more the opposite, where the bad shouldn’t have been able to win, but they won anyway.

Diabolus ex Machina. Where thing suddenly, for no consistent or logical reason, make things worse for the good guys and better for the villains.


Sounds natural to me. It came from nature right? Then a creature from nature the Goblins used the natural thing to create a tool.

Fixed it for you.

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With machines… and then launched said ammunition… with machines… nothing about this is “natural” or even remotely “Sensical” even by in-game universe science standards…

Salt burns of because of sodium ,if it is at a high temperature and In fact it burns very well. If the tree burned as it was the temperature would’ve been so high is would burn sea water.

Those machines was made from what again? Those machines was no more unnatural then a hammer.

Lat time I checked most animals can’t farm metals or even use tools to build complex contraptions… unless you can show me a Chimpanzee or Dolphin building a working catapult and mining metal that was a really really nonsensical and stupid statement…

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Every living being is an animal, just because a chimpanzee isn’t as intelligent as the more sentient life doesn’t make the more sentient life forms tools unnatural. They are simply more advanced. They still come from a place of nature. It’s only unnatural if we are somehow creating something from nothing. Which would be more along the lines of the use of magic.

The catapults was made from Wood and metal, all natural resources. So no different from the hammer.

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Yes but say it with me now: “Metal tools do not exist in NATURE!”. You cannot go out and farm a metal tool, OR the parts you make a machine from, nothing about those machines are natural, they are fabricated from materials (processed purified metals) which do not exist naturally in the natural order, they are then molded into a shape and function they DID NOT HAVE in the natural world… get the point?