Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Unless it had a accelerator added like azeorite.

Maybe we should ‘pin the tail’ on worgens.

You know when I step in azeorite. It heals me doesn’t burn me.

Tell that to flyn. He nearly blow myself up with it.


Sure, but again. Druids and mages and Shaman oh my. There is no way the tree didn’t have these things to protect it. We’ve been in the Alliance for 15 years.

The mages among the night elves also should have been able to make portals fine.

So. Bad writers. Bad devs.

They’re the problem cause it doesn’t make sense that it happened.

I love how when Alliance are stupid, it’s the writers fault. But the horde get the blame for everything and not the writers.

The horde have a Warchief who because of their history would have been killed before this began.

Bad writers bad devs.

I play both sides. Devs are bad at this both ways.


Sure but most that did stayed behind were dead already or stayed in good faith that Elune would protect them. we as rescuers didn’t die of burning but were knock out by lack of oxygen.

That’s not how this works… You don’t send everyone and you don’t have absolutely no back up plan. Also the fleet sent to Silithus returned… We had plenty of troops.

Bad writers bad devs.

If you look at real life, there’s a shared theme where eventually everyone starts to hate nature.

Why? I think it’s because nature likes to screw with us.

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You just made me think of this lol.


Wrong. It is humanity that has screwed with nature and made a mess out of things.

Humanity is just reaping what it has been sowing for centuries.

Oh geesh,come on now.

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That is a stretch, I have yet to see anyone seriously blame fictional characters for the writing in the game (not counting RP).

As for myself, I blame the writers for all actions of NPCs.


I would say just trash writing. A specialty coming from blizzard.


Nope pretty sure there is tons of people that just blame Sylvanas and refuse to believe it was the writers.

LOL. Dig in deeper. Evolution is not about sacrifice for a cause, nor about a ladder of advancement.


Tell you the truth it’s not bad written story it’s a "what if"but most people don’t dive into those type of stories too often because it messes with what we take as sensible reality .

Going to miss the giant tree as a home. Was a cool fantasy theme. Was especially cool that it was monstrous enough to have it’s own zone on top of it.

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Except, when you cull the stupid people from the gene pool. You are left with a slightly higher average IQ for future gene pools. If you keep culling the stupidest of the group the average IQ will just keep increasing.

Getting rid of the tree only helps your society though. It’ll greatly reduce your suicide rates. You know how many people jumped off that tree?