Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Well, not so much of an abomination as it was not blessed. They used their magics to grow it, without the blessings the older World Trees received. That doesn’t make it an abomination automatically.

Now, the one up in Northrend, that one was corrupted even before it grew to its full size. That one was an abomination.

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I just wish they would let us like go back on it atleast. Only way rn is with classic unless I’m missing something. I used to hang out in teldrassil all the day. :cry:

You are saying it wasn’t a bad idea because of a race that came along after the fact. Btw if that is what you mentioned is bad writing the Draenei themselves are a bit of bad writing. Having something like spaceships in the setting is kind of… It completely imbalances the “Faction” war thing making the entire point of warcraft a bit dumb.

I think if you talk to the bronze dragon in the zone, he can reset time so you can go back to the zone.

There are other zones that have the same mechanic.

It should look like a speech bubble on the map.

EDIT: I may be wrong, so if you go to test it, make sure the zone is alliance controlled

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Tyty I’ma try that rn. :heart_eyes::slight_smile:

Just have them inhabit Hyjal, one of my favorite zones so it would be nice to see it completely restored.

Well, it looks like this thread has kind of petered out save for dex continually and actively bashing on Alliance. Which has grown older than my grandma by now. And she’s been dead for over half my life.

So … I’m going to mute the thread and go make me some peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I use natural peanut butter. Healthier than normal store bought.

Ingredients: Peanuts, Salt

One benefit of where I live. Getting “healthy” food like that is a LOT easier!

Well I mean, I wouldn’t bash the alliance if they didn’t exist. You now know the solution.

You have little tree then big tree.
Big tree was flammable.
Shouldnt ha ve been

Are you saying wood shouldn’t be flammable?

Not all wood is flammable. Particularly large trees are resistant to burning. They may blacken from the heat but wont catch flame.

You have something there the tree is still standing.

Cthulhu…H.P. Lovecraft must have been crazy…

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That is called hardwood, and it’s flammable it just takes a bit more to get it to burn. But once it burns it burns for a long long long time also gives out a considerable amount of heat. Honestly the tree should still be burning given the size of the thing.

Not always. the Baobab is one of the most fire retardant trees and even when it does burn, it does not burn long.

I suppose, but that is a bit different that’s one of those trees thats adapted to live in extremely hot areas isn’t it? Like Africa and such. I don’t think Tedrassil is really a tree in a location which was forced to adapt to such extreme temps. It’s location was probably rather cool given that it was surrounded by water.

There are a few trees that grow in cooler climates that are still resistant to burning.
Teldrassil is MASSIVE, and its a blessed tree.
Really it shouldnt have burned.

It was just blessed against corruption, I don’t think the blessing was of fire resistant nature was it? I will have to look into that.

I thought it was just blessed by Alexstrasza to be a strong lively tree.’

My other question is…how did those trebuchet’s fire so far!?

Just because something is flammable doesn’t mean you have to set it on fire.