Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

I guess it would depend on how a “cure” would alter me. Would I have to give up intelligence to be better socially? Would I no longer have the memory I pride myself on? There’d be a lot to consider. I’d probably pass on a cure.

I think they’re most likely the type of person that can’t be alone with their thoughts. It’s pretty common. I’ve known people that can’t go more than a week as a single person, before they jump back into a relationship. A lot of folks are built that way…the opposite of me.


Can we stop calling it A TREE? Its a World Tree, and yes there is a monumental difference. Teldrassil isn’t just any old run of the mill tree. That thing housed thousands of people and animals, an entire city and MORE. Blessed by Alexstrasza too. Bad writing ty. :writing_hand: Probably my favorite place too but gone now :frowning: .


Its because they’re extroverts, and we are introverts.

Don’t judge me too harshly but, if there was a way to “cure” it, I would give it to my brother. He is on the severe end, and I fear for his future.

Its a tree.

Ah, Introverts Unite! We’ll talk. Later. When we have the energy. Is that cool?

And yeah … it’d depend on the risks. But the fact he saw it as a disease to simply cure … I’d be a hard pass.

Especially since I’ve found ways to make it work for me. It’s not pleasant, but I’ve found a trick that lets me, for a time, shut off my emotions and look at things from a completely analytical standpoint. I hate doing it, but I CAN.


Hey, quick question. What is the last word in World Tree?

IF the answer is Tree, then it was a tree.

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True. It’s about as much a Tree as I am a Titan.

And looking down my pants … that’s not very Titanic if you ask me!

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It was not just an ordinary, tree, you wacked-out worgen. lol it was an EXTRAORDINARY tree. :smiley:

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Yes its a tree but its a “World” Tree!! There is a big distinction just like cat and big cat. One is a house cat, the other an apex predator who can kill humans and eat them like the tiger. Don’t get it twisted now.

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From a different thread but because we talking about 2020 and introverts. I think I should use this quote from a thread I made a long time ago. I wonder if this person is regretting this comment? Because my god does it apply today lolol.

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May a tree sniff your rear as u pass by. heh heh heh

Then you have Cats that are both. I mean, have you ever seen a Savannah Cat?

I’d never consider them a good house pet. But there are folks who love them. And there are states they’re legal. Friend of mine wants to get one. Except he can’t afford the thousands of dollars, JUST to buy one.

EDIT: Wrong cat. Not the Serval, the Savannah Cat.

Big tree.

Cats and tigers are the same thing just a different scale.

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It’s still a tree, and a cat is still a cat. Honestly that house cat if it was out in the wild would be a predator as well. Literally the only difference is the size. The make-up of it is the same. Just like the tree versus the super large tree. The make up is the same. A tree is made of wood, and just like witches… Wood both floats and burns.

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Just gonna leave this here. Yeah a cat is a cat. But we make distinctions i.e. the big cats. The island was only an extension of the true Teldrassil… a titanic tree filling most of the land rising so high, the top vanished in the clouds. Its branches were so vast that they dwarfed some kingdoms. The thick crown could have housed an entire civilization — and did. ”- from the wiki.

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And yet, it was still a tree made of wood and leaves and can burn just like any other tree. Making it monumentally stupid to live on it.

Get outta here with your logic mr. MECHAgnome.

Had to make the joke about cats.

But yeah … even though the outer layer was burnt … the tree is far from dead. So long as the heart is intact, the chances of the tree recovering are good. Considering its SIZE this may take centuries for it to be habitable again.

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Well if we’re going to get technical, it’s actually an abomination.

Why would you decide to live on a tree again after learning how stupid it was to do so in the first place.

Maybe because you put a lot of effort into it in the first place and its where you have decades of memories?

Just like why would a person go back to a home that was half burned down and restore it. Too many bad memories.

Teldrassil was not a bad idea. It was killed due to incompetent writers who couldn’t even account properly for the existence of the Draenei in the area.

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