Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Intelligence =/= genetically linked

Autism = genetically linked

Autistic =/= intelligent

Don’t conflate the two any further thanks.

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Not exactly true, Savantism is a trait of Autism.

Nearly all the most brilliant people was Autistic.

Cool, that means nothing.

Even if ALL savant’s were autistic, it does not mean every autistic individual is a savant.
Nor does being a savant automatically suggest you are high intelligence.

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Like I said, “Smart, yet stupid.”

Let’s see … some of his skills (that I personally know about, I’m sure he did other things).

Crazy things with ham radio.
Chemicals (blew up several toilets)
Electronics (he wired together memory chips to get more memory)
Programming (up to binary)
Web site design
Built computers (and did the kind of repairs that would scare most modern day nerds)
Did all sorts of crazy things in “fixing” little toy robots.
Built remote controlled airplanes & boats.
Was on good terms with the Mongols at one point.

And this is just stuff I personally know he did. Very colorful life. Everything he did he excelled at. A genius. Never recognized. Arrogant beyond belief. One of the biggest bigots I’ve ever known. Severe temper issues.

Yeah … talk about a mixed bag.

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No but it does mean Savant is in part genetic. So intelligence of that level is in part genetic.

Well,until there is medical proof here i’m not commenting nor arguing on it .

It means it MAY be genetic.
Even then, a savant is not inherently intelligent, just gifted in certain things.
Playing the Piano at a professional level =/= intelligent
Intelligence is not a uniform measurement

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Sounds like he was a war with himself.

Yeah,sounds like a genus.

I will grant you that. Although It would be curious to examine a line of savants to see if they share the same type of talent be it intelligence or art. Pretty much the end of that side conversation though.

I wouldn’t argue that point.

And what did I get from him?

High Functioning Autism, ADHD, Depression.
Bad Eyesight
Minor case of Scholiosis
Possible heart problems when I get older
And depending on your views, a lot of his brains.

EDIT: The autism … they confirmed there was ‘something damaged in my head’ when I was young. But the understanding of autism at the time was non-existent. It was a time when they still tried to force you to write with your right hand.


I can hang you by your legs!



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What do you mean? Like you are good at the same things he was?

Me, it seems my talents run in the empathic line which screws up my emotions a lot because many times, when I think the emotions are mine, I find out later that I was feeling someone else’s when they would confide in me.

Doesn’t being a empath suck. Although a sadistic person could find a way to make it enjoyable.

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Empathy can be a good thing, but it can also be a pain in the keister. A person can be too empathic and unable to distance themselves from the person and say “yes, you’re an idiot. Here’s why.”

Because sometimes, what they need isn’t someone who can sympathize with them, but someone who will straight up say it like it is.


And bit you’re a nature lover and animals come to you out of no where.

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Ah, yes. I can relate to that.

My problem is I learn at a slower pace than the average person, but it doesn’t make me stupid. Once I do learn, I tend to want to share what I learned with others who are struggling too.

For your amusement … I actually have surprised people with how animals let me do things that they won’t tolerate anyone else doing. Went to see my sister recently. Her dog, Thor, “be careful, he’s real temperamental.”

Within like 30 seconds his tail is wagging happily and he’s letting me pet him all over.

My sister is “That’s not normal for him.”

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Honestly, I don’t think the rate you are capable of learning is a full marker of your intelligence. But rather the amount of information you are able to retain. You could learn things super fast for a short period of time, but how intelligent are you really if that information is lost in a equally short period of time as it takes to learn it.

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