Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

This doesn’t sound like a diagnosis of autism. Or a diagnosis of any kind. Were you tested formally?

That’s an issue many can’t comprehend. Just because a person is taking more time to process something it doesn’t mean they’re stupid. They may be chewing on the information as well as the next ten steps beyond that.

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While a masochist beats themselves up for what they perceive themselves as being stupid.

I was. They didn’t know what the ‘damage’ was. I was in special ed in 6th grade. Again, they didn’t know what was wrong. Just that I wasn’t functioning properly upstairs.

It was decades later, unrelated doctor, who said I had the signs. I agreed to have them test me. Been learning how to cope and function for a number of years now. No cure for it. All you can do is learn safe ways to cope with it.

Agreed. The reason why I started becoming a bit mean the older I get.

The reason why I chose night elf balance druid. It suits my nature.

I figured My mom was the same ,even though she had a hard time relating to others around her because of a brain injury when she was young ,animals just pop out of nowhere and just walk up to her. It was weird.

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Interesting, I never really ever considered autism a form of brain damage. Although maybe the damage caused the autism as your brain tried to find new ways of doing things so developed in a similar path a autistic brain does. Focusing more on the left or was it right… side of thinking. I want to say it’s left…

Human brain is a fascinating thing.

Reason why I failed college. :frowning:

I do know that commenting on the fact I live with Autism … some will see it as a way to attack me. But you know what, this isn’t the first time I’ve commented on it. I live with it, some days are better, some days are worse. But, I’m moving forward, one day at a time. IT’s all we can do.

The ADHD, the depression … those things can be treated. The Autism … I just have to cope with it.


I’m aware. I’m also a high-functioning autistic; that’s why I asked. Growing up in the 80s, I was out of high school by the time they caught my autism and tested me. Then it finally made sense why I was so terrible at social interactions and why I obsess over details and such. It’s a terrible feeling knowing something’s wrong for years but not being able to put your finger on it, which is why I got worried you didn’t get a diagnosis.

Schools do it all wrong if you ask me. They need to adapt based on the student and have ways to test what they learned based on the student as well. I don’t know. I just think it’s weird they measure intelligence by how fast you learn something. Because there is tons of really stupid people out there that can learn something for a short period of time just long enough to mimic it then they forget it. Heck monkey’s can do that.

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Where did you find a doctor that was actually willing to just diagnose you without full school records? I personally was tested but not actually diagnosed because they didn’t want to without my school records. My daughter however they diagnosed as high functioning. Getting a diagnoses as an adult freaking is hard.

Yeah. And it took years of therapy before I found a safe way to cope.

And it was literally like the light went on in my brain. I discussed the idea with my therapist. They appreciated the fact I discussed it. Because bad coping mechanisms can make things worse.

Of course what works for me won’t work for everyone. But, I found a solution. Which doesn’t always work. But … its better than I was.

For me, its therapy and social interaction … uh wait, stay inside, wear a mask when you go outside … staying stable is a bloody mess right now!


Understandably, :wink:

She tested me after years of therapy with the same therapist and a trip to a neurologist that set up the test. I’m sure there were school records. Like I was in advanced classes yet wearing velcro shoes (I couldn’t tie them until 13) and in speech class.

The worst part is trying to explain things as my brain sees it. Most people just cannot grok the concept. Because its so foreign. Its just something so illogical that they say it can’t be real.

Same thing with Savants. They just don’t make any sense. They shouldn’t be “that” good. The list of comments goes on and on.

Ah, for me I didn’t finally go into the doctor until my 30’s because I kept fighting the fact that I might have something of a disability. So no school records. They call them permanent records but they lie. They actually only keep them for about 4 years. lol.


I was suspected of having it by the mother in law. Turns out, I am just a weirdo.


My doctors suspect I have it, but none of them want to actually just give the diagnosis without the school history it’s so damn annoying. Why do they need to know how you was as a child so damn bad to figure it out. Can’t they just look at my brain or something.