Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Eugenics is not a thing. Stop.

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The guy that was born in 1887? Autism wasn’t widely tested back then. Or understood. But here let me show you a few articles that suggests he may have been




And many more.

Cool. How does that prove your original statement that culling stupid people improves the intelligence of offspring? Let’s not forget what we’re discussing. I brought up savants because they can pop up anywhere at any time from any type of parent and create a super intelligent person.

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We are confronted with tests from all sources ,good or bad,how we fair from them is ours choices. like a puzzle what do we pick and where does it go ,how does it fit our lives. Nightelves had done them for thousands of years,even though some past in the burning they live on ,a true test of resolve.

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It just proves your assertion of that particular person being proof of it not being the case. Isn’t accurate. Considering his intelligence was actually a genetic trait. It could be replicated or saved if the line was preserved.

If it has nothing to do with the topic Why did you bring it up? Is it suddenly not the topic just because I provided evidence you are wrong?

Exactly. My father was a genius. Bar none. He was good at many things, I mean, really good. But he was never visibly recognized as a genius. Because he was also a narcissist. Kinda kept people from liking him. And I say that as his son!

And you know what kind of upbringing he had? A drunkard father. Brothers and sisters, all of whom had issues with alcoholism, they LIVED through the days of the cotton farms.

“sure, we’ll give you an advance on next week’s salary”, followed up with “no, you can’t leave until you pay off the advance”.

So yeah … there’s more to it than just genetics. He had one messed up set of siblings, and simply dabbled with things over the years, all of which he excelled at, but he never committed himself to going anywhere with these skills. When he finally had a chance to commit and become a Name, his arrogance wouldn’t let him.

So yeah … there’s more to genius than just genetics.

EDIT: He also died, unrecognized, a nobody. It’s a shame his intelligence was never properly recognized.


This is not a thing stop saying it.


You can’t replicate a savant. He wasn’t born from his parents and his relatives passing along a mythical smart gene. Do you even know what you’re arguing at this point?

Yes and according to Dexterworgen, I just have been one of those to die because I lack intelligence. lol

Nah,your smart you LIVE! :wink:

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But it is a thing. Dislike it all you want but, his savant trait came from his autism. Which is genetic.

it isn’t a thing. There is no scientific study that supports it.
At all.

Gee … who else espoused such a view? That the weak should be culled so the Master Race can be born?

Yes … I know. I know. I went there.

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Is it live or is it Memorex? :wink: lol


By the way, they still don’t know if autism is genetic, so you didn’t even get that right. They’ve theorized it’s genetic. They haven’t proven it.

lol I’ve been told so many times by so many people that I am smart but I tend to disagree cause if I really was, I would be in a better living state than I am.

I’ve made so many stupid decisions in the past and can’t figure out where the hell my brain was at the time. Go figure

Now i feel :confounded:

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You can be smart and still make the biggest mistakes. My father. Above.

Built and flew remote controlled airplanes.

One such plane, “It’s perfect, it’ll fly!”
My mom “Let me get a picture before its maiden flight!”
My father, “Don’t be such a worry wart!”
She got a picture, after its maiden flight. Both wings broken.

And this was a guy who programmed at the binary level.


Jinxed! lol


Seems to be pretty common on the females in my family line. Most prevalent when there is twins. Which also happens in my family line. Twins however skips generations in my family. I have spoken to my psychiatrist and doctors about this at length and they have told me there is multiple studies which suggest autism can indeed be a genetic trait. Was one of the first things my doctors tested for with both me and my daughter when we started going because of social anxiety… They did this because of the family history provided. If it’s not genetic why would they go there first due to family history? And why would a actual doctor say it’s likely due to genetics. If it’s not a thing. Excuse me but I trust my medical professional over you a random forums dude any day.